
links à la mode: the IFB weekly roundup {august 13, 2015 edition}


Many of you are still traveling and showing how travel boosts your creative pulse. Another, embarked on a tour of a fashion golden age. However, what most of the IFB bloggers were talking about this week was beauty… whether at home or in the salon. The delight of treating oneself to a high-end salon blow out, pampering your skin and follicles with facial masks and hair color, and everyday beauty tricks like strobing or updating your look with the newest nail color.

I just love how this community shares their insight on blogging; from photography and increasing followers to creating a blogging collective.

We also had a couple good entertainment reviews. One of the spoof variety and one of the deep-cuts fashion icon variety. I’ll let you decide which is which.

And for those of you no longer traveling, but heading back to the office, move straight to the posts on how to liven up your cubicle style.

Links à la Mode, August 13

SPONSOR: Shopbop Miu Miu Sunglasses, Monica Vinader, Brixton, Men's CK Jeans, Jason Wu, Stella McCartney, Leather Jackets, Booties with Fringe, Off Shoulder Maxi Dresses & Fold Over Clutches



ellie said...

Awesome blogger list! Happy Saturday!

ivy said...

Really a great summer of list for the August issue..excellent reading for the weekend!

Couture Carrie said...

Fab links!


Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love your Essie review!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Thanks for sharing. :) Hope you have a great weekend.


Paulina said...

Have a lovely Sunday :)

Anonymous said...

Those Monica Vinader sellers are charging way too much, you can literally get them at Benna for a lot cheaper >> Monica Vinader

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