
Why Don't You...?

…put on a pretty frock, let down your hair, and be one with nature? Dance through a field of daisies; pirouette through a patch of petunias; twirl through a pasture laden with tulips. Now is the time to set yourself free, my loves!

…wear Kiki de Montparnasse Nuit Lace Gloves with everything? Allocate them as your signature accessory.

…spend the afternoon surrounded by never-ending sweets, and the latest issue of Cosmopolitan? Face it darlings, there is nothing so satisfying as a sugar rush coupled with a little scandal!

…make the world your catwalk? Strut down the sidewalk in your Sergio Rossi Definition Cutout Stiletto Sandals. Allow a pretty pout to play upon your lips while parading through the park in your Parker Cami Dress. Strike a pose in your LaROK Summer Love Romper while sashaying through the stuffy corridors of your workplace. Remember kitty cats…life is a runway.

…leave your pretty pendants at home and replace them with a whimsical bubble necklace? Blow bubbles at everyone you meet!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Creative Fashion for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Pretty Maids All in a Bow Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Bowtie Earrings from Petit Rococo.

Don't forget to enter the Hickory Dickory Dock Giveaway for your chance to win an automatic watch from Orient Watch USA.


Tiffany Kadani said...

I can't help but smile when reading your Why Don't You posts. Bubble necklaces and pirouettes are right up my alley! Smiles everywhere!

Summer Athena said...

put on a pretty frock, let down your hair, and be one with nature? Dance through a field of daisies; pirouette through a patch of petunias; twirl through a pasture laden with tulips. Now is the time to set yourself free, my loves!

♥…wear Kiki de Montparnasse Nuit Lace Gloves with everything? Allocate them as your signature accessory.


Maddy said...

I haven't picked up a Cosmo (or any magazine) in ages!!! Why buy cosmo when I have the wonderful Cafe Fashionista to look forward to on a daily basis ;o)

Hélène Heath said...

This photo is amazing! I love the styling - that shirt is fantastic! ps planning on going out to buy a romper immediately! xxxx

Couture Carrie said...

I am going to a Republican Candidate's Forum tonight and I really want to bring that bubble necklace!!


Mar said...

I always eat sweets while reading magazines. In fact, I always eat sweets and I always read fashion magaizes. I think it's like an obsession. Love xxx

Unknown said...

I love these lists! Thanks for brightening my day!

Jamie said...

I am loving that Parker Cami dress!! That is definitely sidewalk-catwalk worthy!!


Posh Peach said...

Dancing among spring flowers and indulging in sweets sounds like a perfect day to me!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh, these Sergio Rossi sandals are adorable. Just thinking of them makes me feel elegant. Great find, Erika!

noone said...

ohhh so cute! I love the sergio sandals in your prev post. I wouldn't spend $600 on a pair of shoes just to get mud of them!

Leah said...

I love to dance in a field of flowers. The Cosmo thing made me laugh.

Have a great day Erika! xoxo

Leia said...

I would love to do ALL these things! If only exams weren't taking over my life :( sigh.

And Erika, I can't believe you haven't yet seen the september issue! It wasn't a great movie, actually, but it did confirm my suspicions that Ms Wintour is not top of my "role model" list. To be quite frank, I think her hairstyle is completely outdated, she doesn't dress very well (always in the same type of dress!), she's far too skinny, and she doesn't seem like a very nice person at ALL! Now, go watch it and tell me your opinion :)

Sootjeelina said...

I want to do it all right now :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Sara said...

oh I sooo want a bubble necklace! lol That would be a riot! I love those lace gloves, very pretty! I love the pic you have up today too, well, I usually always love them :)

I totally want to run through some flowers! If only it would warm up a little more and I would!

Theresa said...

Now wherever will I find a big open field around here...
because I most do that!
The bubble necklace idea is so cute. I remember being quite a nuisance to my family as a child when it came to bubbles. haha

Claire Kiefer said...

I know, these are great. They almost give me the strength to will myself out of my office and into some lovely field or, better yet, Baker Beach. :) It's not that far away--I could be there in 20 minutes! haha. Happy mid-week, Erika!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic! <3

The Blonde Duck said...

