
Smitten Saturday

Stud in the Mud It is my conviction that the exact opposite of a diamond in the rough is a stud in the mud. Oui kittens, it’s time for me to reveal the latest in the world of Café Fashionista obsessions, and that, mes chéris, are leather wrap bracelets embellished with savory studs. There’s something quite gothic about the style that is categorically celestial; a juxtaposition between two worlds – the grandiose of the upper class so carefully portrayed by the opulent leather band, paired with the destitute underworld blatantly depicted via the rough and tumble studding. The end result, mind you, is anything but grungy or offensive; quite the contrary in fact – it’s a fashion that presents itself with swank exclusivity which virtually transforms your wrist into a powerhouse full of pizzazz. Smith by Zoe Chicco’s Black Leather Spike Wrap Bracelet would be a turbulent touch to an ambrosial babydoll. Add a kick of color to your look du jour with Linea Pelle’s Skinny and Shiny Dome Studded Bracelets. Allow Vale’s Leather Studded Wrap Bracelet cast a daring dash of dazzle to your assemblage of accessories. Or simply turn heads with a tough girl Studded Pyramid Cuff Bracelet from Cara Accessories. Now…that’s a wrap; and a studly one at that!

Peace, Love, and Cupcakes Oh kittens, I would so very much love to stuff myself with cupcakes right this very moment. To savor their soft, sugar-laden flesh; and fundamentally bask in the glow of their sweet whipped frosting. But alas, doing so would make it impossible to shimmy into my skinnies, so I must refrain from indulging in their scrummy yumminess and merely admire their pretty persona in quite a different fashion: as stuffed desserts! Please don’t tell me you’ve never heard of them darlings, as anyone who adores cute little cupcakes should be privy to this information; after all, stuffed cupcakes, like their true dessert counterparts are just as divine as the ones served up at Magnolia Bakery – the only thing they’re missing is the calories! This Pixie Dust vanilla-scented felt cupcake is destined to reside on a pristine white nightstand located within the confines of a pastel pink bedroom. I plan on piling dozens of these cherry-topped Handmade Mini Softies on my bed for the cutest sleeping companions ever. A White Frosted Plush Chocolate Cupcake with Pink Rose will be awaiting each and every guest at the next dinner party I throw. And a box of these Tea Party Play Cakes will surely make the ideal get well gift for an ailing friend. Of course, if all this talk of cupcakes has made you hungry, I daresay it would be okay to take a petit nibble at a sugary forbidden treat seeing as how September 21 – 27 is Cupcakes Week – so delight in one (or ten), mes chéris!

Jegging Jive Darlings, you know me for my love of all things denim. My closet is riddled with skinnies in various washes and hues; and, nine times out of ten, you will spot me scurrying down the street in a pair of jeans tucked into knee-high boots, cocktail rings adorning my fingers, my hair trailing flirtily in my wake. As much as I loathe to admit it there are times when jeans simply won’t cut it; moments in life that call for something crafted from a more breezy material, something stretchy that moves and groves with every step you take. I, for one, absolutely refuse to cast aside the look of denim in which I hold so dear for the mere sake of comfort. I am, however, not opposed to a smidgen of compromisation; thus, I am willing to take jeggings out for a little test drive. The Legging Jeans in Anvil Wash by Madewell are, in my mind, treading the fine line between lust and infatuation due to the sheer fact that they look identical to my daily denim accoutrement. It’s impossible to ignore the magnetism of the Twiggy 5 Pocket Legging Jean – the midnight China Doll hue alone is bound to keep the spotlight on you when strutting about in these stunners. The heavy contrasting stitching embellishing Bubblegum’s Stretch Legging Jean contributes a playful pinch to the sleek, body-hugging style. And Levi’s Capital E Legging Jeans? I’m going to be completely candid with you here – they’re my current clothing crush! Ready to do the jegging jive, lovelies?

Crimes of Fashion It’s truly lethal to unleash me in a bookstore. I always manage to find myself in the midst of mischief involving the discovery of new tales, no matter how trite. When fall rolls around, those tales turn to mysteries; cozies that require a thick, cable-knit sweater, a warm fireplace, hot chocolate loaded with pillowy white marshmallows, and a plaid blanket to huddle under for optimal reading. I can’t tell you why my thoughts instantly turn to such stories when autumn arises; but I suppose it has to do with the comfortable, homey feeling such books’ put forth. But no, my most recent Barnes & Noble excursion did not leave me with that same family-centric feeling. Instead I found myself bombarded with the discovery of fashion-focused mysteries – there was Handbags and Homicide and Dying in Style; Raiders of the Lost Corset and Spying in High Heels; even Death By Pantyhose. Who knew there were so many anecdotes depicting crimes of fashion just sitting upon bookstore shelves ripe for the fashionista’s choosing?!

Get the Boot! Someone called me, of all things, “boots” the other day. Can you believe the gall; the insensitivity; the audaciousness for an individual to deem it appropriate to bestow such a title upon me? Neither can I. That said, it truly didn’t bother me in the least for I see it as a befitting alias for myself – someone who wears boots on an almost daily basis (even going so far as to pair them with flirty frocks during the spring and summer months); and when not actually donning them, one can find me gazing upon new styles online or in local shops. The truth of the matter is that my thoughts are quite…consumed with boots. In my mind, they are the most splendrous piece of footwear known to man; which is why I can’t help but to believe that they would also make for a fabulous handbag a la Saskia Marcotti’s Bootbag. An ordinary rubber rainboot is turned into an avant-garde purse simply by puncturing the shaft with a hole which serves as a flawless handle. I’ll take the red, s'il vous plait!

