
I Want Candy Giveaway

L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad Nineteen-year-old Jane Roberts is guilty of one thing – never straying from her comfort zone. She refuses to tread unfamiliar waters; preferring to stay within the confines of a familiar safety net, and, though she’s an attractive natural blonde, thinks of herself as a tried and true “plain Jane.” But a new location is going to change all that. Los Angeles is a place of bronzed beauties all vying for a shot at stardom, so it seems unlikely that the jittery Jane would select such a spot to call her new home; but she’s convinced that La-La Land is the perfect place to make a new name for her. And with her BFF Scarlett Harp by her side, she has the confidence to take the plunge. Scarlett and Jane have been tight seemingly forever; so there’s no question in Scarlett’s mind that moving to Los Angeles from the quiet Santa Barbara is just the change the two of them need. She’ll have the opportunity to attend the University of Southern California, and finally experience city life firsthand. But LA isn’t necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. The dingy hole-in-a-wall apartment that the two girls call home is anything but charming – Jane’s term for the place – and the expense of living...well, it leaves a lot to be desired. So when Jane and Scarlett find themselves at celebrity hotspot Les Deux one night, hobnobbing with the rich, powerful, and beautiful, they can’t help but be thrilled. And when they meet TV producer Trevor Lord, they’re convinced that they’ve hit the jackpot. Especially when they’re offered the chance to star in L.A. CANDY, a reality TV show that follows their every move – no matter how embarrassing. Jane takes to her new celebrity status much better than her red hot roommate Scarlett. As an intern to Fiona Chen, a demanding yet sought-after event planner to the elite, Jane finds herself tossed into a celebrity-fueled existence brimming with lavish parties, to-die-for clothes, and pretty prima donnas. As if that weren’t enough to have any girl floating on cloud nine, Jane is now occupying a luxurious apartment, and has snatched herself a cute new friend (and secret crush) in the handsome Braden – a relationship that leaves Scarlett feeling like a third wheel. But not everything is peachy keen in the world of reality. The staged so-called spontaneous moments can be awkward, and being poked and prodded by a camera crew as they attempt to wire you up with mini microphones is less than glamorous. Of course, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad when you want to live the sweet life. Lauren Conrad has worn many hats over the years...fashion designer, reality TV star, intern at Teen Vogue, cover girl. Perhaps none, however, have been as influential as her foray into fiction; or as long-awaited. I read the first tale in the expected trio (and loved every minute of it), now you can too. Café Fashionista has two copies of L.A. Candy up for grabs courtesy of HarperTeen. One of them could be yours. To enter the I Want Candy Giveaway: For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, July 2, 2009 at midnight PST. For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, July 2, 2009 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL. I will randomly pick two names out of a hat (who knows, one may be yours!), and announce the winner on Friday, July 3, 2009. It’s the perfect guilty-pleasure, gossip-filled tale for a day at the beach; trust me. Good luck everyone! Fashionably yours! Thanks to Hollywood.com, ShoppingBlog, and Talking Makeup for the pictures.


Anonymous said...

oooh I love LC!


Hmm I never took LC to be a writer, but after reading an excerpt from Teen Vogue last month I think it may end up being one of those teen novels with somewhat of a potential!


La C.

fashiongrail said...

luv LC and I want that book!

Couture Carrie said...

Oooooh la la would love to check this one out! Fab giveaway, darling!


Angela said...

oh how cool, have a fab friday.

Charlotte said...

I would love to enter, but is this also for internationial readers? :)

ana said...

Nice! I love giveaways!!! I'm in... and I love Lauren Conrad :) I don't have twitter :(

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Thanks for informing me about ur contest. So excited!!! I posted the conest on Twitter and my url is: https://twitter.com/jointhegossip

ps...added you to my blogrool as well =)

Leia said...

How exciting! I rarely foray into chick-lit, but this looks like a fun read for a lazy day. :)

Becca. said...

i love love love love love the hills and LC!
i seriously wanna read this book!
have a lovely weekend :)

Sherin said...

I can not wait to read this book. Ever since I heard about it, I've been dying to read it. Its not out for another week in London though.