I love to wear pretty frocks and dance.

www.janetteria.com said...

I have a similar lace gloves but my pieces are short. Lovely gift from my best friend. LOL!

♥ Please don't forget to enter the leather keychains GIVEAWAY!♥ Good luck! ♥

Anonymous said...

i want to do it all!

K said...

Awww, I miss Cosmo. My Allure subscription just doesn't do it for me.

ellie said...

so elegant indeed! but I'll have to settle for my crochetted wrist warmers..its kind of nippy here at the moment.

Sherin said...

What fantastic ideas! I am so tempted to put on my prettiest dress and run thtrough a field. But I'm definitely going to eat lots of sweets while reading a magazine tomorrow.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

One of these days I'm going to do all of these fabulous things you suggest, Erika! How amazing would that be? :)

Francy said...

YES to everything!

Joanne said...

I like the first suggestion best, probably because my garden is tilled and I'm getting ready to plant veggies and flowers in the next few days ...

Anonymous said...

I dont live near a field of daisies :( But I will frolick there in spirit hehe

I love this post


WeShop said...

Another uplifting post that made me smile and feel better about life, love and everything! x

Roxanne said...

I would love nothing more than to sit down with some sweets and a magazine! xo

Anonymous said...

i LOVE these posts!

S.Elisabeth said...

Love these suggestions. I remember last year my friend pulled out her ancient homemade bubble machine and we had a blast!

Anonymous said...

I love this post and the picture is just gorgeous! :o

have a wonderfull long wkend xoxo laura.

Stephanie said...

I love reading cosmos, usually with a coffee or espresso but I'll do it with sweets too!


Frannie said...

This post makes me want to do ballet and twirl and whirl while bubbles pop around me :)

Fantastic post dearest!!!

Clara Campelo said...

lovely blog!

Grace said...

Beautiful, Erika. I enjoyed reading your post. :)

vicky h. said...

the bubble-necklace idea is amazing!! totally bringing one next time I go to the park :)

xox Vicky
Bikinis & Passports

AlejandraMijangos said...

Soooo beautiful!

Emily said...

bubbles are so much fun! I love that idea :)

E said...

Those lace gloves are totally hot! I love your ideas!

Anonymous said...

These things will just make you feel pretty! So cool!

FashionJazz said...

Wow, i love your posts like these hun!!! Have a lovely week! xx

Unknown said...

love this post x

Sharon Lei said...

Erika, thanks for putting a smile on my face and sweet images in my head! You always have the best ideas.. and the creativity in your mind amazes me!! I love it!! Happy Happy Day sweetiepie.. HUGS!

xx Love & Aloha

Marta said...

this post is fantastic!

Sara Lee Bentley said...

I am in love with the Sergio Rossi sandal's and Parker's Cami dress -- seriously could anything make a girl feel prettier than a pairing of those two?! Perfect for a first date with a cute guy, non?
You're posts ALWAYS make me smile!!


stylefrontier said...

oh these are inspiring! i would love to dance in field of daisies!

Cindy Whitehead said...

You always remind me to make my life fun and pretty - thank you! Looking forward to Cosmo and chocolates - good idea for today. (-:

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Munching on chocolate and reading magazines is a perfect way to spend an afternoon!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Erikkaaaaaaaaaaaaa this post is sooo mee! It's like you'rewriting my mind and heart here!! Lovely!!

J. said...

I want those lace gloves! They fall in line with masks as Things-I-Could-Have-a-Fetish-For-If-I-Let-Myself!

glee said...

haha! I'd love to spread out my dark frocks on wide beautifull ground with the smile of fresh flowers and dried grasses mixed in that air.

This is a very beautiful photo I honestly was smitten by it. I tried lo find who owns this photo but I couldn't. I just remember taking it from tumblr.

monica said...

ur "why dont you?" posts simply make my life

suddenly reminded of the need to buy a statement necklace!

Unknown said...


Jessica said...

I love these whimsical posts. They always leave me daydreaming!

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