
Beauty and Brains Giveaway

Darlings, there is no question about it; every girl deserves to feel fabulous, even when she’s merely lounging around the house by her lonesome. Baggy sweats, and ratty t-shirts, however, oftentimes lack the ability to bring glamour and confidence to the forefront; which is why something a little flirtier, perhaps trimmed in lace and embellished with petite, dainty bows, is a necessity. Now one (1) of you fierce, feisty, and fashionable femme fatales has the opportunity to take home such an offering.

Café Fashionista has teamed up with Smart & Sexy – the Thinking Girls Lingerie, as I like to refer to them – to bring one (1) of you lovely lambs a mixed bag of goodies that will make you look and feel like the glamour girl we both know you are!

To Enter the Beauty and Brains Giveaway:

For one (1) entry, become a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter.

For two (2) entries, "like" Smart & Sexy on Facebook.

For three (3) entries, leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, June 18, 2010 at midnight PST.

For four (4) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, June 18, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL.

For five (5) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, June 18, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment).

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, June 19, 2010.

Good luck everyone!

This Giveaway is open to U.S. Residents!

Winner will be able to choose their desired size from those that Smart & Sexy offers.

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Smart & Sexy for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Card Shark Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of 500 Full-Color Business Cards from UPrinting.com.

Don't forget to enter the Like A Glove Giveaway for your chance to win a Print Maxi Dress from Fashion to Figure.


Anonymous said...

I'm not entering this, because if I won I'm sure my parents would kill me, but I think the first one is very cute, I love the colour.

The Anthology said...

Ack! Again you have me wishing I lived in the States.

Cute pieces!


Anna said...

I love this brand!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I think its hot!! Please count me in! =)

I'm a follower of yours! =)

Anna said...

and I'm a follower!

Christina said...

So cute!!! RT @prblms4loki and i follow on GoggleReader!!!!

Pretty Zesty said...

So cute. Count me in!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oooh yes please count me in!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Am a follower!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Great giveaway! I wonder what will be in the bag :)

Marilia Roquini said...

wow!!! count on me... a lot

i'm a follower, for sure!!!


Anonymous said...

fabulous giveaway! *crossing fingers* to win

Theresa said...

I have a particular obsession with pretty lingerie. That first one is so cute! But I'm loving the second one.
You know I'm a follower. :)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and I tweeted :)

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anna Jane said...

Such a shame I can't enter, still, good luck to everyone! I love the look of that purple and black corset :)

- Anna Jane xxx

Valerie said...

These are so cute! I can totally picture myself lounging around the house in this, just to feel glamorous. I'm a follower!


Chicago Chic said...

Oh Erika, I WANT this!!! :) I so agree with you, I just love the feeling of dressing glamourous and sexy when lounging around the house. I think you are so right in saying that it increases confidence to ditch the ratty t-shirts and sweats at home. Not to mention, I'm sure my husband would have no complaints if I won this giveaway. ;) Both of these pieces are SO cute and I especially love the 2nd one...so pretty!!! I am a US resident and living in California right now as you know. I will keep my fingers crossed! :)

Have a spectacular weekend, Love!


Lila said...

I am a follower!

Lila said...

Love them!

Amber said...

omg those are just darling!!

by Sutton said...

what a cute give-a-way!

ps~ having a missoni give-a-way on my site, check it out! http://bit.ly/9CPLy0

J. said...

I'm also a follower :)


J. said...

awesome giveaway!


Jenny said...

I want!

<3 Jenny


Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

At the beginning of this post, I felt like you were outside of my window or something because if there is anything that I like to do in my lonesome, it is wear sassy undies. Seriously. I can't help myself.
I would love, love, love to win!!!

And, I'm already a follower =)

Alicia Lund said...

ooh i love it and i'm a follower! :)

Unknown said...

fabulous giveaway! i agree that lounging around is all the more fun when you're lounging in something pretty. it feels so glamorous.

i'm already a follower. :)

Maddy said...

Very sexy!! Count me in!
Plus, I think the hubby would be smitten with one of these numbers ;o)

Leah said...

So hot and sexy... I WANT!!!

I'm a follower of course. xoxo

Anonymous said...

So Chic and I'm a follower! :)


Sandy a la Mode said...

ohhh, yes please!! thanks for the chance to win! xo

Sara said...

