
Around the World in 80 Days

Oh, mes amours, it has taken some time, but I am finally coming to terms with the fact that no, I will not be going anywhere fabulous for the summer. My travel plans will be made up of awaking in my stuffy bedroom and moving quickly to the crowded living room where I will study for the CLEP College Algebra Exam; work on various articles; and blog. The usual, of course. Thus, since I will not be traveling to any exotic locales, I have decided to invest in tiny trinkets that will make me feel as if I’m seeing the world in 80 days. How, precisely, will I go about doing this, you ask? Easy. Via the delicate, antique-inspired Destination Charm Necklaces from the fashionably fabulous Urban Outfitters.

Twenty-inch chain necklaces made of brass, tin casting, and nickel; sporting lobster clasps, and a small mix of charms inspired by the destination in question – Paris, Venice, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, and California, the Destination Charm Necklaces are an affordable way to feed the world traveler burning within; while adding a subtle blast of sparkle to your throat.

Paris Lovelies, I will tell you the truth right now…though I have never been to Paris physically, through the amount of research and reading I have completed about the la ville de lumière, mentally, I have been there hundreds, possibly thousands of times. I’ve strolled through the Menagerie at the Jardin des Plantes; bought fresh flowers, fruits, and vegetables at the Marche Aligre; danced the night away at Le Batofar; and sipped coffee at Jardin de L’Internet. Four charms dangle from the Paris Destination Charm Necklace – the Eiffel Tower, a French token, a fleur de lis, and a piece of brass with a beautiful inscription – la bonne vie. Oui, it truly is the good life.

Amsterdam Aside from a brief obsession with clogs back in the second grade, and poring over a book about how the Dutch celebrate holidays in the fifth, I know little to nothing about Amsterdam. The four quaint little charms found on the Destination Amsterdam Necklace make me desperate to learn more. The tulip emblazoned token makes me long for a day of sightseeing along the Jordaan, an entire neighborhood devoted solely to plants and flowers. The whimsical windmill has me ready to embark on a tour of all eight of Amsterdam ’s windmills – from the De Otter to the De 1200 Roe – and everything in between. The chic clog brings to mind the countless hours I could spend shopping upon De Negen Straatjes. And the kissing boy and girl? An obvious indication that romance is sure to be found while dining at Bakkerswinkel or listening to live music at Bitterzoet.

Venice The first week of August marks the date when a friend of mine will depart for Umbria, a quaint little region of central Italy where she will spend two weeks vacationing in a villa fit for a queen. To the West is Tuscany , a location known for its tempting food and wine. To the East is Marche, aptly nicknamed “the new Tuscany.” To the South is Lazio, the region of Rome best known for its many parks and lakes. On a daily basis, she will indulge in many of the things played out in the four Venice charms – shopping, a la the boot-shaped charm which represents the la vita italiana; a gondola with a little gondolier to row her and a beau about St. Mark’s on a romantic, moonlit night; a pretty poppy representative of jaunts about Giardinetti Reali; and a single scripted word – amore. Sì, you simply can’t help but love la bella vita italiana.

London I won’t place blame regarding my love of London on the temptations of Harrods, or Selfridges. I won’t point fingers at the late ethereal Princess Di, or a slight crush on the rosy-cheeked Prince Harry. No, my true passion for the British speaking country lies in literature. In the romantic tales written by the hand of Jane Austen, in the kitschy stories told by the sassy Sophie Kinsella. Through their words I have piddled around Picadilly Circus; stood about Buckingham Palace waiting for the Changing of the Guards to take place; spun around on the London Eye for hours upon hours, as I observe the entire city; spent quiet afternoons in Kent; indulged in noisy evenings at Mahiki. The Destination London Necklace captures all this and so much more – the Queen’s Guard; the detailed rose; the tea pot and saucer; Big Ben…these four charms manage to bring the essentials of London ’s loveliness to life.

California Though my original birthplace is New York City, I have called California my home for quite some time; thus, I feel as if I know it like the back of my hand, and love the tiny tribute to the sunshine state that I can wear about my neck. Unlike the others in the collection, California bears only three charms; though these charms are completely representative of the things California is known for. A heart to recognize the hippie movement that took place in the 60s within the small town of Berkeley , which held fast to the belief of free love; a palm tree to salute the type of no-frills flora that seemingly dots every street corner; and a cutout of California itself to honor the much-loved territory.

Tokyo February 2007. Now and Zen written by Linda Gerber. My infatuation with Tokyo , Japan started during this time. I fell in love with the Imperial Palace East Gardens , shopping in Takeshita-dori and Omotesando, and dining at the bohemian inspired Café Ano. Cherry blossoms became my favorite flower; anime a passion. As such, a part of me is convinced that the Destination Tokyo Necklace was crafted with me in mind. A colored cherry blossom; a lone tatami zori sandal; a flirty Akogeomi; the 5 Tier Pagoda…they are the heart and soul of the exotic district, and bring Tokyo ’s true essence to the forefront.

Where does your dream destination lead you?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Urban Outfitters for the pictures.


Charlotte said...

The one from Paris is très cute! That's definitely my dream destination. And I had to laugh about your clog obsession :P, they're quite ugly :).

