Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time”
Otis Redding, Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

Each morning, just before the sun rises, I would slip out of bed, vacating the cool, crisp sheets that had surrounded me through the night; snatch my Cady Cuff Metallic Shorts off the bureau, topping them with Alice + Olivia’s Carrie Classic Shirt with Rolled Cuffs; and, with Rag & Bone Victoria Wedge Sandals dangling from the fingertips of one hand, and Bop Basics’ Open Weave Fedora with Canvas Trim held loosely in the other, I would steal away in the dusky morning. My bare feet would leave a trail of footprints upon the dew-drenched walkway as I skip along the dock, coming to a halt with a plop at the very end, and casting my legs over the edge to hover above the icy water, just as a mix of pink, red, orange, purple, and blue enters the sky, signifying the true arrival of a new day.
From morning ‘til night my activities would be a mix of sitting languidly along the dock, allowing my thoughts to wander and think up fantastical things alongside a soundtrack featuring a blend of Rooney, Coconut Records, MGMT, Belle & Sebastian, and The Kooks swirling through my brain via the accompaniment of my trusty iPod; lying belly down, my legs swinging thoughtlessly in the air as I devour book after book with sweet treats galore close by; and carelessly dipping my toes in and out of the water sending innocent shocks of excitement through my body. Then, once night falls, I would retreat back home for the evening, only to plan the very same thing for the next day!
What would your days be like if you had absolutely no responsibilities in life, kitty cats? What would you wear? How would you spend your time? Better yet, who would you spend your time with? Dish dolls; you know you want to!
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Shopbop for the picture.
Don't forget to enter the Footloose Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Aerosoles Plush Around Wedge Sandals in Red from CSN Stores.
Don't forget to enter the Pretty Maids All in a Bow Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Bowtie Earrings from Petit Rococo.
58 comments responsibilities in life? No fun. :)
I would sleep on a beach all day, with the exception of a few swims. Ohhh, to have no responsibilities!
I love that Otis Redding song, by the way! It's such a perfect one for a lazy summer day.
If I had absolutely no responsibilities I'd probably want to spend the day alone, maybe a little time with my family. I'd wear leggings and my favorite shirt. I'd go to see a movie with my mom and rewatch episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 and Veronica Mars. And I'd eat pixy stix.
That sounds so lame, but those are the things that I just find really relaxing. Most things end up with at least some stress involved, but not those.
That sounds absolutely lovely!
It's actually tough to think of what I would do if I had no responsibilities. I think I would want each day to be completely different and might spend the bulk of my time travelling! But if I had to describe ONE perfect day, I think I would... slip on a pretty floral dress and wedge sandals, pack sandwiches and fruit and sparkling elderflower water into a wicker basket, plait my hair and weave in a couple of flowers, and find a sun-drenched grassy spot in the woods, close to a trickling stream. I would take my beau with me and spend the day reading in the sun!
Sounds like a little piece of heaven to me!
If I had no responsibilties in life I would wear sundresses or cocktail dresses all the time. And I would spend my time with my best friends.
If i had no worries, i would dance every night in different countries a their best rave places and also be a guest dj for them. I would also spend time with different people in my family and friends making it my mission to help them. then at the end, sit in soho or upper east side in my very expensive apartment w/a garden and drink black coffee listening to watever strikes me.
Great post! I look forward to all of your " what if" blogs-emi
I love the chosen image for this post. Though how that model can dangle such beautiful shoes so close to the water is beyond me!
Oh to have no responsibilities in life! I think I'd just slip on a loose dress and resort to being a child and bake endless cakes and cookies and run through woods and chase animals for the hell of it. :)
Thank you for the very sweet comments by the way, very much appreciated! It's good to be back and blogging :)
- Anna Jane xxx
It is hard to believe a life without responsibilities. :)) Love that song! How are you doing?
B* a la Moda
Love that song. Perfect for a Sunday !!!
awesome pieces !
im in love with the rag & bone wedges ! i totally ahve to get that when my bank account starts filling up again :)
thanks much for dropping by at my blog.. <3
I love these posts. They are so inspiring :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
If no responsibilities in life? Probably call Erika to see what she's doing for the day. I'd probably stay in bed late making lots of love. And, wait for my lottery ck in the mail each month!
Erika, that is one of Kyle's favorite songs :)
I love the idea of this, very whimsical. I love the outfit you picked out too. (You always pick the best ones for the occasion).
