♥Superfudge!…because behind every chic, classy, saucy sophisticate is a glamazon who likes to accouter herself in DKNY’s Pure DKNY Turtleneck Sweater Dress, and spend her evenings curled up on the living room couch accompanied by something sweet, savory, and, above all, simple. Spoonfudge! is precisely that. Select your flavor of choice – I’m partial to Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Marshmallow, and Chocolate Caramel myself – unscrew the top of the jar and dig in! Which fudgey flavor are you coveting, kittens?
♥Undercover Kisser…because a personalized pout isn’t something seen solely upon the luscious lips of celebutantes and socialites with enough spare change to surround themselves with a team of artistes to take them from drab to fab in zero to sixty; a look that is yours and only yours is achievable for even the frugalist fashionista, courtesy of DuWop’s Private Collection. Available in Private Nude, Private Plum, and Private Red; the color-changing lip lacquer morphs into the ideal shade for the wearer. Simply slick on, wait five minutes, and see your personalized hue appear. It’s like a mood ring for one’s pretty pout. Ready to go undercover, lovers?
♥Planned to Perfection…because a true glamourai knows that, as much as we’d love for everything to fall perfectly into place without much effort on our part when it comes to weddings, so is very rarely the case. Such an event requires uncovering the ideal location, the perfect décor, and the most delectable desserts; not to mention entertainment, photographers, honeymoon selections, and, above all else, a sublime gown that will render everyone – from the guests to the groom – speechless. All of which, while thrilling, can give one the run-around; unless they’re using Wedding Salon. A one-stop shop of sorts; Wedding Salon allows one entry into a world where all of your Wedding Events needs and desires can be fulfilled – from introductions to wedding planners the world over, and portfolios from Wedding Vendors of all kinds, including photographers and DJ’s; to ideas for exotic honeymoons, and advice from celebrity wedding planners. Wedding Salon ensures that one’s special day goes off without a hitch. Now tell me lovers, what are you waiting for?
♥Think Pink!…because even the glamorous find themselves facing less-than-fabulous situations at times; now you can help to fight such daunting predicaments – and possibly add a magnifique new Pink Mother of Pearl Necklace to your blissfully overflowing jewelry drawer at the very same time! enV by Vanessa Coppes and Bamboo Salon have teamed up to spread knowledge about breast cancer awareness to stunning stylistas like yourselves, via a raffle wherein all proceeds benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. Purchase a ticket for $5.00, help the cause, and keep your China Glaze Branding Iron-lacquered fingers crossed that the bauble in question will somehow find its way to your doorstep. Admit it lovers; doing good has never been so simple!
What were you smitten with this week?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.
Don't forget to enter The Magic Fifty Giveaway for your chance to win a $50.00 Gift Card to Macy’s.
Don't forget to enter the In the Navy Giveaway for your chance to win a Hermes Birkin-inspired Diana Satchel in Navy from Mimi Boutique.
that turtleneck sweater is cuuuute :)
Spoonfudge? SPOONFUDGE?! Seriously??? Oh, Erika. I am so screwed now after reading this post. Hahahaha!!! Ahhh well, I can save the diets for when I'm 30 I guess. :P
Love your loves, darling, especially the necklace!
Oh I love that necklace, and the proceeds go to such a great cause!
cool stuff! loving the turtleneck sweater dress! so cute!
Some very cool things in this post. I so want the sweater dress.
I love Saturday's post.
Lovely photo!!!
I'm smitten with the cooler temperatures that finally, finally have arrived here! Time to break out the skinnies and boots :)
Love this, great post!! I think I might just be getting myself some spoon fudge right now :) xx
I have far more DuWop lip venom than I need. Really, it's sad. I'm smitten with the crisp fall air and gorgeous red leaves.
The sweater is so cute! Need to check out that DuWop collection!
The sweater dress=adorable!
wonderful! have a great weekend x
Obsessed with that sweater dress. Ob-freaking-sessed.
xo Josie
Goodness I want you to write my life story! It would be the most glamorous and fun story ever. Love a pink mother of pearl necklace. Hello Christmas!
Did my comment publish??? If not know that you are seriously an amazing writer. Love this!
Wonderful post! Thank you!
I can feel it just today. Need that sweater dress!
spoonfudge!!! luv it.
i'm smitten with your blog! :)
I loooooove it :)))
Spoonfudge? Are you kidding? I need some stat!
Such elegant lippy!
SUPER FUDGE. GAHHHH. My stomach is literally rumbling at the thought. Slash I haven't eaten in quite awhile, so that could also be accounted for the grumbling... But, nonetheless!
And I love Breast Cancer Awareness month! <3
that picture is simply beautiful! i LOVE pink!
My goodness!
The first post I've seen since I've subscribed to your blog, and I'm already knee deep in to-buys!
I love your taste dear! And the spoon-fudge? Well. I won't be too small for that darling new dress now, will I?
cute pic
Oh, I am dying over the Minetta dress! That is so Sharon from Valley of the Dolls!
i am smitten with fall outfits! :)
<3, Mimi
To die with that turtleneck sweater dress and that trench coat would send me to Heaven!
It's true--the Minetta dress is gorgeous. Oh, that sweet color and those sleeves! If only it didn't cost an arm and a leg, it would be perfect for the wedding I'm going to on the California coast next weekend! :(
I really really love the DKNY turtleneck dress :D
Spoonfudge looks so delicious! I need a couple of tubs right now, hehe.
And the Env jewellery is for such a great cause.
Oh my gosh that fudge sounds divine!
♥ Leia
Oh, i love the photo
Love the sweater dress!
love that dress!
I love takecharge femmfatal kinda gals :).
(And I love the photo).
I also think the wedding planning service you mentioned which handles everything it's pretty impressive. Sounds like they take some of the stress out of the plannng process.
Hope you are having a great Sunday, Erika!
So many interesting things in this post.
DuWop's Private Plum lipstick looks so pretty! I need to check it out!
And that Spoonfudge? Oh my gosh! I need some!!! :)
Why must you always post such delicious things? I LOVE it all! :D Especially the fudge, what can I say I am a sucker for chocolate.
I have never seen this movie but now i reaaaally want to! i adore sweater dresses, particularly around the Holidays. i just picked one out this weekend for Thanksgiving actually! I will definitely keep that site in mind for whenever i get married :)
Just wrapped up dinner... and some of that fudge sounds DELISH! Mmmm ^.^
Superfudge sounds like something that will quickly become my favorite thing in the world.
My list includes Mom, arts and crafts and Impressionist paintings...
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