
Cruisin' Cafes: Washington, DC

Given the fact that one of the last things I would find enjoyable to discuss with someone is politics, I find it rather strange that Washington, DC has always hovered about the top of my list for a desired travel destination. I blame my interest of the nation’s capital upon my adoration of cherry blossoms. I really find that no other flower holds the same sort of femininity as the cheerful and demure cherry blossom; and seeing as how so many events within Washington, DC pay tribute to the pretty pink petals, I can’t imagine a more fabulous place to visit – or sip coffee – than the dapper and dashing DC!

Baked & Wired Give me cupcakes or give me death! Darlings, I know it sounds ever so slightly dramatic, but it’s the absolute truth. How one can even fathom getting through the day without a cutecake in tow is simply out of my realm of imagination; and if you’re looking for the best, look no further than Baked & Wired.

Tucked sedately between stuffy ad agencies, office buildings, and architecture firms, Baked & Wired is a hipster breath of fresh air with charming pink-trimmed picturesque windows that overlook a bustling street and pink painted bike which serves as outdoor décor for the location – situated just a stone’s throw away from the Georgetown canals. While the equivalent of a trendy coffee shop decked out in creations by local artists, and sporting humorous inscriptions upon the walls such as “Tip well or we will play Freebird on loop”; iced soy lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos, although addictive in their own way, are not the main attraction. That title is bestowed upon the cupcakes of which are some of the best you will ever savor. Three of my favorite cutecake flavors proffered to customers? Carrot Cake, Pumpkin, and Strawberry…order one of each, and eat them on site – the atmosphere only adds to the yumminess! 1052 Thomas Jefferson Street NW, Washington, DC 20007.

Tryst Coffee House Bar & Lounge There are very few cafes spotting the planet nowadays that have that jazzy, smoky, beatnik bar ambiance that F. Scott Fitzgerald glamorized so many years ago, literally causing me to scour the earth in search of such a place; and I have found it in Tryst Coffee House Bar & Lounge.

As if the name weren’t enough to lure you in, there are two things that will cause you to arrive and never want to leave: the bohemian aesthetic which makes you feel as if you’ve stepped into another era – one in which someone like Bob Dylan will walk in, pull up a stool, pick up a guitar, and begin strumming along mournfully; and the animal crackers. Yes, animal crackers. For each warm drink you order, animal crackers are an adorable accompaniment – and so perfect for dunking! Kitschy retro snacks aside, however, Tryst is a place with personality galore. Stop in with friends for a quirky afternoon full of cappuccinos sipped while sprawled out in overstuffed couches and chairs; or swing by at night for an evening of veggie burgers, beer, and bluesy jazz enjoyed at the bar. Between the brick walls, tin ceiling, and saggy seating you’ll feel inspired to write the next great American novel – or at least read one. 2459 18th Street NW (between N Belmont Road and N Columbia Road), Washington, DC 20009.

Mid City Caffe Mid City Caffe is one of those hidden gems that you don’t seek out to find, but magically stumble upon on accident, and literally feel as if you’ve been transported into a fairytale – in this case, one in which you’re surrounded by the aromas of spice cake, cappuccinos, and cream cheese frosting.

Located above the hot pink painted Miss Pixie’s Furnishings and Whatnot – a virtual smorgasbord of a shop full of whimsical knickknacks that are cheerful, charming, and unique – and just a short walk from the U Street Farmer’s Market, Mid City Caffe is the preemptive location to take a load off at one of the sidewalk tables after a day of shopping; or simply shoot the breeze with a cute boy over lattes made to perfection and topped with ambrosial designs carved right into the foam. Though perhaps the most charming thing about Mid City Caffe is the cramped yet cozy spirit, so ideal for toiling the day away over a laptop in the company of delectable drinks and desserts. Think of me as you devour a sticky cinnamon bun! 1626 14th Street NW, Second Floor (between N Corcoran Street and N R Street), Washington, DC 20009.

Which of these DC cafes would you like to cruise?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Shawl Talk Giveaway for your chance to win a Charlotte Scarf from The Shawl Shop.


Leah said...

All of these DC coffee shops sounds interesting especially when you describe them with such beautiful words. I want to visit the Tryst Cafe because of the bohemian atmosphere.

Have a great week Erika! Hugs!

Chelsea Finn said...

thanks for your lovely comment! :)

those drinks look absolutly delicious, i could go for some hot chocolate haha

daisychain said...

ooh, sounds wonderful!

Closet Cravings said...

I'm not a coffee gal, but whenever I see tasty hearts in cappuccinos, I wish I was one.

alexkeller said...

you have to go to the capital, do the tourist things, see the sites - it's actually quite fun!

COCAMIA said...

Baked & Wired sounds like it was made just for me!

Daydream Believer said...

Mid City Caffe, because I want to check out that shop below it!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

oh love your pretty cafe posts! mid city caffe looks a great place to visit! xo

grace said...

tryst! one of the things i miss most about dc!

Sherin said...

Mid City Caffe sounds like such an adorable place. I would love to go there one day.

www.janetteria.com said...

WOW those cafes look sooo yummy!


grace said...

which place would i like to visit? that's easy--mid city caffe. i say that for one reason and one reason only--cream cheese frosting. golly, i love that stuff on ANYTHING!

Luana said...

These sound perfect for me!
I am prejudiced though, and anywhere that sells decent cupcakes gets my vote. Unfortunately, cupcakes are not so big in Spain. I see an opportunity for a landslide success here, maybe I'll set up my own little cupcake factory! I'd roll in the big bucks for sure, once I get people here to try them! :3

Taylor Sterling said...

