
Thrifty Thursday: Balmain Oversized Cotton Military Shirt for a Steal

My loves, in the left corner you’ll find Balmain’s brilliant Oversized Cotton Military Shirt; in the right corner we have J. Crew’s Surplus Shirt-Jacket.

While the jazzy J. Crew piece lacks the epaulets and more militant-style buttons of the Balmain; at just $78.00, as opposed to the $1,345.00 asking price of the Balmain beauty, it is just as effective at providing the wearer with the “warrior woman” aesthetic you may be searching for, at a price that is far friendlier to one’s wallet.

Which role are you playing today, darlings…the frugal femme fatale or the sassy spendthrift?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Net-A-Porter and J. Crew for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Footloose Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Aerosoles Plush Around Wedge Sandals in Red from CSN Stores.

Don't forget to enter the Pretty Maids All in a Bow Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Bowtie Earrings from Petit Rococo.


Anonymous said...

Yes, please! I really like the safari-inspired button downs :)

Melanie@Unravelled Threads

Melanie's Randomness said...

I like the J. Crew one better actually. Buttons can be changed. I would just change the J. Crew buttons to better military ones because that Balmain's jacket is wayyy too expensive. I would change the buttons with a sassy smile!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the JCrew one actually, but I'm sure you could find an even cheaper one at a thrift store!

The Trendy Fashionista said...

I love these military jackets

-The Trendy Fashionista

Tiffany Kadani said...

I actually love the J Crew jacket way more. It looks a little more distressed and textured. Love it!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

JCrew for sure! I can't resist anything from that store :)

Jolie said...

Got to love the military look! I agree Im loving the JCrew one better, has that "lived in" look!

Couture Carrie said...

Nice alternative to Balmain, darling! You really do your research!


Valerie said...

I like the J Crew shirt better and what a huge price difference! Both are adorable though. :)


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I like the JCrew one best, I think, but this was a hard choice!

And you're totally welcome for the award =-)

fashion_nerd said...

Seriously loving both! I am def in need of one, too, so I appreciate the find! While the Balmain one is more military crisp, I would have to go for the J. Crew one (& prolly will when I go on my shopping spree next weekend!). Even if I had the spare change for the Balmain, I could never spend that much on a shirt.

Thanks for entering my giveaway, and for your advice! I def need all the help I can get... I'm completely incapable of making decisions on my own, LOL.

Hope you're having a fantastic day!

fashion nerdom :: locatingmyself.wordpress.com

Sara said...

The J crew one is too adorable, I would take that one in a heartbeat. I love button-downs and who doesn't love green? Great picks today Ericka :)

Shop N' Chomp said...

I actually like the JCrew one a little more =D

Rohini said...

I am loving all things military this year! Fab. :)

Joanne said...

Today I'll go with the Balmain. It has a sleeker, more streamlined look for the $$. It's a nice, wearable trend.

coolboy said...

after such a long time later i saw you , how are

this very lovely i like this post

cool military jacket

FashionJazz said...

Oooh I luv military hun!! Have a lovely Thursday xx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm all about the Crew number!

Tights Lover said...

Like the JCrew one. I'm always happy about the quality of anything JCrew that I buy, it seems.

Mariana said...

I like the J.Crew one better because it has a feminine fit that doesn't make the jacket overpowering.

daisychain said...

love the thrifty version!

Leah said...

I will have to choose the J Crew version. I can buy a fabulous bag with the price of the Balmain. Have a great day Erika! xoxo

The Blonde Duck said...

I like the steal one better!

ana said...

Its a great great piece for any wardrobe but I'll go for the J.Crew (I think is prettier)

Laura said...

Hi Erikaaaaa, amazing post, like usual ^^. Anyway I wanted to let you know that you won an award on our blog :) xoxo laura.

ellie said...

I dunno..that's a lot of dinero for either. I'd go for the real thing down at Salvation Army..it might be the fatigued look..and real patches too.

I think of my brother's dungry jacket that he got from Dad. He looks so cool in it..and well, it has a history to it, as well.

I have to admit..nothing more comfortable than the old green fatigued pants. Of course, they might be too high waist for some.

Maddy said...

Anything JCrew touches is golden to me! And I agree with the above commenter, for the Balmain money, I can buy a nice designer bag to go with my fabulous Jcrew top :)

Josie said...

I actually quite prefer the J.Crew pick -- adorable!
xxoo Josie

Love, Youa said...

wow, what a significant saving!!! i love reading about great finds such as this one. thanks for sharing. :)

Alicia Lund said...

JCrew is definitely my favorite go to store. this top is a keeper!!! i am in love and need it right away. :)

Sherin said...

I definitely prefer the J. Crew one. It looks so much more casual and wearable.

S.Elisabeth said...

NICE find. I would definitely go for the J Crew one, agree with Sherin. Looks so much more wearable.

Claire Kiefer said...

