
NOTD: China Glaze Trolls World Tour Collection in It's All Techno

Three coats of China Glaze Trolls World Tour Collection in It's All Techno. Chartreuse Creme.

Hmmm...this color is a bit of a conundrum. Part of me likes it due to its lemming quality; while the other part feels ho hum for the very same reason.

It's All Techno is a Shrek of a color - bridging the gap between yellow and green to bring you a chartreuse that feels fitting for Halloween given its sliiight brown undertone. Despite the depth of the color, the formula is pretty thin, so you do need to swipe 3 times for full coverage. Would I recommend? Tbh, I'm on the fence - if the color tickles your fancy though, go for it!

What nail color are you rocking for #ManicureMonday?



R's Rue said...

So pretty

Ananka said...

Oh I like it a lot :-D

Martyna said...

Beautiful color😊

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