
Thrifty Thursday: Prada Butterfly Sunglasses for Pennies

I’m not one of those girls who tosses her much relied upon sunglasses to the wayside once September twenty-first hits, and it is proclaimed that yes, summer is over, and fall has officially begun. Darlings, I live in Southern California – here, it’s always sunny, and bright, and cheery – even when the weather turns remotely…nippy. Therefore, it is necessary to outfit yourself with a pair that will never get old; a shape that will satisfy your style cravings; a frame that will do your face justice come winter, spring, summer, or fall. For me, that is the butterfly.

Not too round. Not too rectangular. I believe that Prada’s Butterfly Frames are a sun-blocking slice of heaven for any face shape – heart, square, round, oval, diamond. They complement in the most carefree, fluttery of ways with their wing-like architecture, providing a wispy, ethereal ambiance to your desired look.

They don’t come cheap, though – like most of the things I fancy. No, you must be willing to hand over $245.00 to claim them as your own; a notion that frightens me given my penchant for carelessly leaving such items on tables in exotic cafés, or hearing the cringe-worthy crunch of them underfoot as I accidentally stomp their beauty to bits.

It’s out of the question. That’s all there is to it. I can’t spend such an elaborate amount on such frippery, regardless of the fact that it’s the style I want. The shape that would do wonders for my face. The prettiest pair I’ve ever laid eyes on. I simply have to put them out of my mind. Unless, of course, I indulge in something more within my budget.

Bleu Dame’s 2245 Designer Inspired Butterfly 2 Oversized Sunglasses, to be quite frank, are my way of achieving Prada style for absolute pennies - $14.80, to be exact. The signature notch cut-out seen about the bridge of the nose, the smoldering silhouette, and even more divine, the colors – monarch, sunburst, pearl, black lilac. I can pick up a pair in each decadent hue, and switch off on a daily basis to keep my look fresh and ever-changing.

Why, you don’t have to be a devil in Prada, you can be a devil in Bleu Dame – and one with money to spare!

Which route are you taking today, loves…that of the thrifty temptress or the bewitching big spender?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Neiman Marcus and Bleu Dame for the pictures.


Rohini said...

Love them! They are so adorable. I want a pair. :)


Leah said...

I would never spend more than $100 for a pair of sunglasses. I tend to leave them everywhere and I always forgot to put them back in their case so scratches can't be avoided.

I love that Bleu Dame and it comes in different colors too.

meraldia said...

Well, last summer I spent about $250 for Tom Ford sunglasses that I adore. Though, I am very careful with such items(I still have my Gucci sunglasses I used to wear at high school). But If were careless, no, no, I would also prefer a Bleu Dame and money in my pocket!! xxxx

M said...

I am so cheap when it comes to sunglasses, I should be ashamed of myself! I get mine in the "Chinatown flagship stores"... but in all fairness, some of them almost look like the real thing. Love your selections here! :)

Keith said...

My sister loves sunglasses. I'll have to let her know about these. I love the butterfly look. Very cool.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Love the shape of these! They're so fab!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Those are cute! I used to throw caution to the wind and splurge on sunglasses (maybe 1-2 per year...sigh those were the good old days). Now I am more frugal and buy cheaper designer lines (Marc by MJ is a fab example- most are under or around $100) and try to wear them until the break!

Luckily, I just won Ray Bans at www.lovemaegan.com, so I am set for a bit :)

Emily said...

I would go with the thrifty route, because I have gone through too many pairs of cheap sunglasses by way of various accidents. However, last Christmas I did get some ray bans that I have been protecting with my life! And I'm happy to say, they are indeed still intact :]

KP said...

wow, that is very close to the original and the color is very fun!

Couture Carrie said...

Love your affordable find, darling! The shape of these shades is so fab!


Miss Neira said...

love the look, not too sure how it will make my face look haha but i love it!

NYC Tidbits said...

I lose sunglasses constantly, so I think thrifty is the route I should take-- although I bought a pair of Guccis that I just adore...knock on wood that I don't lose them anytime soon!

ana said...

