
Tightwad Tuesday: Yves Saint Laurent Deauville Wedge Sandals for a Steal

Mon doux, to your left you will find Yves Saint Laurent’s decadent Deauville Wedge Sandals - the very same ones seen worn by Megan Fox; cast your gaze to the right and you will spot Steve Madden’s tantalizing Taytum.

While the Madden marvels are ever so slightly lower in height than the luscious Laurent’s; for a mere $89.95, in comparison to the $695.00 required to add a little YSL love to your shoe collection, they are every bit as capable of giving le frugalista the chance to try a little haute couture on for size – at a price that doesn’t break the bank!

So mes chéris, what are you up to today? Will your AmEx take a beating with a splurge, or will you stay safe and thrifty with a frugal buy?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Saks Fifth Avenue and Steve Madden for the pictures.

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Anonymous said...

Nice shoes;)

k said...

those are so adorable!

ellie said...

I like the cheaper one better. Beautiful wedges!

molly said...

So cool. The cheaper one looks just as amazing!

ivy's closet said...

So nice. Happy there is a cheaper version!

better days said...

Totally awesome. Love that cheaper price, too.

Anonymous said...

these look almost identical!??! so id totally score the maddens :-)

Joanne said...

This time of year is great for shoes like these ... I'd take the Maddens, but with a little lower wedge please :/

Haute World said...

I cannot believe how closely Steve Madden has replicated this shoe! I'd go for the cheaper pair, though if I were YSL, I'd be a little upset ;-)

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous find, darling!
I will be thrifty on this one ~ thanks!


Twenty.Something said...

Ohhh I like these! Super cute. Def would go for the cheaper pair.


Unknown said...

Amazing find!! They look identical!

Cat said...

The Steve Madden version is quite the steal...they are practically identical to the more expensive ones!!!!

I love wedges :)

xx Cat brideblu

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I love the Maddens!

Josie said...

I love the full-wedge style of the Steve Maddens.
xo Josie

Secondhand Stella said...

Wow, an exact copy. Def the cheaper pair!

little luxury list said...

They're both cute!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Anonymous said...

steve madden, no doubt about it! they look so cute!

Natasha said...

I'm definitely going to have to look in to getting those Laurents. I love Steve Madden.

FashionJazz said...

You know me, I always love them both :) Happy Tuesday xx

Magdalena said...

Because they are similar I like them both but I would buy the cheaper ones! :)


Unknown said...

Amazing find Erika! If only they didn't make me so tall
:( but still, I love it! The Steve Maddens are really cute! Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday!

xo Mary Jo

Tiffany Kadani said...

Cute cute cute! Love Steve Madden!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I'm definitely counting my pennies and going to Steve Madden because those shoes are adorable and they look soo similar!! Sold!!

Melanie's Randomness

Maddy said...

Definitely Steve Madden. I love his shoes! But how he gets away with selling exact replicas of designer shoes is beyond me!


I'm gonna have to go with the splurge on this one. I love the split in the heel! xo

Tights Lover said...

Someone please hide my Amex...I'm drooling over the YSL right now!

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love all these fashionable and affordable gems that you find! love it so much!


I love when you do these side by side comparisons.. definitely the more affordable ones are just as nice!-xxoo

Jennifer Fabulous said...

WOW practically identical! I can't imagine anyone buying the YSL ones after seeing the SM pair!

Sherin said...

I absolutely love wedges! And I'm definitely picking the Steve Madden ones. I prefer the wedge on that.

the nyanzi report said...

super stuff!

Anonymous said...

I'm picturing them on my foot, right now...

Midnight Cowgirl said...

I'd love to be able to afford the Yves Saint Laurent pair...

LeashATL said...

Love love this blog! Oh, and the shoes of course!

Michelle Lee said...

too much of an exact copy...
love the design though


Mimi said...

definitely the steve madden one! not only is it more affordable, i also like the heel. :D

<3, Mimi

StyleIDnet said...

awesome wedges! definitely the Steve Madden ones .... I spent my whole morning in their store and got the cutest pair of shoes (will post pictures shortly) and they are all very comfortable, so besides being on a 'Steve Madden' mood today I see no reason for the extra spend, they are very similar, LOVE Steve Madden :)


My Heart Blogged said...

I would totally go for the Steve Madden shoes! Those are so cute.
My Heart Blogged

Emily said...

I'd have to splurge on these! I can't resist the real deal.


Diana said...

These are really sexy and chic shoes. I really love the look of them and wish I liked wearing heels! I think I could love to wear these! I hope you have a great day sweety.

Grace said...

Cute! I always like Steve Madden shoes, and wedges are a summer essential. (:

Anonymous said...

So sexy. I actually, love the heel on the cheaper priced shoe.

stylenuggets said...

Sure I can't afford them but I like the pricier ones

Marcia B. said...

i sooo love the YSL's much better! I love that little crease detail in the middle, sexy!

Accounting for Fabulous said...

Gah, I heart Steve Madden!!!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

wow, steve madden totally took the YSL look. i guess i'd go with the SM wedges as they are more affordable.

cheap designer shoes said...

I love his shoes! But how he gets away with selling exact replicas of designer shoes is beyond me!

EFT for Cancer said...

I'd like to go for Steve Maden's design. Classic!

EFT Abundance said...

I want one of these shoes! they're beautiful! Both of them!

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