Brunch at Saks said...

Beautiful post! I have never been London, but your write up makes me want to pack my bags and go right now! XOXO

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I've been seeing these necklaces, but I've never purchased one. They're so cute though! I would love to take some time to travel. I really want to visit Ireland since I'm Irish. I've never been!

If only Maryland was a cool enough state to get made into a sweet necklace... Haha!

Eliza said...

Oh I love this post! Those necklaces are great. Maybe it sounds very cliché, but my choice would definitely be Paris. There's something about that city that no other can possibly have, in my view :) <3

Arushi Khosla said...

Charm bracelets. A personal favorite. Great picks, as usual. Lovely.

Arushi Khosla said...

PS- Where's the NYC version? :(

Anonymous said...

I have the Paris one & I love it, but the Holland one is adorable

www.janetteria.com said...

OMG! Amazing! Hungary hasn't got Urban Outfitters...I'm really sad... :(


Luinae said...

At the risk of making you hate me, I went to Paris 2 years ago, when I was 12 (My father was doing research there) and it is beautiful. I love making necklaces like this. I choose somewhere, I've been and use charms to creat a fabulous necklace. Great inspiration.

P.S I'm in London and Oxford this summer. I know,hate me!

Nicole Marie said...

oh they're al so cute! but i obviously love the italy one the best :)

DaisyChain said...

amazing jewellery

Haute World said...

Oooh, are these new? I knew UO did the destination charms, but I remember the Paris and London ones only having 3 charms each. In any case, I've been to all these destinations (don't hate me!) and for the longest time I've been wanting the London one, just because it's definitely my favorite out of all these cities - despite having lived in both Amsterdam and now Paris, I couldn't really call either home (and ironically I've never really lived in London, but just spent way too much time there). That Tokyo one is the prettiest though. Oh, and by the way, Inverness is in Scotland, so don't let any Londoner catch you saying that... the English and Scottisch are very sensitive about what belongs in which region ;-)

kknelson2 said...

These are sooo cute! I love the London one! Brings back amazing memories.
Oh Paris...someday I will see you.

Polished Sense said...

Such cute charms for each destination. I think my favorite is Tokyo! Great post Erika!



Monica said...

These are cute charm necklaces. As for my dream destination, I'd have to say Cozumel, Mexico because I'm taking a cruise down there in about two weeks.

All Women Stalker said...

Well written, Erika. I'm stuck in my own city, too. Let's all just dream about going places. *le sigh*


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

My roommate gave me the Venice one for my bday this past spring. I love it! I also like the Amsterdam and Paris ones too.

Cute post!

Couture Carrie said...

These are j'adorable! Loving Cali!


Anonymous said...

I adore this post! I want all of these necklaces! I only wish there was one for New York

Big Dadddy said...

What a fabulous idea, so cute!

iris said...

I gotta go to bed now, but I'll follow you and read this tomorrow:)

xx from Madrid!

The Blonde Duck said...

Did you see any Irish ones? My sister would adore this!

Angela said...

i don't know which one to pick... : )

ana said...

Amazing post!!!! I love to travel
so I need to have them all

zupu said...

Oh I love these all, I have been to Venice, Paris, Tokyo and London but still missing Amsterdam and California :) The Paris necklace is my favorite one of these (also as a city!)
Thanks for a lovely post bella!


So so cute (: I wear an Eiffel Tower pendent (which I did get at the Eiffel Tower, however tacky it might be to buy little souvenirs) everyday and I adore it!

La C.

E said...

Oh the Paris one is most definitely my fave!

Ashley Laramie said...

I love TOKYO :)

Anonymous said...

I've been to all these places (except Tokyo) and i think these would be the cutest things to commemerate my memories. I might actually now go buy a few!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I NEED the London one...I grew up there and I miss it!!

Amelia said...

I love these! I had been obsessed with the Paris one, but I think the London and Tokyo ones are seriously growing on me.

Mom Fashion World said...

these are so precious necklaces!
i love them all!


Nikolett said...

Aw, it's a shame you can't go anywhere physically, but those are such beautiful charms, it makes you want to fly away! I love the Tokyo one, it is adorable. I'm not going away this year either, so I'll daydream with you for these next 80 days haha :)

Unknown said...

those are some really interesting necklaces. i like how they describe a place with just some pendants on a necklace.

sherin said...

Oh my Gosh, I love these. Obviously I'd have to have one for London. And the Paris one is so cute.

tricia said...

Love the necklaces. I love the look of the brass, tin and nickel. I personally would go it the Venice one, so adorable.

miriam said...

wow, these are so gorgeous - i want all of them!

Carole said...

I love the Venice and London ones! So cute! And of course, Cali. Because I'm a Cali girl :]

sisu said...

nice places, most of them was visited by me too and I loved even if I have to live in one of... then I will prefer smallest one but cute like Parma in Italy or Verona, Nantes in France etc... me too I have to stopped in my city, no holiday, so I feel close to you :)
I choise your blog for the title with "cafe" one of my favorite things, and for your long writing that help me to improve my english (now attending upper intermediate class,two time per week)

Bordello said...

Nice! These are jenky cool!!

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