
An Apple A Day

I have been tempted by the forbidden fruit. A crystal-encrusted tribute to the food that poisoned the flaxen-haired Snow White. An enamel enshrouded pendant thought to promote good health. A dark as night home to the wayward wiggly worm.

No matter how you look at Kenneth Jay Lane ’s Apple Necklace you can undoubtedly predict that you’ll be bobbing for a breather after fielding question after question about the avant garde pendant. It’s a juicy piece that holds so many stories and possibilities within its under 2-inch round body. The black is shiny; quite reminiscent of the frame of a Magic 8 Ball. And the gold and crystals? A magical contrast to the midnight sphere.

An apple a day...will it truly keep the doctor away, or is it more likely to keep the accessory addicted fashionista’s jewelry cravings at bay?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Regencies for the picture.


Couture Carrie said...

Hey E that is gorgeous!


Laura Trevey said...

Love it!!

xo Laura

Leia said...

Oh so beautiful... I love the deep green color as well. Reminds me of the Temperley London golden apple handbag (http://www.thatsafabuloushandbag.com/image.axd?picture=2009%2F1%2F99440_2.jpg) but I like the necklace much, much better...

Anonymous said...

It's so sleek. I love it!

Charlotte said...

I don't like gold as jewelry, but this black, not-so-juicy apple matches very good with the gold. Like it, absolutely fabulous!

Princess Liberty said...

It's beautiful !

ana said...

lovely piece!!!

Angela said...

how cute.

Marian said...

i love those apple necklaces! I have always wanted one and that black one is delish.

Anonymous said...

love that its black!

Posh Peach said...

Oh so chic! Love the gold and black paired together.

Unknown said...

Wow I wonder why he made the apple black. Very different...very cool!


I love simple necklaces =]

And isn't House of Harlow amaaahzing?! I would buy every piece from it too ;]

La C.

Lexie said...

wendyb has a great line of fruit-jewelry! i'd love her pineapple necklace for summer.

amy said...

Hello! Glad I'm not the only one who loves apples, especially apple necklaces. I am such a sucker for anything apples, except, real apples. Is that crazy or what?!!!! tehehehe

I really enjoy your blog! You provide so much knowledge for me, so thank you, never change darling


Keith said...

That is very beautiful.

Robin Bailey said...

Oh, how I wish I could have that.
It's lovely.


Casey Lewis said...

So cute! I found a jeweled Kenneth Jay Lane belt at my local TJ Maxx - I should have taken a peek through the jewelry, too.

Neira said...

i love it! it would be so cute in a pink color



Anonymous said...

haha adorable post

Johanna - MyShoebox.se said...

That necklace is so adorable!

Meream said...

Does it come in silver? I'm not so fond of gold jewelry. But that black apple is just decadent.

Unknown said...

kenneth jay lane is my favorite - always the most eye-catching pieces!

Little Bow Prep said...

Fab necklace!

Sasi said...

Wow, it's gorgeous. I'm really impressed!

FEDERICA said...

That's so pretty!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

this is the cutest thing ever!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Loving this!

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