What were you smitten with this week?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It and Shopbop for the pictures.


Leah said...

I love that phrase... shimmy into my skinnies... I love jeggings too. Got my fix from H&M and they're adorable.

Those books are interesting... Spying in High Heels, Death by Pantyhose... I'll check them out real soon. Can't wait to have my day out in Barnes and Noble and Borders.

meraldia said...

Spying in High Heels... It sounds very interesting!!

M said...

I love nude lips paired with heavier eye makeup... but just like you, I have recently become interested in those dark-lipped looks. It actually works pretty well if you go easy on the rest of your face! And I was recently checking out Manhunt too... :)

Lauren said...

i know what you mean about either a bold lip or a bold eye - for special occasions ill do a red lip... i feel so old fashioned and grown up lol!

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous post, darling! I heart jeggings and cupcakes (ironic, right?)!


Romeika said...

I can't wear eyemake up at all due to medical reasons... so I always go for a bold lip.. :-)

Luinae said...

You MUST try red lips, love! There is nothing more alluring and I know you will just feel how fantstic they make you look!

edef said...

funny as this may be, the mask is what i find most appealing in this post. I want it.

Leia said...

I'm wearing jeggings today! I had to take three flights throughout the last week and my staple uniform was jeggings + long top + cardigan. I've been wearing jeggings all summer and love them! Now I just have to find a way to work them into my winter wardrobe :)

Sherin said...

I agree about bright red lips. I absolutely love them!

molly said...

i'm very with you on the whole nude lips-dark eyes makeup look!

WendyB said...

Red lips all the way -- try MAC's Lasting Lust!

Cellar Door said...

This old guy who does art class in the college I work in always calls me Boots. Once I had to go into the room where his class was being held to get something out of my cupboard and there were three pairs of 'spare' boots jammed in there. He'd already given me my nickname and I was embarrassed to live up to my rep. I do love boots.

yiqin; said...

Mmhmm lvoe masks.

All Women Stalker said...

I am strictly a bold eye kind. I find red lips too distracting on others. haha


Mimi said...

the first pic is gorgeous

The Anthology said...

I wish I could say I'm smitten with my new pair of black leather boots, but I just haven't found them yet. Even though I've been on the hunt ever since fall hit the shoe stores.

Love the stud in the mud, btw.

* Kelsey

The Anthology said...

I wish I could say I'm smitten with my new pair of black leather boots, but I just haven't found them yet. Even though I've been on the hunt ever since fall hit the shoe stores.

Love the stud in the mud, btw.

* Kelsey

. said...

I did a post on my page about nude lips and dark eyes, love it!

Sam said...

I love that image of you in your jeans , boots and flirty hair trailing in the breeze! ...and I'm totally with you on the bold eyes no lips rule - it's not a classy look to be too overdone. It's up there with legs or bossom but not both. That top photo is gorgeous!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love the studded bracelets!!! Your choices are exactly what I want at the moment too! xxxoxo

Emily said...

I jump at the chance to wear red lipstick :] Sometimes I'm brave enough, when the occasion is right!

Anonymous said...

I hoped you had a great Saturday. love all the pictures and now I really want some cupcakes. :)

Samantha said...

i love this post, i enjoy all these things too, i'd want red velvet cupcakes, mmm. oh and the 4 tiered boots in the last post are amazing, so versitile!

Justine said...

Are jeggings going to be like our 80's fashion bain?? will we regret every second? Just a question. ;)


Princess Liberty said...

The mask on the first picture is beautiful !

zupu said...

I adore red lips but usually I myself prefer dramatic eye makeup with liquid eyeliner and lots of mascara and lipgloss (which I have like a dozen everywhere with different tastes and sparkles/nude tones..)

Oh the cupcakes.. in moderation such a wonderful & delicious thing, so skinnies won't get too tight :)

Have a lovely sunday dear!

Elaine Viets said...

There are many crimes of fashion in the mystery world. After you read "Dying in Style," I hope you'll read "High Heels Are Murder," with a slightly kinky fetish called "pedal pumping." Don't believe me? Google it.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Thanks for finding other jeggings...the Current/Elliot ones I won in a giveaway I just love, but cannot afford to pay $200+ for another pair!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Thanks for finding other jeggings...the Current/Elliot ones I won in a giveaway I just love, but cannot afford to pay $200+ for another pair!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Thanks for finding other jeggings! I won a pair of Current/Elliot ones that I love but cannot afford the $200+ price tag to get another pair

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Thanks for finding other jeggings! I won a pair of Current/Elliot ones that I love but cannot afford the $200+ price tag to get another pair

Gemma Halliday said...

Hope you ladies enjoy Spying in High Heels! I'll admit I do have an unusually large shoe collection that has somehow spilled over into my writing. ;)


(P.S. Spying is just the first in the High Heels series... all of which are fashion related mysteries.)

Angie said...

Yes, the red lipstick. I'm into it. Must be the fall. And for wrap bracelets, I got one last week in the mail, leather and chain, really nice, get lots of compliments on it (accidentallypretty.com). Jeggings: not yet. Loved the post.

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