I love the big sunglasses Audrey Hepburn style... this ones are beautiful!!

Damsels said...

oh wow i love them. i like to think that there are fall sunnies and then summer sunnies.

ihave a pair specifically for the fall . they are smaller and rounder. we have to protect our eyes year round ;)

Sheri, RN said...

Very cool find!

Amanda K said...

Those look awesome and great find!
After getting Lasik for my eyes my Ophthalmologist suggested I always wear Polarized lenses so I have no choice...

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Also a SoCal gal, I too wear sunglass way past summer =) I usuyally go cheap, but was lucky enough to receive a piar of Chanel's that a friend bought for herself and didn't like!

The pairs you have featured here are very Nicole Rischie. I like!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

With a design that distinctive, I would go the bargain route. Way cute!

Diane said...

love these glasses! such a great shape.

All Women Stalker said...

While the color of the cheaper one is great, money is not really an issue for me when it comes to sunglasses. I get migraines when I buy cheap ones (cheap lens) that I have no choice but to buy relatively expensive pairs.


Sanity Fair said...

These are fantastic - I'd love to try them. I have some very expensive sunglasses, but they weren't purchased lightly - I even bought a semi expensive pair as a "trial" for a month to see how well I could take care of them! Now I've been toting around my Gucci's for 2 years - and they're unscratched :)

The Blonde Duck said...

This makes my cheap Academy glasses look really pathetic.

Patty Ann said...

yeah i love my sunglasses
i'm from SoCal too!!
those glasses are like exactly the same!! what a total find!! xx


LifestyleBohemia said...

I want these prada sunnies! The shade is so unique and chic. LOVE them!

the southern hostess said...

Love these. I go through sunglasses far too quickly.

Clarity said...

My favourites are the big sixties glasses now commonly known as the Jackie-O's. These are a sweet variation. Nice choice.

Blair Friedeman said...

What a great alternative find!!!

C. said...

In Canada, where I'm from, we still get a lot of sunshine during the winter months (even when there's snow) so it's not crazy to wear sunglasses during fall and winter. As long as it's sunny out, by all means.

This is a great pair of sunglasses. I love the shape.


Anonymous said...

AHHHHH! Those are hot!

Justine said...

Awesome glasses. I still have a pair of Diors that I plan to wear until they're vintage. And then I'll wear them more. :)


Nicole Marie said...

fall is sf's summer so i'll definitely be needing new sunnies !

E said...

You have the best affordable finds!!

S.Elisabeth said...

Gorgeous, I love when sunglasses are made cheap. Spending over $100 on a pair of shades is ludicrous beyond belief.

Mom Fashion World said...

butterfly sunglasses?!
i just checked the Bleu's sunnies are
I love them plus the very affordable price.


Sherin said...

Ooo, they're gorgeous. Unfortunately, I think Summer has officially ended in London, and now we won't see the sun until June next year. But I'll buy them now and keep them safe.

miriam said...

these are gorgeous, i wouldn't say no to prada style for a few pennies!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

I am in desperate need for a new pair of sunglasses, these are absolutely gorgeous.. I think I will be begging daddy dearest!!


Anonymous said...

Aw well thanks for the support... I won't lie it's def easier to get away with some not-too-sure fashion moments when you're on the streets of NYC, where people are walking around in just about everything you can think of. Anyway, great sunglasses, even in cold weather I'd say a good pair is essential in the winter. Sun + snow = blinding.

thingsIlove said...

Great glasses!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now THAT'S a Fab-find!

Great site!

Dubai Stylista said...

Oh gosh. If only I had that kinda money! I like changing my sunglasses depending on what I wear so its important to me to buy it cheap. Having said that, its always worth having a pair that you spend a little more on- more for the protection than anything else. Ok who am i kidding.

daisychain said...

I only ever buy cheap sunglasses, I'm too careless for the expensive ones, even if I *could* afford them!

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