
links à la mode: the IFB weekly roundup {march 26, 2015 edition}


Learning à la Mode

The thing I love most about fashion blogging is that it’s rarely only about clothes. It’s about the cultural traditions behind an outfit, using your creativity to create a whole new look, or to discover the real personalities behind style icons. This week’s roundup is enlightening in so many ways. We learned that Nigerian women really know how to do it up for weddings, that two skirts worn together can look very chic, that Anna Wintour is lovely during an interview (and might even tell you your second-hand dress is pretty), how to survive a shopping break… read on for these educational tidbits and so much more!

Links à la Mode: March 26

SPONSOR: Shopbop: Spring dresses, Nude, and Black Wedges, Black Booties,Peep Toe Booties, Ankle boots, Knee High boots, Leopard Flats, Red Pumps & Wedge Sandals

Want to be featured in Links à la Mode?

1. Read the updated rules and submit your links on this page: Links à la Mode.

2. If your link was selected and you need this week’s code, visit this page: Links à la Mode Code.



Kashaya said...

Sounds like great links. I will have to check them out.=)

ellie said...

Awesome blogs! Always a fun way to see whats going on with fashion.

ivy said...

Oh, what a fun Tuesday of links!

Couture Carrie said...

Fab links!!


Unknown said...

Great read hun! Xo

Sarah Louise Porter Blog

little luxury list said...

Oh my that Nigerian woman and her outfit are stunning - I love the color contrast of her clothing and headwear!

little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

Sara said...

Yay! You are so correct on fashion blogging, there is so much put into each look, it is pretty amazing! I have missed your blog lady! I hope all is well <3 XXOO ~Sara


What a great round-up. Congrats on making LAM dear. Have a smashing week. <3
Highland Hiatus

Paulina said...

Have a lovely evening ;)

Elle Sees said...

yay! congrats and yay for me ince i have fun links to go through.

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