
{beauty board} make your brown eyes brilliant!

beauty board: brown eyes
From left-to-right.

Brown eyes have a bad rap. Far too many write them off as boring, blasé, and impossible to accentuate. Truth? All of the above is completely incorrect {as Leighton Meester proves with all of her red carpet beauty looks}. Out of all eye colors, brown possesses the most versatility, as it serves as the perfect canvas to a wide array of makeup hues. Gold-flecked olive shadows and eggplant / plum mascaras draw attention to all splashes of green in your eyes; electrifying cobalt shadows and office-appropriate {yet still ultra-flirty} navy blue liners and shadows create a strong contrast that magnify your eye color; and warm metallic shadow {think golds, coppers, and cinnamons} adds depth and a coquettish twinkle to your gaze. As I said…brown eyes are so not boring.

SMASHBOX Photo Op Eye Shadow Trio in Filter
MAKE UP FOR EVER Smoky Lash in Plum
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Evidence
NARS Single Eye Shadow in Outremer
Lancome ARTLINER – Precision Point EyeLiner in Navy
Lancome COLOR DESIGN – Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Filigree
hourglass Visionaire Eye Shadow Duo in Exhibition
stila Eye Shadow in La Douce


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ellie said...

Such great ideas and products!

ivy's closet said...

Love this! So cool. Sweet commentary too.

lucy and sarah said...

So many of these I want to try. Love the post.

mazzymay said...

So enjoying this. Great products!

Caitlin and Megan said...

Sweet! Lovely post. Love these eye shadows.

ellie's desk said...

Wonderful details. Great inspiration!

Couture Carrie said...

Awesome shades!
Loooooove the NARS!


J. said...

When I was younger I wanted brown eyes...I love how deep they look...

Ashley said...

The brown eyed girl that I am loves this post :) MUST try the navy blue liner!

Unknown said...

I have dark brown eyes but I will be using some of these ideas :) I do wish I have light brown eyes because it is beautiful and make-up makes it stand out a lot.

Unknown said...

Love these tips for us brown-eyed beauties!

little luxury list said...

Great picks and a navy eyeliner would be cool! Hi from Boracay!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Sara said...

Ha! I totally use some of these colors on my eyes, they work for blue too I swear :D

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Ooh nice tips. I have brown eyes and I've never really thought about the versatility! thanks.

Unknown said...

The blue on the NARS Single Eye Shadow in Outremer is amazing!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

My brown eyes want all of this makeup. :)

knockingonfashionsdoor said...

When I was younger, I used to be more dareful about my make up, and I wore colours like those. I´ve become too serious, I´m afraid!!

Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

Yet another fantastic guide Erika, those brown-eyed ladies out there are very lucky! I'm loving the look of the Lancome shadow especially...

elle [wonderfelle world] said...

Brown eyes do get a bad rap - I was so bored with mine I started wearing colored contacts and never looked back! I sometimes wonder if I could go back to them... this would definitely be helpful!

MOSAMUSE said...

WOW... i like the Nars blue!!


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Even though I don't have brown eyes, I think I need that Smashbox trio. Those shades are gorgeous!

Sherin said...

Amazing! I have that smashbox eyeshadow set, so will definitely try it out more.

Josie said...

That little Smashbox palette is darling!
xo Josie

k said...

too bad my eyes aren't brown, i use this color palette all the time!

Johanna said...

Great post, I would love to have brown eyes - not that I'd dislike my green ones, though :D ♥

Iris said...

Love this post.

I've found blue eyeshadow brings out my dark eyes.

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