
Why Don't You...?

…order a dozen balloons in a variety of pretty colors and carry them wherever you go? As Winnie the Pooh once said, “Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon.”

…play tomboy for a day and build a treehouse? Better yet, slip on a pair of playful Prps Suspender Denim Shorts, find a boy who is willing to do the legwork, and simply stand about and look cute as he constructs your little hideaway in the trees.

…make doing mundane household chores a celebration by singing as loud as you possibly can?

…throw a theme party every single day of the week? Style yourself in Splendid’s Vintage Whisper Racer Back Tank for Monday’s Pink Party; don Young Fabulous & Broke’s Faux Fur Vest for Tuesday’s Almost Famous Party; tease your hair 80s style for Wednesday’s Hair Party; whip out your Oliver Peoples Marbella Sunnies for Thursday’s Fun in the Sun Party; and unleash your seductive, feline-inspired feminine mystique during Friday’s Animal Kingdom Party. The key word here is theme, darlings; therefore, be something (or rather, someone) completely out of the ordinary!

…spend the afternoon collecting shimmering seashells at the shore and fashion them into beautiful baubles for your besties?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to the robins for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Hickory Dickory Dock Giveaway for your chance to win an automatic watch from Orient Watch USA.



Once again, fabulous photo Erika. I love the floppy hat paired with the lace. I am going to have to try the balloon thing for a photo shoot and I already love to collect seashells. x


Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes said...

Adore the seashell idea. I just might try it! xxSAS

Joanne said...

I'm liking the idea of collecting seashells. Nothing is as perfect as spending a few afternoon hours strolling the high tide line, a sea breeze blowing, the ocean as far as you can see.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

A them party every day of the week? Perfect! What could get more fun than that? :)

Unknown said...

This made me happy, just picturing it all!

Nuheila said...

Loving the photo.This post made me smile:D


Rachel Scarlet said...

Oh I love balloons! Great way to spend the week with something different each day.

Btw, how are you Erika? I hope you are doing great as always :) XOXO

daisychain said...

I love each and every one of these ideas

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

I'd love to order a dozen balloons. I adore balloons! have a nice day, darling! xo

Tiffany Kadani said...

Oh my goodness! Winnie the Pooh reference makes my heart melt. I can't wait to go on the sand and pick up those wonderful sea shells. I love your world so much!

coolboy said...

i like denim shorts


mAdi*cakes said...

:] hello!! I definately need balloons and a themed party! I have no clue what Im doing to for my birthday haha. I like the idea of an animal kingdom birthday. :] There's a guy that I hope will be coming out with me and Id sure be on the prowl to get a birthday kiss from him ;) haha love the picture!!


Clare said...

love that picture...yay for building treehouses! x

michelle_ said...

fabulous ideas Erika !
the balloon idea reminded me of Miss Dior Cherie's perfume ad campaign where the girl seemed really happy and carefree :)
i guess the balloons would look good in photos..hehe

glisters and blisters

Couture Carrie said...

Love the Pooh quote and all the fab ideas for theme parties!!


Josie said...

Those suspender shorts! Loving them!
xxoo Josie

Leah said...

The suspender shorts is so cute. I wish I am young enough to carry balloons... I love balloons.

Have a great day Erika! xoxo

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I want to spend the day collecting sea shells!! Sigh. Where is the nearest beach to Missouri?! LOL!

Sara said...

Dude, I love how we both managed to reference Winnie the Pooh in our posts today!

The theme for each day of the week sounds like a lot of fun! :) I am totally rockin' the big hair today, kyle said that I look like Slash.

Claire Kiefer said...

Seriously Erika, that is the most stunning picture I've seen in a long time! She looks exquisite in that big floppy hat. Oh how I wish I were lounging at the beach instead of sitting in my office . . .

Sarah M said...

so i actually bought a bunch of ballons and then gave em out to randoms downtown...

im pretty sure i made alot of people happy!

and met tons of cute boys ;) haha
thanks for the tip!

-Sarah M

Sarah M said...

so i actually bought a bunch of ballons and then gave em out to randoms downtown...

im pretty sure i made alot of people happy!

and met tons of cute boys ;) haha
thanks for the tip!

-Sarah M

Theresa said...

Ahh, that first one is so cute! I really need to take a day off to go to the beach, and then of course go on a hunt for some lovely little sea shells with the sad between my toes. I haven't done that in so long! :]

ak said...

aw i am so winnie the pooh..give me a balloon and im a happy girl =)


alwayslistentoyourart said...

Hey! You've changed the design, haven't you? I t looks great!
I really love this first photograph!
I will try some of those things.
thanks so much! ;)

ellie said...

what a great summer tank. cool suggestions. for sure.

Gorgeous Glam said...

I'm going to do the ballon suggestion asap. ;) Great as usual my dear! xoxo

meg said...

I think I've found the joys of summer right here!

Unknown said...

some times compliments boost our energy it makes us to post more new things or it gives courage to post anything
thats why i came here to comment on your post
whether it is useful for me or not that doesn't matter
only matters is you are happy with my comment or not

oh come to your post its as usual very interesting

be happy

Valerie said...

These are so cute, Erika. I love singing while I clean! It makes it so much more enjoyable. :)


Alicia Lund said...

oh i love the idea about collecting sea shells and creating fun baubles for girlfriends :)

Denisa L said...

I did the last one when I was little:)

Devea said...

Haha, I already sing out loud while doing chores! xoxo

Punctuation Mark said...

i love the idea of the balloons... though it's so hot in Miami that they would not last too long and would pop in no time...

