Nica Clark

Pink side tables and plush chaise longues trimmed in gold would complement the pristine white walls. The hardwood floors would receive a fresh sprinkling of pink glitter each morning to make the place sparkle; and tiers of fresh-baked cupcakes would sit atop sterling silver trays littered throughout the large space. From the ceilings would hang long necklaces, each one acting as a miniature chandelier; and each room would harbor a life-size bubblegum machine, complete with twinkling lights. But no sweets would be found within these contraptions; rather, in their place would be brightly colored Rachel Leigh Gumball Rings. All one need do is insert a mere twenty-five cents and out would pop a blissful, bubblegum-inspired bauble to sit pretty on your pointer finger! But the true piece de resistance would be the room dedicated to Luella. On their way out, all visitors would be welcome to select a pair of Twelfth St. by Cynthia Vincent Luella Zip Wedge Sandals to take home with them for keeps. After all, every girl deserves a little Luella in their life.
Darlings, if money weren’t an object, how would your life be different? What would you buy? Where would you live? What would you do? Come on kitty cats; I’m dying to know!
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Death Wears Diamond Jewellery for the picture.
Don't forget to enter the Hickory Dickory Dock Giveaway for your chance to win an automatic watch from Orient Watch USA.
I love where I'm at with my friends and family, but I would want a killer cabin up in the mountains. Like in Vail, CO with ski-in, ski-out, outdoor hottubs, stone fireplaces....
Oh, I would love to live in New York, travel more, have a car (!!), give more money to WWF, and also upgrade my wardrobe;)
I would probably wish for several other things as well, hehe..
I'd be in Hong Kong in a flat overlooking the city or bumming it in Phuket.
P.S LOL...that's right, no more missed sales due to a suspended license! XD
ahh I love the whimsy of your imagination!! I would actually continue to live on the west coast, only I would have a beach house in malibu looking over my own private beach. and of course, I've have nice clothes, lots ans lots of nice clothes :))
I'm really not sure! This is such a tough question. I love your ideas, though! :)
I definitely would live in either a really posh apartment with 5 bedrooms or something overlooking the city in the most fabulous district or having a really gorgeous house overlooking the ocean :)
I'd be in heaven to live by the water, somewhere, anywhere tropical. Hawaii, Bali, something like that. I'd lounge in my pretty crocheted-trimmed hammock with those little pom pom balls, drink pineapple and mango mixed cocktails, everything in white linens, and open lanai, and have a tropical oasis in our backyard surrounding the pool. Colors inspired by Calypso. So fun to dream isn't it!
xx Vivian @
hi erika how are you
nice post
hey money is the part of life every day it is useful i cant imagine life with out money
I would freely buy, freely give, and freely travel.
I would definitely be living somewhere different, I'd be doing what I love (writing) and we'd be working on having kids. And traveling in the meantime.
Don't I wish money was no object!
I would definetly travel, travel, travel around the world. I would also help my friend whose hobby is to make films, to create a blogbuster :)
and as just an object for me.. I'd buy a Concorde
(yes, the aeroplane)
I know we all don't want money to be an object, but not having that much of it is okay. I mean..come on, we all love to find out that our favourite pair of designer jeans is 50 % off today and that our size is the only one avaible :D
I'd live in Santorini and open a bookstore/gallery/handmade goods shop. :)
Erika, I LOVE the way you write. Whenever I read your posts my jaw drop! This is such a creative post! And to answer your question I would love a house with all glass windows near the beach....I could go on and on....
Truth about money, it comes... and it goes...
Hi girl! We have new mini handbags! Check out our blog and let us know what do you thing about it!We love your comments!
I would live in japan. and also in the Soho or meat packing district in ny. i would have a nice little apartment with a garden. in japan i would always be in the fashion and anime district. I would travel between the two and work in both places. i would just wear what i want but then would always worry about what if i didnt have all this money. money will drive u crazy.
Money isn't everything of course, but I would love to travel in a yacht in the Caribbean forever.
I would probably live in London,for the summer, buy a lot's shoes and pretty dresses.
That sounds like such a fabulous place to live, Erika! Lots of pink, hardwood floors, cupcakes... Perfect! And you'd give away free shoes? Amazing!
Beautiful imagery of course saddled with your poetic writing is making it difficult for me to pick a world other than what you just described! Yes, similar to you though- if $ were no object, I would probably get a high-rise apartment in Chicago or NYC, decorate it as I see fit, hire a full-time driver and enjoy that life.
Money, aw it makes me sick. But if I had it, then I would live in London, in a big house in Chelsea.
