Though the ambrosial Albert’s are crafted out of vegan materials as opposed to the true suede and leather of the magnificent Marilyn’s; for a mere $58.00, in comparison to the $350.00 price tag of the Dolce Vita’s, they are every bit as head-turning as their haute couture counterparts – at a price no frugalista could possibly resist!
Tell me, kittens…will you be a big spender and go for Dolce Vita, or be thrifty and spring for Charles Albert?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Endless and Lulu*s for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Think Pink Orient Watch Giveaway for your chance to win a BNQ1P001M watch from Orient Watch USA.
Don't forget to enter The Eye of the Panther Giveaway for your chance to win a Cartier-inspired Panther Ring from Shock Boutique.
Interesting design going on there. But since it's not a style of boot that I would wear too often, I'll be thrifty and choose the Charles Albert.
Charles Albert, no doubt. I love the fact that those boots are made out of vegan materials. Hope you have a good day, E.
Love them both!
Love them both, especially the Dolce Vita!
LOVE them both!!
Dolce Vita. I have to have leather on my feet otherwise it is painful! x
They are SO similar!
They both look great from the photos--although perhaps would make me too tall. It's amazing that the price of boots has gone down so much, it used to be you couldn't get a good pair for less than $500!
p.s. I listened to every song on your playlist yesteryday--fabulous as always!
xoxo Mary Jo
I love them, I don't know whether I'd be able to wear them, but just looking is fine too. Thanks for sharing and visit me too whe you have time.
These are cool but I can't do heels... :o(
wow that's amazing!!
love it!
The Charles Alberts are awesome - I'd go with them!
I have a $100 Shopbop giveaway up today with lots of possible entries! Enter if you'd like!
ooh gotta go for the vegan ones :D
I like them both ahh! But I have to agree with the above comment that I need good quality shoes on my feet so I'll splurge on Dolce's boots=)
Btw I've emailed you again, I had no idea you still hadn't received my previous email. Let me know if you received my 2nd email=)
Not really my style, but great find! Head on over and check out my Christmas giveaway if you haven't already!
Kori xoxo
Wow they look so much alike!!!! What a great find!
For something as fab and trendy as this, I'd definitely go for the steal :) If it were a classic look, I'd say for the better quality shoe.
Wow they are almost identical! Amazing find girl. I would def. be thrifty on this one :)
These are SO intense. I could never pull them off but absolutely ADORE the Dolce Vita pair!
xo Josie
oh wow! those are amazing! i don't know that i would have the guts to wear those, but they're sooooo cute!!
♥ allister bee fashion blog
thanks for your comment yesterday! you are so sweet!!!
Oh how cool! I'm not sure I could pull these off, but if I had $58 to spare, I would probably give it a try. ;)
wow those are really hot!!
-He approves
Fashion by He
These boots are amazing! I'm going with the Dolce Vita. I LOVE them!
Wow, now those are bold statement boots! Good find. So unique...fabulous.
WOW, i need, i really need
amazing post
Those boots are made for STRUTTING!
I would go for the cheaper ones if I could. I know I'd probably want them to wear to a concert and well, a lot of jumping...wishful thinking. I'm sure I'd be in my trusty sneakers instead, or snow the case maybe.
I die!!! Definitely one of the coolest boots I've seen...ever. Love the style. I can see myself wearing them all the time, so could definitely justify buying the Dolce Vita ones.
Oohh these are hot!!! Hmmm I'm torn on this one because the $350 isn't astronomically expensive. I'd have to try them on & really like them. hehe. =)
Melanie's Randomness
They are soo similar that I'd go with the CA's!
aside from the buckles they are pretty much the same boots. love them both!
Be sure to enter my Jewelry & Makeup Holiday Giveaway!
Charles Albert !
These are some pretty fierce boots! I think I'll splurge and go for the Dolce Vita pair!
I like the look of the Dolce Vita's more BUT I like the vegan materials even more. Very cool. I'd def choose them over the real deal.
Ooooooh amazing find, darling!
I can't believe those boots are only $58!
I think I could get by with the cheaper ones.
$60 for boots? I am in!!!!
i would have to go for the dolce vita ones, although i can't really afford them... :P
Yes please to the ACs!!! Those are fantastic... With jeans and a grey tee..... that's how I'd wear them.
Love these boots! Great find Erika!
I don't know what it is, but give me those Dolce Vita's!! LOL!!
150% on the Albert's they are completely amazing!!
Wow it's really hard to tell the difference! xoxo
these are really close in comparison, but my deciding factor would definitely be comfort!
I can't even tell a difference. You do such an amazing job at finding the cheaper versions of everything. :)
These are definitely fierce (maybe a little too fierce for me!) but I would definitely try them at the cheaper price!
love both of them sooo much!
Lovely find Erika ! Not my style though . Hahaha . Have a nice day !
Erika! Those boots are sexy and awesome all at once! I want to wear them to a shiny toy guns concert!
Oh and thanks for the tweet about Starbucks! You just made me look forward to the end of the week even more!! I <3 U!!
They are almost identical!
Hmm, I would have to say the Marilyn's on this one. I really live in my Dolce Vita flats.
Oh no debate! Dolce Vita. The leather looks so much better, sleeker and the shape overall is much nicer.
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