
Colorful Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend!

Kate Middleton (aka Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge; Princess Catherine), Jessica Simpson, and Katie Holmes have illustrated one very important trend in the jewelry world via their drop dead gorgeous engagement rings…fancy colored diamonds are a girl’s best friend!

While colorless diamonds have been a staple in relation to beautiful baubles for decades; the crème-de-la-crème of royalty, celebrities, aristocrats, and high society stunners have oftentimes foregone the simplicity of clear diamonds in favor of more unique-colored gems – from yellow diamond wedding rings and natural pink diamond engagement rings to natural colored diamond jewelry. This stylish seal of approval from Hollywood has boosted the popularity of these rainbow-colored creations, placing them at the tip top of the fashionable set’s wish list. Myself included.

Though utterly brilliant to look at, what I find most captivating about fancy colored diamonds is the meanings behind each haute hue. Pink Diamonds are indicative of Rare, Eternal Love. Yellow Diamonds signify a Joy of Nature. Blue Diamonds reflect Ancient Wisdom. Green Diamonds are a show of Natural Growth. Red Diamonds are the rarest of all, and symbolize Unique Passion.

I’m partial to Pink and Blue Diamonds myself. Which fancy colored diamond tickles your fancy?

Thanks to Hyde Park Jewelers for the picture.

FTC Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Diamond Colors. All opinions expressed therein are my own.


ellie said...

Oh, how sweet. Good to know the info! I think pinks and yellows would be on my list.

ivy's closet said...

That red is amazing! Great post!

mazzy may said...

Oh so lovely. The blue diamonds are amazing.

Unknown said...

I am definitely doing a pink diamond (I forget the name of it - I think it's actually a pink sapphire or something!)

Carolyna's world said...

love diamonds :-)

thefashionistachic said...

I have never thought of having colorful diamonds, but after reading your post they do sound quite appealing. I will be adding to my bucket list. Thanks for the suggestion.

Couture Carrie said...

I need a pink diamond stat!


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

So pretty! I adore the blue!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend, Erika!

Sherin said...

I recently received my first diamond ring from my father, and I understand why they're a girl's best friend. I definitely need some coloured diamonds now.

Unknown said...

I wish I can afford ANY of them!!!! Love diamonds!! ofcourse!!!!

have a great weekend:)

EDGYMIX-Travel for Fashion”

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I actually really like morganite, it looks gorgeous with rose gold!

Camille said...

I love pink diamonds! I actually want a pink diamond engagement ring when I'm older (I'm only 17!)!


Anonymous said...

These look so amazing. I think pink is the color I'd go with.

lucy and sarah said...

These are awesome. Great colors to choose from.

Mimi said...

i have been dreaming of a yellow diamond ring ever since i was 10 years old, haha! and from time to time, i look at yellow diamond rings on the tiffany's website... it's sooooo beautiful! :)

<3, Mimi
Win 3 kinds of truffles from The Madelaine Chocolate Company! :)

Nikolett said...

I had no idea that the different colours symbolized different things; reminds me of roses, in a way. I love the pink and blue ones as well; they seem a bit more subtler, but still overall very beautiful. Hope you have a fabulous weekend :)

Paulina said...

Have a nice weekend!

Ewelina said...

The red one <3

Street Fashion Paris said...

Love the green!!! I am the big fan of green!!! xxx

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