
Smitten Saturday

Shiny, Happy Wardrobes…because the fashionista’s little black dress is synonymous with the artist’s blank canvas – a fresh beginning for creating fabulosity; Bright Young Things is hoping you do precisely that. One little black dress. Three hundred sixty-five days. Let your imaginations run wild! How will you style yours, my loves?

Truffle My Feathers…because the glamorous gal isn’t the only one who can benefit from a petite sweet every now and again – so can your garden. Fashioned to look like scrummy chocolate truffles; Moulton’s Garden Bon Bons come wrapped in the very same type of gilded packaging as a box of true chocolates – with the added bonus of making either Herbal Tea or Italian Herbs pop up in your garden in a few short weeks! Darlings, how does your garden grow?

Charmed, I’m Sure…because no girl should leave home without a petite pendant necklace with the power to captivate, mesmerize, and launch potential conversations with cute boys with a single glance; just ask Gina Cartwright, the designer behind Charmed Circle. Birdcages, Time Capsules, and coming soon, the signs of the Zodiac. Trust me, kitty cats; no one will be able to resist.

Pretty, Pretty Passports…because you are not the only one who should be dressed to the nines during your travels abroad; your passport should look just as magnifique as you…and now it can. Narwhal Co. crafts pretty, pretty Passport Covers out of refashioned neckties so that your travel companion can look just as chic as you. Where will the two of you be heading this summer, dolls?

City Girl…because you can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl – or out of her accessory collection. MAPTOTE understands that. The brainchild of Rachel Rheingold and Michael Berick, MAPTOTE creates chic carryalls all of which are screened with maps of your favorite locales – from Brooklyn and Cape Cod to Paris and Los Angeles. Where will your tote take you today, lovers?

What were you smitten with this week?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Black and White and Fabulous All Over Giveaway for your chance to win Lovely Day’s Black Ivory Stripe Ruffle Drawstring Short Romper.

Don't forget to enter the Summer of Love Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of House of Harlow 1960 Sunburst Hoop Earrings from Frankie’s on the Park.


Joanne said...

The heat is definitely simmering here on the east coast, so it's board shorts and tanks all week!

FashionJazz said...

Happy smitten Saturday hun!!! Mwah xxx

Tayebug said...

Love those beautiful necklaces at Charmed Circle. Especially the YES one!

I was totally smitten with this ring I found from another blogger! I ordered it and can't wait to get it!!

Leia said...

I don't think I'm creative enough to wear the same dress 365 times!

Unknown said...

OMg I saw those maptotes the other day...I love them! I def want a Philadelphia one! :) And those charms...how adorable is the birdcage one! Great finds! Have a great weekend sweety! ♥

paislea said...

thank you for your lovely comment. I too, love your blog! it's amazing! and very cute!

do you have a button that i could put on my blog?

Shop N' Chomp said...

The Charmed Circle stuff is so purdy! *^_^*

Grace said...

I really need a cute passport cover. By the way, I really enjoyed the Jet Set guest post you wrote!

ellie said...

such cool sites. Love all of them. Have a great weekend.

meg said...

yummy sweets! So many ways to stay cool this summer.

ivy's closet said...

Lots of sweet things in this post today.

Tiffany Kadani said...

LBDs, chocolates, and fashionable traveling- I love how you think! Today I'm smitten with my new H&M jacket. Super cute!

jess said...

The bird cage charm is so cute.

Harper said...

this week I was definately smitten with the pool! I'm visiting family in florida and boy is it humid here <3

Anonymous said...

the only thing i've had the time to be smitten by this week is your blog, you always have the best posts!

Sherin said...

Bright young things sounds so interesting. I really want to do something like that!
And the Garden Bon Bons are such a good idea!

Anonymous said...

I adore the LBD, afterall, who doesnt? And I adore the bird cage necklace, I have one similiar!

Roni Faida said...

This week I have been in Paris and London, and I'm smitten with Parisian coffee and cafes, and London parks and yogurt. The Brits do GREAT yogurt!!

Nikolett said...

Those garden bon bons are ADORABLE. Such a perfect gift for those with a green thumb :) And the amazing passport covers are making me yearn to travel even more than usual.

This week I'm smitten with the 'Harry Potter' series all over again, as well as almond cereal - such a tasty meal :)Hope you have a great weekend!

joana said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You're so nice
Keep following
♥ Johanna

Claire Kiefer said...

Oooooh, I can't wait for the zodiac charms! Let us know as soon as their available! I love anything that represents my Leo-ness. :)

J. said...

I'm smitten with all the goodies I happened to thrift today! Thank you shopping Gods!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Loooooove the passport covers. Wish I was using mine this summer!

Josie said...

I LOVE those cute passport covers! I want one desperately.
xo Josie

K said...

That picture reminds me of WAY too many engagement pictures from couples that went to my school.

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Erikaaaa!! Thank you thank you thank you!! I loved Narwhal's!! Definitely buying once I settle on one!! :)

Oh and by the way honey, I have a tag for over at my blog!! I'd love for you to accept it!!

Now I know you don't do very many personal blogs but I'd love if you did this one....even if you didn't put up your own pics!! :)

michelle_ said...

have a great smitten saturday erika :)
many thanks for your sweet words as always !

Yulia Rahmawati said...

blog walking :D

Anna Grostina said...

I love the photo!!!!

monica said...

i want everything that you talked about in this post!

monica said...

i want everything that you talked about in this post!

monica said...

i want everything that you talked about in this post!

Audrey Allure said...

My cousin told me about Bright Young Things - I think it's interesting :)

Sootjeelina said...

I was smitten with the sun!

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Rick said...

Greetings from Montreal. Thanks for the suggestion to break out the passport. The weather is fantastic, and the styles...glorious. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Francy said...

The passport covers are amazing! That's such a creative idea. Thanks for sharing!!

Tayebug said...

I left you an award on my blog today. Come over and get it!!


Cindy Whitehead said...

The dress idea is fun - I doubt I could do it though! (-:

k said...

ooo, I just bought a little black dress! will go check that link out now :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

That birdcage pendant is so cute!!

Sierra said...

Love the pendant and everything else! Hope you are doing well girl!

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