
links à la mode: the IFB weekly roundup {june 16, 2016 edition}


Summer in Spain. Summer in France. Trends of Summer at a glance. Summer in movies. Summer in books. Tools of Summer and their looks. OK, so I’m not a poet–my child probably has better poetic sense–but these warm idyllic days of late Spring have me dreaming of reading prose in the shade of a park tree this Summer.

I thought it was truly remarkable that IFB Bloggers captured Summer in all five senses this week–see, hear, touch, smell, taste. Wearing midi length skirts, paisley prints, bohemian-chic looks, bright cheery colours, and tried and true chambray. Watching movies and scanning the Tony Awards for the best looks. Reading about a Summer spent on the French Riviera. Creating a vision of pom-pom delight. Listening to music that you can dance the night away with. And cooking food to be savored with friends.

Cheers to having an ideal Summer.

Links a la Mode, june 16

SPONSOR: Shopbop Lisa Marie Fernandez, SUNDRY Tops, Salvatore Ferragamo Bags, Chloe Oliver, PARTYSKIRTS, Shaffer, Cutoff Shorts, Hats, Flip Flops, Men's Oakley



Couture Carrie said...

Fab links! Happy Sunday, darling!


ellie said...

Fantastic! Looking forward to these!

ivy said...

Love the topics this time around! Definitely, some summer reading!

Gemma said...

Thanks for sharing these links will be checking out for sure. Gemma x

Kashaya said...

Great links as usual. Thanks for sharing

Kashayas said...

Forgot to change to the new blog address..

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love the pieces you are currently crushing!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Fun! I do love your Currently Crushing...posts!!!

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