I think I would spend all of my time reading, inside a dusty old library if it was cold, outside in a park if it was warm. :)
I'd love to say that I'd put on pretty, pastel dresses and gorgeous pumps and have a ball but knowing me, I'd probably just sit and home and eat way too much ice-cream if I had no responsibilities. ;)
I feel SO DREAMY reading about your ideal day. So much that I'm not sure I can think of anything much better! I think the only improvement I can imagine would be if, while I was frittering away the day reading and dipping my toes in water, I knew that the love of my life would be waiting for me that evening at home. With a delicious meal he'd cooked and some really good red wine. haha!
Oh that would be the best day of my life... no worries, no schedules, just plain ME time. I'd love to sit by the dock too. Alone would still be awesome.
That Alice + Olivia shorts is the perfect attire... I am thinking of wearing white shorts and some pastel colored top.
Have a great Sunday Erika! xoxo
If I had no responsibilites, my life would be calm and easy. I would wear soffee shorts and sparkly tops, wedge heels, spaghetti straps, jeaned shorts, flip flops...ooooh, lots of things!
I would spend my time in the fall from the crack of dawn until the evening. I'd end the day on a movie and a starbucks frappe to sip on. =)
Absolutely no responsibilities? Oh how perfect that would be!! :)
Loving those Alice + Olivia shorts and the fedora!
Lovely post. I'd love the luxury of a few days on a beach just catching up on my reading. With lovely restaurant meals in the evening watching the sun set. Bliss! xx
Oh gosh if i had to responsibilities (and an expense account) I just added that in there. I would shop all day. Go to lovely restaurants, attend zumba, get my hair done daily and just generally be fabulous.
For me, my life of leisure would be at the beach, near the sea, at a little cottage set beside a pretty salt marsh filled with swans and herons. Long beach walks and lingering on the porch would be happening each day :) Happy leisure to you!
Simple; read, write, sleep, swim, and listen to music. I may run just for some exercise.
Wouldn't that just be lovely- I would sit on the beach with a good book and a yummy drink! :)
Oh dear, no responsibilities... this sounds sooo attractive! Long breakfasts reading the newspaper, playing tennis for hours, blogging and listening to music... Hold on, this is pretty much my life already ;-)
You've just described my dream life. This sounsd so relaxing.
Or, I would love to spend each week in another city, exploring and getting to know new cultures.
I love, love, love this post! I would love nothing more than to have absolutely no responsibilities! And I love your imaginary outfit -- so cute!
xxoo Josie
I would spend my days on the beach in comfortable clothes made of linen in nautical prints :)
so love the hat..but I'd be in my boyfriend's tank and pjs..I'm afraid..on my doubt.
Oh what a lovely escape idea! I would don some flowy, flowery sun dress, a pair of sandals, and my boater hat while spending my days at a gorgeous island beach. I'd bring along my ipod, filled with my favorite tunes, and a favorite, smile inducing book to spend the day with. And, because the beach is secluded and I'm entirely alone, if my favorite song were to come on, I'd get up and dance away.
What a lovely way to spend time =) I'm in.
I have to tell you, I am afraid of rompers! I think they are so adorable and really call to the pin up girl feel (and I LOVE feeling pin up) however I am a long woman and nothing says camel toe like a onesy. God help us this summer!
ahhh, the good life! I wish I could have just a day with no responsibilities. ok, maybe a week, but then I'd have to do something lol! your ideas sound perfect though. how relaxing. definitely a reminder to schedule some vacation for the summer ASAP! :)
hope you had an amazing weekend.
Love that photo it looks so relaxing..
That life sounds too good to be true and it is!! haha (sigh)
This is definitely something that has me thinking and wouldn’t it be nice if days in our adult life could be long and slow like when we were kids. Looking back now, the time seems like it passed in a flash. The hardest decision I had to make back then was which flavor popsicle to have on a hot summer day.
I clicked on the links and love the shorts and fedora you posted.
I’ve recently started getting into MGMT and I’m really digging their sound. I also have gotten into Shiny Toy Guns, SafetySuit and Metric. My lazy days would be spent very similar to what you described. I’d have good music nearby, a refreshing beverage, good book and feet dipped in the water. I’d love to have my husband close at hand to spend this lazy, lovely time with.
If I had no responsibilities... I'd spend A LOT more time at the beach catching up on my reading!! And I'd take a lot more road trips!
PS, thank you for always leaving the sweetest comments on my blog :)
You almost made my heart skip a beat at the words 'no responsibilities' ... it seems as you get older they just pile on, so it'd be nice to be worry-free for a week or two! I'd definitely love to a cottage, just spend some time reading, dancing like a fool, going in a canoe ... it'd be amazing. I could be solo or with friends, doesn't matter to me! :)
Hpe you had a great weekend lady!
