
links à la mode: the IFB weekly roundup {september 1, 2016 edition}


There used to be so many rules to fashion. Rules that people didn’t stray too far from on any given year. We can see that clearly in fashion history books; watching silhouettes slowly change through decades. Today however, women are stealing from men, men are stealing from women, suits don’t require shirts, and people seem mostly concerned with wearing the silhouette that best suits their bodies in their opinion. Are we honestly just concerned with dressing our bodies though?

IFB bloggers were writing about a variety of subjects this go round. Trends, entertainment, importance of comfort, beauty, physical and emotional well being, and a fair amount of menswear {when compared to previous weeks}. There were also notes on wardrobe if you are drawing inspiration from the 90’s but also how one may dress with 90 years of dressing experience.

Perhaps one day we will look back and see specific silhouettes assigned to our time–only time will tell.

Links a la Mode, september 1

SPONSOR: Shopbop White + Warren, MM6 Bags, Aquazzura Shoes, Tomas Maier, Meteo by Yves Salomon, Welden, Velvet Dresses, Crystal Necklaces, Over the Knee Boots, Men's Belstaff



Couture Carrie said...

Fab links, darling!
Happy long weekend :)


ellie said...

Can't wait to get to these links! So many fun titles!

ivy said...

Looks likes some wonderful fashion links!

Marta said...

Great posts and love the picture! :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Great links!

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