♥Ice, Ice Baby I will not let lactose intolerance stand in my way. I will disregard all thoughts of the damage frozen sugary treats will do to my waistline. And I will cast all worries about brain freezes aside. After years of watching Ina Garten concoct frozen Espresso delights; Paula Deen put together spicy chilled Cinnamon treats; and Katie Lee Joel whip up creamy Caramel-Toffee confections, I have come to the very clear conclusion that the flavors thought up by Ben & Jerry and Haagen-Dazs just aren’t doing it for me anymore. My tastes have matured in a way I never thought possible; and the only way to truly satisfy them is by creating ice cream flavors of my own. Oh, making my own ice cream from scratch certainly sounds like a blast, but I simply don’t have the time to do so; therefore, enlisting the assistance of Perfect Flavor is the only solution to satisfying my sweet tooth. First I’ll start with a base – cheesecake or gelato sound quite appealing – next I’ll add vanilla. A mix-in of hot chocolate, and cookie dough; a cute name for my creation; and voila! An ice cream that suits my tastes to a T!
♥Good Vibrations Four things I cannot live without…mascara, under-eye concealer, lip gloss, and eyeliner. Any other cosmetic is pretty unnecessary to my collection, or so I think; but these four are with me at all times. Of course, it did take me a full three months to grow comfortable with using mascara, and learning how to avoid stabbing myself in the eye with the wand over and over again; but once that bridge was crossed, it was smooth sailing. Now, however, a new bit is available; one that has managed to pique my interest like no other…vibrating mascara. I have never been one to wiggle my mascara wand like the professionals do, but vibrating mascara? Well, it has the power to wiggle the wand for you. Lancome’s Oscillation. Maybelline New York ’s Pulse Perfection. Estee Lauder’s Turbolash. Could it be that the key to beautiful eyes and fabulous lashes lies in the mere push of a button and a few good vibrations?

♥Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear I’m one of those people who are always curious about the history of thrifted items. Who did they belong to? Where did they originally come from? The Significant Objects Project, on the other hand, feeds off of tall tales that accompany old treasures. Thingamajigs purchased at garage sales or thrift stores are then paired with a writer who pens a fictional tale about its history, providing the insignificant whatchamacallit with significance. The piece is then listed on eBay with the accompanying story; the individual who wrote the anecdote receives the proceeds, and Significant Objects? Well, they post the results – how much the item sold for, original prices, stories, photos – on their site for the world to see. Why on earth did I not think this project up myself?
♥Dear Diana It is not often that I lay my eyes upon a jewelry designer’s handiwork, and instantly proclaim… “I need that!” about each and every one of their beautiful baubles. In fact, the last time such behavior took place was when I fell head over heels for the Lola and George line. But it is happening again. Now, I am in love with Diana Warner. Her designs are a blend of New York sophisticate, and saucy simplicity; a juxtaposition formed via a childhood filled with dance classes and sports teams. I need? The Cocktail Ring in Aquamarine. I want? The Buddha Necklace. I love? The Eve Earrings. Dearest Diana you are a jewelry-loving fashionista’s dream!
What were you smitten with this week?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to la couturier, and Bloomingdales for the pictures.
My friend has a vibrating mascara, it's quite funny to see haha :P. And those jewelry from Dear Diana are beautiful!
love the face t! so fun!
the significant objects thing is really cool
and yay for perfect ice cream flavor
Dear Diana pieces are beautiful!
That cocktail ring must be mine!!! SO gorgeous.
Nice post!
I've never tried the vibrating mascara. It always seemed a bit odd to me. Haha! I figured I would make a mess with it.
That first photo makes me realize I need to restock my drawers with pretty new underthings.
And, I too, am always curious about the history of my thrifted items (I just tend to make up my own theories). That Significant Objects Project is such a brilliant idea -- thanks for the heads up!
<3 Kelsey
I like those eco-friendly bags, especially the handcuff clutch. I've never heard of vibrating mascara. I think I would be scared to use it the first time around.
I'm loving the Redhanded bags!
I make them! :D They are super useful and fun to play with.
I'd like to try vibrating mascara as well. I've seen so many ads for it... but I'm not sure if it really makes a difference! Must try it out :)
I've always wanted to try one of those vibrating mascaras.... haha.
Maybe it IS something that's going around....all this crazy spending stuff. Too bad I'm a broke college student too. But we make do!
LMAO@ lactose intolerant comment :)
i am too but only a bit .. i push my limit sometimes tho :( but man do i love my cheeses
I want that Teee...so cute!
The Lancome vibrating mascara is awesome. I bought it last week and it really does do wonders. Oh, and your essentials are identical to mine. Can't understand how ANYONE can get over Ben n Jerries though :P
Lovely post, that shirt is gorgeous! It is on my lust list!!
This week the main thing i was smitten by was ♥the perfect violet dress!
Sweet :)
I love that top photo. Very smokin' hot.
I looove ice cream and I also do it myself when I feel inspired, I even bought the machine although usually I do it by hand as a semifreddo..
Your four most important make-up products are the same as mine and the priority for me is always very good mascara (with lash curlers, it's a must)
Have a lovely sunday farfallina!
I'm terrified to even TRY the vibrating mascara...I just have images in my mind of me scraping my eye balls and dying my baby blues an inky black!!!
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