I'd have tea and slumber parties! XD
P.S I'm the opposite! I want to love Neutrogena but it tends to dry my skin out for some reason. =\
mmmm... i'd wake very early and tiptoe out in my kimono, to write for an hour, over tea and a delicious breakfast; then don a cozy hoody, leggings, runners, go for a walk or run. when i got home i'd wake my partner very sweetly, and get ready for the day - curl my hair, wear my favourite drainpipe jeans, white t-shirt, blazer, red-and-blue pumps.
i'd settle down with a book for a few hours, with more tea, and then maybe wander into the studio/atalier for a while to work because i Wanted to, instead of had to. i'd lunch with someone i love, then maybe do some more reading, or go out to look at pretty shops, then i'd make a lovely meal, watch a beautiful film, read a bit more, and go to bed early (because you have to, you know, if you want to wake up the same way!).
and i reckon that would be just about perfect...
Just sitting on a dock would be awesome. Relax, have a few thoughts to yourself. I'd love to be there in that picture. Coincidently I'd like to wear what she's wearing as well haha
my life would consist being lazy during the day and partying all night if I had no responsibilities at all!:P
gorgeous photo... seriously i could not love shopbop any more :) your dream outfit sounds divine! i hope you have a great week!
You're so freakin adorable, Ily! <3
Cute pic!:)
What a lovely story...incredibly visually evocative. A real talent. :)
If I had no responsibilities, I think I'd alternate spending my time alone (because sometimes you just need some 'me' time), and then also being with friends, laughing, eating, listening to music, having stimulating conversations (one of the reasons I love my friends so much - we can all talk for hours and hours and hours)...very easy going. Very relaxing. Very stress free. In an ideal world...
ooo those shoes are cute! I love sitting on docks too, but I think if I had endless free time a lot of it would spent walking along the beach. That is my favorite place to be, the waves are so calming.
cuttteee post :)
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Hello. I hope this finds you doing well. I've been on a blogging hiatus since the beginning of the year, so it's been quite some time since I've been around to visit some blogs. I'm back from my break now. I wanted to make sure to visit your blog. I enjoyed checking out the latest posts on your blog. Great job. I'm back blogging now myself. I hope you'll take a look at what I'm doing. Thanks. Take care. Have a great week.
Oh and I meant to EAT and imbibe. I'm dying to go to Paris simply to eat. HA!
I would spend some of those carefree days strolling through the streets of Paris...popping into a cafe every few hours to drink and imbibe in between shopping excursions. Sigh.
All I want right now is her shoes in that photo!
If I had no responsibilities (and money wasn't an issue), I would travel around the world...a nomad. With only a handful of my prized possession, my camera and laptop in tow :)
I love the shoes that you linked too, they are the perfect boat dock shoes, minus the fact that I might fall over board, ha! I would love to sail the seas if I didn't have to work and soak up sunshine every day.
Ahhh, yes. I often think what this would be like so I know exactly what I'd do to fill my days. I'd take painting classes, cake decorating classes, surfing lessons, cooking classes, I'd do yoga every day, I'd brush up on my Spanish and learn to speak Italian. I'd swim when it's hot out and ski when it's cold. I'd cook amazing dinners every night and have a glass of wine while I cooked. It would be amazing!
I love your tastes!! I love your choices!! And love how you write up an inspirational post with just the right amount of fashion in it!
:) xoxox
If i had no responsablities in my life i would def live in Paris, wear wonderful coktail dresses every day matched w cocktail rings, amazing shoes and visit every little caffe Paris has and yes eat all the pastries my little body could handle! day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
If I could do whatever I wanted every single day, I would go everywhere. I would wear tights, slouchy boots and a long, loose tunic top or shirt dress, belted at the waist, and carry a big boho bag filled with a camera, good books, treats, spiffy pens and an incredible leather journal.
I would wander the beach, stopping occasionally to read or to write; the next day I would explore the city and spend the afternoon sitting outside at a coffee shop, writing about all of the different people who pass by and imagining what their lives are like; I would go deep inside a mountain cave, touching the rocks and writing about what they must be thinking of the crazy human who's intruded on their home; visit an ancient forest, where I would write about the trees and imagine what they must have seen in their hundreds of years of life.
I my life were mine, I would write, and imagine, and explore, and re-discover the wonder that is the world around us.
What I wouldn't give to be able to do that...
If I had no responsibilities, I think I would travel...
I'd stay up late just to catch the red eye to another country and be there by morning. I'd enjoy the richest and fattest french toast breakfast in an evening gown then pass out until 3 PM just in time to get ready for the night...
Wait..I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the lack of responsibilities or if I'm just down right fantasizing right now...
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