If you guessed that I was talking about a priceless new relic debuting at the Met, you’d be wrong. Rather, I’m referring to my newest acquisition. Of the cocktail ring variety.

It arrived on Friday morning. Just shy of the twelve-noon mark. I, typing away at the computer, was interrupted by the loud ringing of the doorbell. Quick as a flash I dashed to the front door, and found the tiny box staring up at me. Before even reading the address label, I knew what it was, and where it had come from.
Tape and wrapping were torn and tossed away creating a scene much like the one made by tiny tots on Christmas morning. Before I knew it, I had reached the prize. Like finding a toy in the Cracker Jacks box; only this was no toy. The white, stiff-cardboard box was perforated with the word Ice.com; a baby blue satin ribbon tied in a pretty little bow on top.
I slowly, carefully lifted the lid to find a deep blue velvet box like none I have ever seen before. Opening the top made me flashback on the Pretty Woman scene where Richard Gere lifts the lid of a cream-colored jewelry box to expose a decadent diamond necklace, only to snap it closed on Julia Roberts’ gloved hand. I cracked the lid, and there it was in all of its glittering glory...my 8 7/8 Carat Smokey Quartz & Sky Blue Topaz Sterling Silver Ring.

Despite the fact that I am not doing anything special tomorrow – simply going to work; I have already decided that the beautiful bauble that will be sitting upon my finger? My under-$100 piece of perfection, of course. I can already hear the excited screams and shouts of my co-workers as a mini-riot ensues due to the irresistible charm of my little lovely.
What ice.com piece do you want to take home with you?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Ice.com for the pictures.
Lovely, darling! Excellent choice!
aww, i just did my ice.com review post too! :) your piece is beautiful!
I have this one too =] Except with the green stone in the center, with black stones surrounding it!
La C.
I had to pop by when I saw we had the exact same name, spelled in the exact same way. Ice.com has the best rings!! :)
I love that you spell it this way. I always, always have to correct people it's Erika "with a K" lol.. ah. I did once meet another Erika in person, but it's sooo rAre. They're all Erica, Ericka, or Eurecka. lol.
I have yet to see Twilight or read the books (I know!!) lol.. but the title seemed to fit the vamp feel of my photos. I collect the plastic Starbucks cups too. YAY US! ;)
Thank you.
oh wow, what a gorgeous ring - lucky you!!!
Lovely ring xoxoxo
pefect, great choice.
Gorgeous - great choice :-D xxxc
Aw I love Ice.Com they sent me these great pearl earrings a while ago before I reviewed them. I love your cocktail ring! it is just beautiful!!!
Love this. I want a new cocktail ring! Sadly, I'm soon going to Bangladesh where it is nearly impossible to indulge in any proper purchases... and most online shopping sites don't deliver there either. So I will just have to admire your ring from afar and maybe ask for something similar for my birthday this year! :)
Congratulations! its an absolutely lovely ring!!! and you tell the story so good!
have a nice week girl
Beautiful! I wouldn't mind this giant turquoise ring!
wow everyone is getting ice.com invites, but me! haha your ring is gorgeous!
That is so beautiful. It looks fantastic. I hope your week has started off well.
cocktail rings are my favorite type of jewerly to sport! they sort of fit me personality, quite over the top & colorful:)
i like all the aquamarine pieces-- it's my birthstone and i love the color!
That first ring is to die for... LOVE it!
pretty pretty pretty!
wowza, I was momentarily blinded by that gorgeous rock! Love it :-)
That looks sweet! I can just imagine your co-workers being jealous and all. :D
It looks amazing! Good choice :)
Gosh, that is gorgeous. I love the colour combination of blue and brown, it just shouts out elegance to me. I'm sure it looks amazing on your ring finger!
I'd love to splurge on something like that, the one that caught my eye on the site is this one: http://www.ice.com/rings/gemstone-ring-prd_rcc_016445.jsp If only I cold afford it :D
That's such a gorgeous ring, I'm happy for you! Thanks for telling the details about receiving it, so cute :)
How beautiful!
What a fantastic ring! I would be the happiest girl if this turned up on my doorstep! xoxox
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