
links à la mode: the IFB weekly roundup {november 17, 2016 edition}


Floral print dresses, black jackets, and stripes are all the rage this week. Our creative bloggers are yanking their favorite florals from their Summer stashes and flaunting them this Fall. Other equally creative but more seasonally-inclined bloggers are opting for black jackets this week. Stripes never really fall out of style, but you might need some inspiration to keep the standby pattern from looking boring or dated – several posts in this roundup offer style tips on how to keep this lovable trend current and interesting!

This week, we also feature posts on fashion related literature, beauty buys (snail cream, anyone?), advice on how to wear your fave go-to booties and bodycons, holiday outfit inspiration, and more!

Links a la Mode, november 17th

SPONSOR: Amazon's Shopbop, Ganni, Flight 001 Accessories, Gift Guide, P.E NATION, JADE Swim, Marion Parke, Bell Sleeve Tops, Camera Bags, Shearling Boots, Men's Aer



ellie said...

November links are quite interesting! Love your Crush list!

ivy said...

Great to look through these links on this cold Sunday morning!

Couture Carrie said...

Fab links! Happy Sunday, darling!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Thanks for sharing! Hope you are having a great weekend.

Imogen said...

Will have to check some of these out.

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