While the Mossimo marvels are a slighter lighter shade of brown than the fantastical Frye’s; for a mere $49.99, in comparison to the $218.00 needed to make Frye your own, they feature the very same sophisticated cowgirl aesthetic of the originals, at a price that is far more pleasing for the budget fashionista’s pockets!
What’s your bank account telling you to do, kittens? Will you be a big spender with Frye, or play the role of the thrifty fashionista?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Bloomingdale’s and Target for the pictures.
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They look so alike! Definitely have to save on this one!
so alike <3 you're so good!!
I love them...
I'm going to Target!
Oh..so much a like. Really. My bank account isn't made for expensive boots though. & I think Target will do me just as well.
So nice to know this information.
what did we do before target ever existed??? have a nice sunday!
Mossimo?? Really?? That is so cool!! I have a Target a few blocks from where I live... guess what I'm going to go check out this afternoon?? ;-)
Happy Sunday Dear! xo
So amazing. Thank goodness for Target.
Definitely, think the thrifty one will hold up to the elements. I loved my boots I got from Target last year..and they are still ready for another year.
Oh I want the Frye ones badly!
i love it
lovely!! :)
I am a total sucker for Frye, so I'm going to have to be a big spender on this one, darling!
Hope you are having a relaxing and lovely Sunday :)
I'll try the Target ones!
I love me some Frye but I'd go cheap and go with the Mossimo!
Thanks for entering my giveaway =D
awesome blog x
I would have to be a big spender :)
Wow, those boots are something else. Love the Target ones!
Enter to win a $35 gift certificate to CSN stores now through October 31st!
I love the Mossimo version of the boots. There were also boots like those at Payless. I'm going to be thrifty here and maybe splurge on a couple of pairs. Hope you have a good Sunday.
Nothing says it's fall than a great pair of boots perfect for jumping into a big pile of leaves. These are so great!
Ohh, love it!
I have been wanting a pair of boots like that for a while now. I'm so excited that I can actually afford some now!! :) Thank you!! <3 your blog!!
Love this look, there's nothing like a pair of Frye boots.
Love them both. My pocket prefers the cheap ones though. Take care dear.
I'd kind of been wanting some boots like this, but I didn't really want to splurge on Frye's. So thank you!
Oooh I like! Prefer the color of the Frye version :D
Ahh love both of these boots! I have so many darker ones, I'm in the mood for some browns ... and I'm going to ignore the $218 price tag and go for the Frye ones :) Hope you've had a great weekend!
I love your finds! you find things that are exactly the same...
have a nice day.
It's crazy when you think of the price of fashion but I love it
I am soooo going to Target! I love that store- and their shoes last forever!
The Mossimo boots look so much like the Frye ones it is crazy! I have to say Frye all the way though, they will last you a lifetime (if not that long, at least 5 years) where the Target ones would probably just last the season (I assume they aren't leather). Love, A
Both pairs look great! But I think I'd go for the Frye just because I'm sure they're a better quality than the Mossimo pair. Plus, I always hear such great things about the Frye boots!
The Target pair is totally worth it! They look like the Frye's but I think they're actually a little more comfy and a little less clunky!
They're very similar, but there's just something about the Frye ones that I loke more!
I love Mossimo! He makes the cutest stuff, for the greatest prices.
Nice alternative! Good find :)
I've been looking for similar boots for so long. Great picks.
I think the Frye pair have my heart!
Wow great find! I've been dying for Frye boots but now I'll just head on over to Target :)
this is great! i've been wanting to get riding boots. have a great week! :D
<3, Mimi
What a find. I would definitely go for the cheaper ones (if I could fit any more shoes in my wardrobe).
ooo, I like the Mossimo one but I would go Frye today! $218 dollars isn't that bad for a well-made boot!!!!
Perfect match! So chic.
xo Josie
Riding boots are the most perfect boots ever!! I love both of these. I simply can't choose.
Frye ... defiantly. Nothing fits or lasts like Frye boots.
Erika, I friggin love you even more! You found the perfect replacement boots for me! Mine are falling apart, these are perfect!
Erika, I friggin love you even more! You found the perfect replacement boots for me! Mine are falling apart, these are perfect!
Really great find! Happy Monday!
I would love it if you helped me find a cheaper alternative to the JCrew boots I posted on Friday. I love them, but at $350, they're a little over my price range.
I'll take a pair of Mossimo boots any day! I love Target hehe;)
Erika. It's official. You are the queen of boots and boot finds. This is a serious jackpot!!
I'm going to have to go with the Frye boots on this one! I just think the material is so important on these boots. Love them!
So cute!
I love them both, but, since my wallet wears the pants in this relationship, I'll have to go with the Mossimos.
Which is not that much of a loss, as they are simply adorable!
those look darn close - I have the Frye's and seriously thought you flopped the pics by accident! WOW!
Wow, again, blown away by your shopping cleverness. Never cease to amaze...
Fryes are such a steal for 50 bucks! Just what I maybe needing!
I love these boots!!! they are amazingly stylish!!
I'm torn! I just love Target, but ooooh, Frye makes the best boots ever!
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