
Ready for My Close-Up Giveaway

My loves, regardless of whether or not you make upwards of $10,000 a day simply to roll out of bed, a glamorous gal such as yourself should always be ready for her close up with smooth, dewy, perfect skin – after all, one never knows when they will meet their very own Prince Charming and you must be ready for the occasion. As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” With CollFix’s Natural Collagen Inventia Face 50mL (a $106.67 value) you won’t have to.

Surprise, surprise, darlings! Café Fashionista has teamed up with CollFix to bring one (1) ravishing reader their very own bottle of Natural Collagen Inventia Face 50mL “recommended for intensive care of each skin type, especially dry and sensitive. It is recommended above all for face, neck and décolleté cosmetic treatments.”

To Enter the Ready for My Close-Up Giveaway:

For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post stating why you want to win CollFix’s Natural Collagen Inventia Face 50mL between now and Friday, May 27, 2011 at midnight PST.

For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post stating why you want to win CollFix’s Natural Collagen Inventia Face 50mL between now and Friday, May 27, 2011 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL.

For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter, and leave a comment on this post stating why you want to win CollFix’s Natural Collagen Inventia Face 50mL between now and Friday, May 27, 2011 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment).

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, May 28, 2011.

Good luck everyone!

This Giveaway is open to U.S. residents!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to CollFix for the pictures.


ivy's closet said...

Sounds lovely!

ellie said...

So love this! Great giveaway!

O V said...

Someone will be happy to get this. Great giveaway!

rebecca said...

i love trying new face stuff!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

rebecca said...

and i follow you!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

The Blonde Duck said...

I can finally visit!

Tights Lover said...

Sounds amazing. ...and I'm running a little low on my current product :).

Unknown said...

My skin is horrible and this sound so fab!
I am also currently a follower :)

Anonymous said...

This is so cool. Love this giveaway!

Doran // HauteBeautyGuide said...



Doran // HauteBeautyGuide said...

I follow your blog!

Doran // HauteBeautyGuide said...

I love, love, love all things collagen and have never tried this! Would love to give it a whurl...

Cafe Pasadena said...

If this product will also help me with Princess Charming then that's good enuf reason for me, CF!

Chicago Chic said...

Erika, what an amazing giveaway! I have heard that CollFix is fantastic! I want to win this Natural Collagen Inventia because at 28, I am just reaching the age in which I really want to be smart about preventing and maintaining great anti-aging treatments such as this!


Chicago Chic said...

I am a Café Fashionista follower on blog & twitter! ;)

StyleIDnet said...

Collagen for my skin? Great giveaway ..... Me? I will want the 'CollFix’s Natural Collagen Inventia Face' for this upcoming wedding I will be going in 3 weeks in Palm Beach!
Have a happy wekend


Sara said...

Woot woot! I follow youuuuuu! I think this is a great giveaway Erika :)

Colleen Boudreau said...

- i love trying new beauty stuff!
- i tweeted; http://twitter.com/collifornia/status/69253164804739072
- i follow you via gfc *collifornia), google reader, & twitter (@collifornia)

holliister at gmail dot com

moni.zuza said...

Who wouldn't want this fab giveaway?? (and of course I follow the blog!)

@nola727 said...

I would love to try this.I follow you too!

nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

A said...

Very cool giveaway! So, why do I want to win this one? I just moved to NYC and it has been exciting and stressful...during stressful events its all so important to take good care of your skin. If I had CollFix's Natural Collagen Inventia Face I know my face would thank me :)

Cirlce of Design Fashion Illustration

Grace said...

Count me in! I want to win, because well, this sounds like a great product! I'm also a follower!

Rachel said...

Hi! I am already a follower of your blog. I would love to win this wonderful product because I think skincare is SO important but often gets overlooked. Your skin is one of the biggest indicators to age...so why not look young if you still feel young! :) Thanks!

Tina said...

Ah! i'd love to win this :) My skin's super sensitive and everything pretty much makes me get all red and dry so i'd love to try this out!

Tina said...

oh, and of course, I follow you :) and will probably tweet soon haha

becky said...

i would love to try this!

becky said...

and i follow you.

Sarita Leone said...

I could so use a pick-me-up. Something this lovely is sure to bring a smile! Great giveaway.

snowdance1 at gmail dot com

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