Please enter me in your awesome giveway!! I hope that you have a great weekend Erica :)

Unknown said...

wow these are both beautiful and sexy! I cant believe i wasnt a follower already! Well now I am! :) I love your site!

WeShop said...

Hi Erika, this looks fab. Please enter me. Thanks! xx

Couture Carrie said...

AWESOME giveaway, darling E!


Hope I get lucky on this one!


Nikki said...

Thank you very much!:)

Nice giveaway. Love the colours!

meg said...

wow...just what a girl needs for summer. awesome!


I'm from Canada so....

But, I love the post below! Zebra skirt that doesn't look trashy? WIIIN.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

VaVaVooooom. Yes, puh-lease.

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a $25 Tulle gift certificate!

ellie said...

So sexy and yet adorable too!

SolDucky said...

Twitter follower soluckyducky
soluckyducky at {gmail} dot {com}

Catie said...

These are really cute! I'm a follower :D

Rick said...

you can't go wrong with smart and intelligent. no way to beat combination...ever!!!

have a great weekend, Erika!

Tracy said...

This is a great giveaway. I love these pieces. I'm already a follower. trbertrand at gmail dot com

Josie said...

I LOVE it! So pretty. And of course I'm a follower, doll!
xxoo Josie

Becky Tjandera said...

Wow so cute ! I wish I lived in the states :( Anyway , have a nice weekend Erika !

Anonymous said...

Ooh sign me up!
I'm also a follower of cafe fashionista via google reader!!


Anonymous said...

I am their twitter follower and facebook fan!

and you know I am already yours <3

Unknown said...

OMG! Count me in!! You always have the coolest giveaways. I love following your blog.

MJ said...

I would love love to win this! I'm a follower, too! Also I follow Smart & Sexy on Twitter.


Audrey Allure said...

I am already a follower of your blog & on Twitter :)

Such a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter

Anonymous said...

a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter (@sweepstaking)

Anonymous said...

a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter (@sweepstaking)

Anonymous said...

a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter (@sweepstaking)

Anonymous said...

a follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter (@sweepstaking)

Sassy POSE said...

I just became a follower on Twitter for an entry!

Sassy POSE said...

I just discovered this blog and love it. Check out my blog too!


Sassy POSE said...

I also just 'liked' your page on Facebook, and became your 865th follower on this blog! Hope I win!

Tights Lover said...

How did I almost miss this?? A lingerie giveaway? Count me in!

I'm so excited to hear about this lingerie brand!

Unknown said...

Enter me please! I am a follower of your blog of course. Great giveaway!!

Kim Jackson said...

Sexy, smart and chic--sign me up! Of course, I am already following your blog darling because you are just fabulous. I am now following @SaSSocialClub on Twitter, and have tweeted about the giveaway. www.twitter.com/chicmommy1

Krislyn said...

wow, fabulous giveaway! i am following on twitter, am a follower of your blog, and am leaving a comment! sounds like such a great opportunity.

Unknown said...

I love this giveaway! I am a follower of Cafe Fashionista on twitter and Google Reader, I tweeted about this giveaway @shopwestlandctr, and I want to win!

rebecca said...

and i am a follower!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

rebecca said...

great give away!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

becky said...

love this brand! great giveaway!

Stephanie H said...

Count me in.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love it!

KD said...

I am following SaSSocialClub on Twitter!

Audrey Allure said...

I'm a follower on Google Friend Connect/Twitter/Blogger :)

Audrey Allure said...

Great giveaway :) I hope you pick me! :)

Audrey Allure said...

I became a fan on Facebook!

Audrey Allure said...

I just followed them on Twitter!

Alacransita84 said...

I "like" Smart & Sexy on Facebook as Cristina Wyatt

aguero.crissy at gmail.com

Alacransita84 said...

Follower of @SaSSocialClub on Twitter as @Alacransita84

aguero.crissy at gmail.com

Alacransita84 said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter this great giveaway!

aguero.crissy at gmail.com

Alacransita84 said...

I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Alacransita84/status/16232905759

aguero.crissy at gmail.com

Alacransita84 said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect as Alacransita84

aguero.crissy at gmail.com

Deanna said...

Great site! I hope I win :)

Deanna said...

I "like" Smart & Sexy on Facebook.

Deanna said...

I follow @SaSSocialClub on twitter as "calidreamin87"

Deanna said...

Tweeted the giveaway:


Deanna said...

I'm already a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Friend Connect.

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