I love the sound of your brownstone, doll. I would have to say that I'd live in one of the gorgeous pastel houses in Georgetown. So pretty.
xxoo Josie
Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful if money really wasn't an issue? I love the sound of your dream home.
I'd love a dressing room, with vintage wall paper, built in closets and a dressmakers dummy decked out in floral fabric. Chanel bags would hang from ornate hooks, drawers would overflow with chiffon underwear from Agent Provocateur and the shoe closet would make your eyes pop!
Oh, how I wish it were true! One day... :)
i'd move to a big apartment in NYC and have a walk-in-closet filled with beauty, and my life would be care free :) also, i'd come visit you, now that we were practically neighbours!
Let's see...I would love to do more traveling, get a car, buy new clothes, and yes, even give some of it away :)
Let's see...I would love to do more traveling, get a car, buy new clothes, and yes, even give some of it away :)
Let's see...I would love to do more traveling, get a car, buy new clothes, and yes, even give some of it away :)
Hmm what an interesting question! Haha your dream house sounds like the most girly place imaginable :)
My dream home would be on the beach in Hawaii and it would be one of those uber-modern eco-homes, with a couple dogs, a good looking man, an infinity pool, and a couple of mai tais always on the ready.
i loved reading this post =) makes me want to daydream all day. if money were no object i would travel the world and immerse myself in culture. i would open up my own boutique and design a playful, flirty and sexy line of clothing.
Oooo. If money were no object, I would have a massive house, and have all my friends move in. Each room would have a different theme (such as pretty in pink or gothic).
And of course,, I would fly all my favourite bloggers from across the globe to London, for a super blogger meet up.
I would buy a place in HK and make regular trips to Japan....
I'd live on a tropical island somewhere with a couple of acres of land, a huge house overlooking the ocean of course and a full staff to clean, cook (even tho' I enjoy cooking, I'd rather do it 'cause I want to, not 'cause I have to) and generally take care of the place. I however, will tend to the gardens.
Oh yeah, and maybe a cabana boy or two :)
A room dedicated to Luella... Love this! This simple question is anything but because my desires tend to very - One day I want to live the natural life at a tropical beach, the next I want to dwell in a huge warehouse in New York. Guess, it's good where I am.
I would pack my bags and leave for Barcelona. I'd where sundresses everyday, visit a new museum or historic site everyday, walk barefoot through the streets, paint pictures of the scenery and speak Spanish to everyone whom I happen to cross paths with, whether it be a salesperson in a trendy boutique or a passerby on the street. I'd live in a flat overlooking the city and everything would be pink polka dots. there'd be an assortment of skittles, starbursts, and jolly ranchers for all my guests to enjoy. My apartment would be decorated simply, but nicely, and everything would have a specific place. I think I'd have to spend a little bit of extra time, money and effort on the kitchen though. And of course I'd have a giant walk in closet with mirrors for doors. :)
Your pink mansion sounds interesting.
I would love to have a house by the beach with my own infinity pool. :-)
Have a great week ahead! xoxo
Alright, here I go.....
I would live in Los Angeles, CA in a pink two story house with sparkly white doors, famous artwork hanging on the walls, beautiful shiny windows, and on display would be a small lit up, Hollywood sign. The house would be complete with a small cafe.
On the ocean, right by a city with lots to do, with great big windows overlooking the crashing waves. I'd want to run out to the beach every single morning! I'd have the most amazing writing room with a seafoam green desk and lots of inspiration. . . now you have me swooning :)
At the moment, I just want a bedroom with everything I need. And some sleep. Its been a long hectic weekend. I'm thankful I've got power. Such beautiful shoes!
Very cool post.
Yes! Please DO move to park slope and live in a phenomenal pink brownstone. Then I can come visit you and gawk at your amazingly wonderful home.
Yes! Please DO move to park slope and live in a phenomenal pink brownstone. Then I can come visit you and gawk at your amazingly wonderful home.
I am so coming over to your place - love your imagination and beautiful ideas! xo
Erika, once again, this is by far the best blog post I read on a fashion blog! Love your creativity! You describe it just so well that I could actually visualize everything inside my head! Lovely!! My eyes are still seeing pink and gold! :) Oh and what'd I do if money weren't an object? Aaahh long list but I'm sure I'd do something creative just like you! :)
One of my biggest dreams is to live in a treehouse! If money weren't an object I'd also live in one of these new modern house blocks (the kind that just have glass walss) in the middle of nowere, and as All Women Stalker said, Santorini! I would dedicate myself to painting, being a makeup artist and life coach (which is sort of the direction I'm moving in right now anyway!) and I would learn how to bake and make delicious dessert so I could set up a little cafe where everything would be home made. YUM.