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I love the idea of themed days! Also, I always make sure to blast some good tunes when I clean the apt :)

Happy hump day/Cinco de Mayo!!

J. said...

I will be driving my neighbors crazy with my singing! They'll get over it!

WeShop said...

Such a wonderfully upbeat and uplifting post. Thanks! xx

Tights Lover said...

A treehouse wouldn't be a bad idea. Lord knows I have the lumber sittin around my back yard right now...hahaha.

noone said...

cuuute post. speaking of theme parties I just threw one at my house on saturday. it was a "cheezy bros and jailbait hoes" party LOL!

Midtown Girl said...

Theme parties are such a fabulous idea!! I need to have a "Midtown Girl" one...what do u think? <3

The Blonde Duck said...

Going out to get balloons now...

Mara said...

haha I love all these! I make chores better by singing really loudly! I don't care who hears me..until I hear them slam their windows (which does happen let me tell you!)

Shop N' Chomp said...

I love that last idea! =D

Anonymous said...

i'd love to do them all:)

Winnie said...

I so love the idea of the balloons!

Emily said...

I love the balloon suggestion! :) 'tis true.

www.janetteria.com said...

U are right. I need a new sunnies! :D

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Erika,
I'll go for the treehouse and the baloons! Great list.
Hope you're having a fabulous week,

Style, She Wrote said...

Love the picture -- and the balloon idea! I think I may try that this weekend...

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having a boy build me a nice hideaway while wearing overalls, sounds romantic and unlaborous!

joei ♥ said...

oooohhhh.. a theme party seems like a great idea! :)

♥ joei

Clare said...

Oh I love the idea of collecting shells for your friends! How sweet and summery!

Amber's Notebook said...

that winnnie the pooh quote is too cute!! And that hat! I need on just like that!

Artist said...

Great list, I had to smile.

Hélène Heath said...

I'm TOTALLY down with point number 3! Ha! Also, may i ask where you got that braided belt you spoke of in my comments section?? I really want one!! thanks :) xxx

ediot said...

hi lovely.thanks for that sweet comment. i love all your posts. and that photo is amazing.
i would love to build- or just to sit in an treehouse right now. and also. i feel its time for an theme party! lets join forces ;)haha

wish you an wonderful midweek darling.

xx ediot

S.Elisabeth said...

Ooh the last one sounds like perfection. What I would give to be on the beach right now!
Always love your "Why don't you...?"s!

Jessica said...

I could definitely go for a bright, bouncing balloon!

Today, however, I settled on a bag of gummy worms - which was just as uplifting!

Hope you're having a good week!

rosiecampbell said...

What a fabulous post! It made me happy.

Francy said...

An Almost Famous theme party sounds fabulous! I've only seen that movie once, and I've been craving another viewing lately.

Oh, and I do love that we have the same Target dress! I have gotten the most amazing bargains there ;-)

Maria at Bachman's Sparrow said...

What sweet suggestions, and if Winnie the Pooh said it, then I'm doing it! Hahahah

xoxo Maria

Pink Blog Girl said...

I LOVE balloons! They're so simple, but they can bring so much joy :)

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

These posts are just the sweetest. I love your blog =) Oh wait, I think I tell you that everytime!
Thanks for your comment. I'll def check out the AA page. I think I just need to go into a store and try things on for myself. Who doesn't love a good shopping day?

All Women Stalker said...

I do number3 like ALL THE TIME! Haha. I'm sure it annoys the boyfriend. :)

Sara Lee Bentley said...

Super ideas!
I already sing loudly whenever -- glad you support it! -- and now I think I'll go find some balloons! And sing loudly as I walk around carrying them, of course :)


Sara Lee Bentley said...

Super ideas!
I already sing loudly whenever -- glad you support it! -- and now I think I'll go find some balloons! And sing loudly as I walk around carrying them, of course :)



just fabulous !

Unknown said...

wow check out that hat xxxxxxx

SabinePsynopsis said...

Fabulous suggestions, Erika! Does loud singing while photoshopping count, too? Definitely want to go on a tree house (btw, I'm so impressed that you know guys with 'Where the Wild Things Are' tattoos. So cool!)

Jamie said...

A party every day? I love it!! I am a total party girl! I am actually thinking of throwing my girlfriends a happy unbirthday brunch when I get back from DC. This is the last weekend I am away for awhile...


PS. Award time ;)

Audrey Allure said...

Speaking of balloons, I saw a man yesterday prancing around & carrying a bunch lol. And he wasn't selling them either haha.

COCAMIA said...

I needed this today! Thank you...xo

Closet Cravings said...

Hey Doll,
I've missed you! I've been crazy busy with moving and renovating my new home. Now I've been playing catch-up. You know how much I adore the "Why Don't You . . ?" posts. They're always inspiring. I heart the photo. I wish I could look that fabulous in such a large hat. =)

glee said...

doing mundane household chores a celebration by singing as loud as you possibly can? - you're speaking of me, girl. I usually do this on the weekends and especially at my parents house. Makes chores easy to complete :)

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love your list. Yea for theme parties!

Fashion Court said...

what great suggestions! i wish i could throw a theme party every day! haha

Andhari said...

I would love to play tomboy for a day and play in a treehouse. Just laying down and enjoy the breeze all day!

Sherin said...

These are all fantastic ideas. It's true: you can never be unhappy with balloons. But I need to do some Spring cleaning, so I'm going to take your advide and sing as loudly as I can while doing it.

frockandrollonline.com said...

Love, love, love these. And anyone who advocates theme parties is awesome in my eyes! :D

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