I would say Midtown...I am a sucker for hidden gems and cream cheese :)

Diane said...

how i wish i was sitting in a coffee house right now...and not in my office. *sigh*


Baked & Wired sounds great! Love cupcakes! xoxo


KP said...

all sound so lovely! I need to get to DC more xo

The Blonde Duck said...

I must go to Baked and Wired, as I want to see if I can make them play Freebird on loop and if they'll let me ride the pink bike.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

These posts always make me want a delicious coffee drink right away! lol I am enjoying this new coffee creamer right now actually, the flavor is Vanilla Caramel Brownie and it is amazing! My husband and I are practically obsessed with trying new flavors of coffee creamer! Around the holiday season International Delight and CoffeeMate both come out with amazing choices!

We only have 3 coffee places here in town and they are all run by the same place. They have a few good choices. I enjoy their chais! But that adds up fast, money wise!

Anyway, I rambled! lol I hope you have a wonderful day!

Valerie said...

I live in DC and you have chosen all of my favorite cafes. And they all happen to serve Counter Culture Coffee, which is the absolute best. I <3 this post :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

I didn't think it was my thing, but I LOVED DC!!! We should go...hahahahaa

But seriously. And now I need to run to starbucks.

Love you love you.

Couture Carrie said...

These all sound fabulous, especially Tryst (but maybe that's because I just went to Tryst nightclub in Vegas!)!

Fantastic post, darling!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Oh make me want to go to DC again :)

Glad you like your guest post- thanks again for participating!!

Denisa L said...

the coffee pics look so delicious:)

English Rose ♥ said...

those capuccinos look absolutely incredible, i might just have to book my plane ticket to D.C!!

another amazing post Erika, you should publish a book about the world best coffee houses - i would SO buy it!


Jen said...

Oh oh oh! I love your cafe posts. The images are fabulous, I especially love the first one. If I ever visit DC, the first thing I'll do is go grab a hot chocolate from one of these magical places!

dot said...

I love this series! I don't think I've ever been to a cafe in DC - I was last there so long ago. And now, with the stylish Obamas in office, I'm longing to go back to DC!
Love the coffee photos, too.


Tights Lover said...

Great reviews. Tryst sounds fabulous!

All Women Stalker said...

Another fun post. Is this guide going international? :D


Blair said...

I want to go to DC and have a coffee there!!! Thank you for this guide, is so funny and helpful!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Believe it or not, despite the fact that I live only a couple hours outside of DC, I don't travel there often. I think that is mostly due to the fact that any time I was headed to DC my mom would say, "Oh, be careful! That is a bad part of DC." However, my mom said that about every single area of DC... :/ Lol.

It has been quite some time since I have been there. But the next time I am there, I am definitely going to stop by one of these places. Baked & Wired sounds absolutely adorable with the pink-trimmed windows. And that pink bike is just too cute!

maddy said...

ahhh anywhere with cupcakes is the place for me.

Melissa Blake said...

I love D.C. It's so beautiful and rich with history!

Joanne Faith said...

I want to go visit DC one day. :) I'd like to eat cupcakes while sitting in the midst of cherry blossoms. So quaint.

glee said...

wow, i love that read mug a lot. Even if I don't drink coffee, I collect different style of mugs. ;)

bryna said...

Awesome.. thanks for the tips! Will head to some of these on my next visit.

Anonymous said...

Mid City Cafe sounds amazing from what I've heard!

Ela said...

I've always wanted to visit as well and knew I'd have to go when I could see the Cherry Blossoms!

Hmmm...I'd have to hit somewhere that made amazing hot cocoa since I don't drink coffee or caps ;)

Emily said...

Oh all of these sound amazing, I just might have to go, because I live so close!

I love this feature :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I would like to cruise all of the above as it's my FAVORITE city. I miss living there so! Thanks for the fabulous tips!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oh yummm...these all look so heavenly. :) I wish I lived in DC...sigh.

Secretista said...

Too bad I don't live in DC!

Valencia Lia said...

Great places to visit. I guess if I ever got the chance to visit one of them,I sip on a drink and just chill all day:)

thanks for your ever sweet comments,you've made my day!

Haute World said...

Unlike you I never had a desire to visit DC, but this might change my mind! Lovely descriptions and I adore the Latte Art in the last picture!

Anonymous said...

Miss Pixie's sounds cute, but really they all do! I went to college by DC so I know what you mean- it is a charming place! My parents have also gone down for a weekend getaway there- going to the museums and seeing the monuments are always enjoyable! xo, Mel

C. said...

Hi Erika. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it, and I do feel really proud about my accomplishments.

Lovely post! I really like the picture with the coffee cups. I'm a big coffee lover/drinker. And I like cupcakes too :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, especially the fist one. A tea cup and pearls? How amazing is that! This post makes me want to go for a coffee run right now. Gorgeous post!!

Sher said...

Oh definitely Baked & wired for me! Cupcakes are my favourite!!

But all of your picks sound realy great to me! NOw all I gotta do is get a plane ticket to Washington DC:)

Keith said...

I'd love to check out any of them. You've definitely got me wanting to go on a road trip. I hope your week has started off well. Cheers!

Wonderfelle said...

Baked and Wired has the best cupcakes in gtown I think so of these options it wins handsdown :) I probably frequent Mid City the most though... it's just down the street! Love Cafe is my absolute fave though - the most delicious buttercream frosting on their cupcakes!

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