Forgot to mention - i left you an award on my blog today - Happy Sunday! (-:
aw erika, your world of pink sounds so lovely! I love the take home shoes idea.. like you would not believe hahaha. if money were no object, I'd be living in new york right now, far far away from home.
Wow, can I live there too? The ring/bubblegum machines sound too fabulous! I would love to live in Paris. If money were no object I think I would be very happy there!
i don't really wish to live in a big house much more a mansion or a three storey. I just love to have a three bedroom house, two storey, with a veranda on the second floor overlooking my farm and that enables me to see the sun set, me on my rockin' chair with my kids and my cats or with my laptop. :)
ohh those shoes. I have a feeling I'd spend more money on a cool phone and laptop than clothes if I could.
Wow, that sounds amazing, Erika! of course, Clare and I would love to have you back on the East Coast :-) Hmm, if money were no object? Like one of your friends mentioned, I too would buy a townhouse in Georgetown. Teach at the university in the evenings. Start a fashion class (smile).
Hope you had an amazing weekend!!
sounds great i wish i want to be with u
First, can I just join your "if money were no object" fantasy? Sounds wonderful to me!
Second, if I have to make my own, I would be somewhere that is warm year round, I would eat creme brule often, and I'd own every Vogue... I'm sure there is more but it is getting late and my creativity is waning..
I'd live in a cozy, little castle in Monaco (it doesn't have to be too large,) eat Laduree macaroons all day long and be such a frequent shopper at the local Hermes store that I qualify for special discounts! Or even better... for a free handbag every now and again! :) (I think I am in a VERY French inspired mood!)
This is an amazing post, Love. How funny, because I just posted about some changes in my life, and this summer I will be leaving beautiful Italy... :( Since I'm throwing a little fit (haha) this is the perfect time to dream of how I would live if money were not an object! I think that I would continue to travel all over Italy and Europe, dining in the most exquisite restaurants....a lot of shopping of course, and I would always have a reason to wear my absolute best at all time! :):)
I absolutely love your descriptions here, so imaginative and dreamy. Pink side tables, hardwood floors with pink glitter, and fresh all sounds divine!!!!
I would definitely be living it up in the Upper East Side, have much better clothes & accessories. Other than that, I don't think I'd change anything else. I'd even be satisfied taking the subway. lol
That sounds absolutely wonderful...minus the Brooklyn part. Me and BK don't get along, in fact right now we are fighting. If money were no object I would live in Boston or Queens and I would have a small yard with a garden and a house filled with friends and good food and surf boards, art, and books. There might also be a hammock on a large screened porch.
i just love this post.. if money wasnt an object i probably would try to add to my shoe collection & help Toms shoes.
Anna Katrina
I love your ideal house and especially the Luella giveaway at the door! Can I come over?
If money were no option, I'd live in a house with a yard in the Palisades or Santa Monica. I'd have a driver to escort me through all the LA traffic, a chef, and a personal trainer/nutritionist. I'd also have a personal shopper/stylist because while I love new clothes, I don't love shopping (weird, I know). Oh, and I'd have a swimming pool. Ahh, what a great life.
I love my top floor Glasgow tenement flat, but a brownstone in Park Slope - now you're talking! xx
I'm pretty happy with my life as is, but aside from being mortgage-free I would be travelling A LOT more.
where exactly do you live- i wanna go to california so so so bad ;) and new york too--
if i had more money and had somebody that could take care of my cat i would love to take an roadtrip for 1-2-3 months thru the USA... and i would love to live where its warm all the time too-- i cant stand the cold..
xx ediot
I love those shoes! I think I would live in NY or in Maui near the water. I would own a lot of Juicy Couture and have a big king sized bed! Hope you had a nice weekend love.
If money were no object, I wouldn't be job hunting! HAHA!
And I'd have a live in chef!
I'd buy myself a sick car, hire a private chef and pay of my college loans. That's ALL I'd need to be a happy girl!
i would divide my time between my luxury yacht and private plane traveling the world and staying in hotel suites with my louis vuitton luggage and fabulous friends in tow. when tired from exploring new cultures, i would alternate between my luxury hk apartment and greenwich townhouse. work would consist of fashion, writing and film production, and the alarm would nvr be set before 9am. *sigh* the life
ps. i love these what if things
omg this is exquisite ..and so well written..your choice of words and figurative language and metaphors...are JUST BREATHTAKING!
please write a novel! :)
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