
NOTD: Maybelline Color Show in Rose Rapture

Two coats of Maybelline Color Show Nail Lacquer in Rose Rapture. Metallic Pink Orchid.

You know how Radiant Orchid is the Pantone Color of the Year? Well...Rose Rapture will basically make your nails uber-trendy for 2014 because it captures the radiant orchid vibe perfectly.

Frosts, shimmers, metallics...we don't get along very well {read: our relationship is very Batman and Joker - not good}; yet somehow, I love Rose Rapture. There's something so romantic and feminine about the blushing shade that you kind of can't help but to swoon.

This is yet another Maybelline Color Show lacquer with a phenom formula. Initially, I thought it might be too thin; however, it reaches full opacity in two coats, and is a dream to work with. It doesn't hurt that the frosty / shimmery finish leaves no discernible brushstrokes behind either.

What nail color are you rocking for #ManicureMonday?

Follow me on Instagram @cateyesandskinnyjeans to see more of my favorite nail colors / art.


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ellie said...

I've had lots of luck lately with Mabeline's Color Show. Love this color!

ellie's desk said...

This looks like such an amazing color for these summer outings. Sweet color!

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous mani!


Sam said...

Completely enraptured by this beautiful rose hue. Have a great start to the week hun!

Unknown said...

I have never tried Maybelline (believe it or not) but definitely will after your post! Love that it doesn't leave brushstrokes! xo

Sara said...

This shade is beautiful! I think it captures summery flowers perfectly :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Pretty! I love pink!

Sherin said...

Such a beautiful colour. I love how bright the colour is.

Unknown said...

Nice color. I like the delicate sheen.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

ooh sounds great and looks beautiful. winner winner. :)

Midnight Cowgirl said...

What a beautiful color!

Imogen said...

wow this would have to be my dream colour.

www.janetteria.com said...

So 90s! :)

Gracey Williams said...

I'm definitely in need of some new nail polish colors, I'm just skeptical about how they will actually look on my nails. This color is so pretty, I might just try it out! Thank ya for the recommendation.


Johanna said...

Lovely shade! I love how it is so metallic ♥

Harish Kumar said...

Nice Blog & its more Informative also, So thank you for Sharing.

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