I am absolutely slack-jawed at the $1345 price tag. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I mean, neither of these shirts are my style, but even if I loved it with all my heart I simply cannot FATHOM spending the same amount of money that could buy me a round trip plane ticket across the world . . . omg!

WeShop said...

Very nice - would love either of these. xx

Jen said...

I need one of these military shirts in my life! I can imagine pairing one with so many things in my wardrobe... and I'd definitely go for the J. Crew version! Thrifty and pretty!

Chicago Chic said...

What a cute shirt! But oh my, $1,345.00 is a lot of money! I think the J Crew version is every bit as lovely as the Balmain! What a great find!


Posh Peach said...

I like the J. Crew one. They've really dove into this type of style now, muted colors and all. I must say I do miss some of the brighter colors!

Anonymous said...

nothing beats balmain! (sadly, my bank account doesn't agree)

Fashion Court said...

balmain is amazing but i definitely can't buy anything from them..until maybe i'm an actual lawyer :P .. love the jcrew version!

www.janetteria.com said...

So fantastic! Few days ago I bought a safari military bag from Moschino! :D

SabinePsynopsis said...

Balmain might be a tiny bit more edgy, but looking at the price my choice is clear: J Crew all the way! Great design and great find. (and I do love online shopping, too, Erika ;)

stylefrontier said...

that's absolutely a fasbulous bargain!
similar shirt also can be found in zara


Rick said...

I really like the military look! And the J.Crew jacket is definitely the way to go here, both in terms of price and style.

Great find, Erika (as always :)


I love this type of shirt because I love green. The Balmain one is way too pricey so I will go for J Crew! x


J. said...

I'm a little addicted to J Crew, so that would be the item of choice for me.

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

i would feel guilty spending that much money on a cotton shirt, seriously

Pink Blog Girl said...

I vote J. Crew! I actually think it's cuter :)

Cafe Observer said...

Is your Balmin outfit pic on the left for a guy or a gal?

little luxury list said...

Hello dear, I feel I haven't stopped by lately so wanted to say hi and yes to the J. Crew shirt!

Stephanie said...

I actually really like the JCrew one because of it's detailed pockets!


Unknown said...

What a great discount find!! Love this look. Im loving cargo pants for the spring too! I only have one pair though...need to get more! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..I don't think I'd need one that expensive.

Yulia Rahmawati said...

cool shrit from J.Crew
like this

B a la Moda said...

I don´t know if it is the picture or what but I like the J.Crew better! I am so happy to always go for the cheap one... The bad thing is that in only happens when I am in your blog... :)

B* a la Moda

Sootjeelina said...

I wanted something like that for a longer time but I toughed they were too expensive.. Now I found one finally :D
BTW, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I really appreciate it :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Charlie said...

Ooooo I like it I like it! Thanks for the tip, ive been looking for a nice army shirt!



coolboy said...

wow i love that military jacket its really cool perfect outfit

nice post

have a great weekend

Audrey Allure said...

I really like the J. Crew one :)

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

I love the military look but I never actually like it on me, you know? But I appreciate that you featured it because Balmain is, well, Balmain and fabulous. A gal can dream.
Thanks for your sweet comments! I am so happy when I see that you are reading =)

Cindy Whitehead said...

I like the j. crew on e best! Saw so many at Barneys yesterday and this J. Crew one is by far THE best!

Jamie said...

While I love them both, I am definitely the frugal femme fatale yet again. The J.Crew version is just as fab!!


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I actually think the J. Crew one looks soooo much better! I just might need to get it! :)

Sara Lee Bentley said...

I love anything Balmain BUT I also love J.Crew (as does my wallet!) so this one's a no brainer!
Great finds as always, Erika!! :)


michelle_ said...

i love anything by jcrew !
they make trendy stuff into classics :) sad that they're not available in my country :(

Midnight Cowgirl said...

I'm definitely hearting the J. Crew pick.

Style with Benefits said...

We are so on the same wavelength! I've been looking for a military jacket for the past few days, and just saw this J. Crew one the other day. I def. think it's a great alternative; just wish it was longer because I like to keep my butt covered. :)

xo, becs

Sharon Lei said...

I actaully like the J.Crew one a lot better! Gasp!

xx Love & Aloha

Emily said...

I am going with the J. Crew shirt!

Unknown said...

I love that J Crew one. Cute!

frockandrollonline.com said...

Ooh, this is a tough call, but I DO actually prefer the Balmain one, this time! (Simply for the colour!)

Style with Benefits said...

Hey Erika! Came across this & thought of you. It's an Urban Renewal Army Surplus jacket, though the material looks pretty thick since it's made from vintage materials. What do you think? I may get it:


Sorry the link is so long!

xo, becs

International Citizen [i.CTZN} said...

Love the millitary look!!!! I am designing a line to focus on this look!
and check out my blog about the millitary look!

All the best!

Jessica said...

It's always a happy surprise when my favorite piece is the cheaper one!

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