
Tightwad Tuesday: Haute Hippie Jackson Stripe Tank Dress on a Dime

Dolls, to your left take a gander at Haute Hippie’s gem known as the Jackson Stripe Tank Dress; to your right feast your eyes on The Gap’s Striped Long Racerback Dress.

Though the gray stripes on the gorgeous Gap piece are ever so slightly paler in hue than the ones found on the Haute Hippie style; for a mere $49.50, as opposed to the $315.00 asking price of the hot Haute Hippie, it is every bit as capable of fulfilling your need for a striped maxi for the summer – at a price that’s impossible to refuse!

Is today the day for you to please the big spender within; or will you play it cool and be thrifty?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Shopbop and The Gap for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Twist and Shout Giveaway for your chance to win one of five AXE Twist Packs from AXE.

Don't forget to enter the Under the Boardwalk Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Turquoise Stone Sandals from Starla Sandals.


sylvie said...

i think you may know my answer to this one!

i actually really really adore the jackson stripe tank dress. but, being the budgeting bride this year, i am equally happy with the gap version...perfect for floating along the beach :)

sylvie of silver lining

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

What a steal! Cute dress- I bet so airy and comfy for summer :)

Melanie's Randomness said...

There is no difference to me so I'm definitely going for the cheaper one! =)

Tiffany Kadani said...

This was Gap? Seriously? Whenever I go there I never find awesome stuff like this. I love it and will go searching for it now.

Maddy said...

The Gap version for me!! Plus, I love the fabric that Gap uses. It's always so stretchy and soft :)

Grumpy old man said...

Well I see no reason why you have to spend so much money if you can get basically the same dress for a fraction of the price, unless of course you are Paris Hilton.

That dress have one flaw though, there is no slit through which a leg admirer like myself can get a glimpse here and yonder of the wearer's sexy legs while she struts her stuff. :( But that's just my humble opinion.

Great post though Erika, hope your day is filled with happiness.

Islandia Lane said...

Not that I want to pay the $315 BUT I do like the HH one over the GAP one - I love that it's slightly shorter in the front.

Unknown said...

Don't see the difference either....so the cheaper version is awesome for me! Looks comfy too!

Joanne said...

I like the look of the maxi, but am not seeing too much of it around. Maybe in the fall? For this one, it's the Gap for me.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Haute Hippie. I just like the stripes better.

Emily said...

I love maxi dresses, never thought I'd say that, but it's true! The Gap version is definitely the way to go :)


frockandrollonline.com said...

They are both perfect but the price of the Gap version totally seals it for me!

Oana Roxana said...

Haute Hippie's dress looks weird with those shoes.Why would I give $315 for that dress?

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous find, darling!
I need to fall into the Gap sometime soon!


Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Give me the Gap!! =)

And congrats on your upcoming graduation! How do you plan to reward yourself for a job well done???? I'm a semester into my MA, so I've still got lots of time left in it... time.. moves.. so slowly...

Chicago Chic said...

Ciao my love, the dresses look the same! I will choose the bargain, great find as always! Plus $315 seems like a lot for a casual maxi dress. Happy Tuesday Erika!


Dana said...

Wow, there seems to be little to no difference between the two dresses. Why not opt for the cheaper one! Thank You for sharing you great find.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the haute hippie one looks better, but i'd still go with the gap one at that prize... :P

Leia said...

I love maxi dresses! I need to find a Gap near me :P

Leia's Delights

Valerie said...

I saw this dress at Gap and almost bought it! Now I'm wondering why I didn't. The Gap really has been getting it right lately.


Sara said...

Oh to me they look the same! I'd go for gap for sure!

I totally think we should make one of those playgrounds :D I miss seeing those.

Angela said...

I do like the more expensive version b/c the fabric look better but the price difference will make me run for Gap version.

STYLE'N said...

Today is definitely cool and thrifty! Good find.

Unknown said...

Perfect find! Of course I'd save!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, so cute. I NEED a maxi-dress for this summer!

Remember to enter for your chance to win a Two Strap Belt from Sway!


this free bird said...

I'll take the Gap version thanks very much. Haute Hippie can seriously suck it. Their stuff is cute and cool, but waaaaaay overpriced!

ps - i had never tasted a date b4 those little pieces of goodness...was shocked at how good they were. xo-carrie

joana said...

Ohh I saw a dress like this at Oysho, adorable

Winnie said...

Oh my gosh, you need to be my personal shopper, the GAP version is identical!

Stephanie said...

You can't even tell a difference!! You have a gift, lady!

Clare said...

That dress just oozes comfort. I am totally going to try it on at Gap this weekend!

meg said...

awesome find for summer! always on the cheap, of course, for me.

ellie said...

sweet! Love this. I have a gray one I love so much..but from a very cheap place...I'm afraid.

Josie said...

I love the Gap one -- I like the straight hem and paler colors. Gorgeous!
xo Josie

stylenuggets said...

Yay for the Gap and affordable stuff

Francy said...

I need a maxi dress so badly for this summer!

Anonymous said...

good spot! there is a documentary on tv tonight (i think) about knockoffs and fakes - maybe you are intested in it. :)

Nubiasnonsense said...

I will take the Gap one on this one for sure.. Jeez how do you do it! lol

Shop N' Chomp said...

I'm cool with the Gap!

Mara said...

so pretty! I love the gray stripes! And since it's just cotton I'll go for the Gap one :)

Frannie said...

That DRESS is at the GAP?!

*runs to find credit card*

You are amazing! Thank you :)

Anna Grostina said...

I see no difference in these two, only that the Gap one is a bit 'whiter' :D I'd take the gap one!

Miles Of Style said...

wow i can never resist a good bargain!

just stumbled upone your blog and i have to say its LOVELY.

do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. =)


B a la Moda said...

I love this kind of dresses for the summer. They look so good!

B* a la Moda

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I actually prefer the slightly thicker stripes of the Gap one.

WendyB said...

I'd wear the Gap as a nightie.

OneCraftyFox said...

Great dress! Your "Play It Again, Sam" post inspired me to do a surfing post, so I gave you a big shout out on my blog.

Come check it out!

Denisa L said...

I like the gap one!

Purses Pastries Etc... said...

Oh, I've loved the Haute Hippie dress on Shopbop for a long time... wasn't aware of Gap's version! I'm excited and foresee a trip to my local Gap coming up really, really soon!! :)

Leah said...

Definitely the Gap for me! xoxo

Style with Benefits said...

Gosh I'd never drop over $300 on a jersey dress like that. That's pretty insane. The Gap one is such a steal!

xo, becs

San Antonio Weight Loss said...

Gap from my side too as when noone can judge the expensive brand why to spend more money!

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