
NOTD: ZOYA Classic Leathers Fall 2022 Nail Lacquer Collection in Sylva

Two coats of ZOYA Nail Polish in Sylva. Dark Teal Creme.

A problematic polish fact? There is simply not enough teal in lacquer collections. #isaidwhatisaid

Sylva is a bold dark teal creme that brings Fair Isle knitwear, marshmallow-topped hot cocoa, and skiing in the Swiss Alps to mind. This one could easily have been a OCW, but I added a second layer to bolden up the color, and it built beautifully! Loving this beauty paired with, perhaps, a silver accent nail. If you want to add a unique touch to your vampy varnish collection, do not sleep on this bad boy!


Disclaimer: Cat Eyes & Skinny Jeans occasionally receives vendor/ brand sponsorships for mentioning their products and services.


Ivy's Closet said...

Definitely, a go-to color for me! Awesome!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Looks like a great formula!

ellie said...

Love this! I wonder if they make it in a quick dry?

Better Left Unsaid said...

So good to see!

Hollyn'Stevie said...

Oh, I want this! Wonderful!

The Book Group said...

So beautiful! Great results❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Book Group said...

So beautiful!

R's Rue said...

Love this color.

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