Meream said...

This sounds interesting. I read the excerpt a few weeks ago and it sounded interesting.

Charlotte said...

In that case, I'm in! I also posted it on my twitter: http://twitter.com/charlotteasma

Anonymous said...

After seeing her on Conan and Jimmy Fallon I know now she is a true business woman. I like seeing people explore different venues within their careers :)

Tasha said...

Sounds like my kinda book! Keeping those fingers crossed :)

zupu said...

I adore Lauren and I can´t wait to read her book. I haven´t seen it here in Italy yet so I think I must order it online. I'm also totally addicted to The Hills and & The City..

Unknown said...

This sounds delightfully awful, I want it!
-Nicole from Shop It To Me

Iris said...

I love Lauren Conrad, but I hope she wrote the novel herself!

Heather said...

I love drama and I love a giveaway - this book satisfies both. I also love The Hills and Lauren's style. Hope I win!

I'll tweet about this giveaway for sure - @closetcravings

If you love Bethenny Frankel - I'm giving away a Skinny Girl tee - http://www.closetcravings.com !

Unknown said...

I love to read, this books sounds like a good read! :)

Unknown said...

Here is my Twitter post https://twitter.com/PunkEBodin.

Angie said...

Lauren's amazing!

Laura Gerencser said...

I didn't know LC did fiction! Love her hair in this photo!!

Diane said...

ooo i want to win!!! i love lauren! pick me pick me!
i also tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/snapshotfashion

Anonymous said...

oooh I didn't tknow there was a book! I heart the hills

Unknown said...

It sounds like an interesting book...but it also sounds like it would be the same thing as watching her life on tv as everyone has been just with different names...should wouldnt everyone know the outcome of the book if you follow her life? I think its great that she has gone after her dreams and gone to Hollywood and has been lucky to be such a star...and I give props to her for the book...but if you have seen it on tv do you want to read it in the book all over?

Amelia said...

That sounds surprisingly good...

The Babs said...

I want the book for my gf! She adores LC! I wanna win!

la petite fashionista said...

I could totally see L.C. becoming a YA novel writer now that she's done w/ the reality tv thing!

i want to read this!

Ashley Paige said...

LC is a doll! This book looks cute!

Annie Spandex said...

I have to admit I want to read this! I love The Hills..

Sasi said...

I admit I'm quite sceptical about Lauren Conrad as a writer, but the plot is actually quite intriguing.
Thanks for this chance and have a fabulous week-end!

Fashion Moment said...

Want it! Lovely!


Dacia said...

Sounds like a good beach read! Pick me! ;-) lol

Nicole Marie said...

umm i love LC. her hair her clothes her life. especially her hair.

Tina B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina B. said...

I'd love to read Lauren's book!

Tina B. said...

tweeted! http://twitter.com/warp65/statuses/2362665041

frankee said...

I'm curious how much of the book is going to mirror her own life..
I had the chance to buy it and have it signed by her on Father's day...but it was fathers day and I didn't want to make my dad wait in a long line all day. =/

Eda said...

Do you accept international readers too? If you do, put my name in the hat, pretty please!:)

Anonymous said...

ah i want his book so badly. unfortunatley i just spent all my money on shoes and headbands at urban outfitters.

pleeease put my name in the hat.


Anonymous said...

from Canada. I want the book =D
LC is my role model

TooSidedAlyssa said...

I love LC, I think she's a great role model and her show was amazing. I read an exerpt from this book recently and I am so excited to read the whole novel! :D

Anonymous said...

Hello Cafe Fashionista! Love those Seventies Jeans and the Rich and Skinny ones as well. I'd have to chop off a few inches to make them work, though. Alas... BUT there are always those rings...
Hope your summer is going great:)
Mary Ann

Erin said...

I've always loved LC and this book has me intrigued. I'd love to read it!

heleen said...

Lauren conrad is soo inspiring. I really look up to her. I'd love to read it!

Stefanie Grace said...

I don't know if you'll send this to the UK, but it's worth a try!! xx

Angela said...

Sounds like a great book!!!

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