
Shy Girl

Hands well-placed to keep the gaze of others out of sight; a physical trick thought up to avoid making eye contact, or as little as possible, to random passersby. A tactic to conquer anxiety. To ward off being judged, forgotten, or even rejected. Pouty red lips puckered tightly, a sign that little to no words will be spoken. A hushed silence destined to hover awkwardly mid-air.

It’s true; she is a shy girl…a mousey mademoiselle trying to find her place in the world. To find comfort in her own skin. And she’s destined to, if the stars lingering about her are any indication. Once those delicate hands are removed from their place, she is certain to shine like a shooting star. She will no longer be quiet and reserved. She will be outspoken and personable. Until then, she remains the Shy Girl.

At the moment? Well, the Shy Girl is exactly what I’m looking for. She is a black and white sketch representation of you, me, and countless others. She is a pretty and petite fashionista dying to break through; to have her voice heard. Her incorporation of brightly colored accessories – like the Blair Waldorf inspired bow haphazardly sitting atop her stringy mop of hair, or the bracelets twirled about her wrist – are just the beginning of the vibrancy that lies within.

A mix between Delia’s other divine creation, the Young Love tee, which I raved about here, and Danny Roberts’ Girls in Glasses tee, which I literally begged for here; the Shy Girl top stays true to the charactered graphic tees Delia’s is known for. Yet the subject matter makes the shopper feel as if the artist has seemingly tapped into her psyche, and uncovered the insecure darling hidden underneath the strong, fashionable façade that faces the world from day-to-day.

It’s a decorous piece that sports a multitude of hidden meanings, while remaining sassy and cute to boot! I’d love to wear her with black tights topped with cutoff denim shorts, flat black boots, a charcoal-colored bow headband, and bangles galore. I imagine that’s exactly what she would want.

What does the Shy Girl mean to you?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Delia's for the picture.


Unknown said...

I think that was such a clever post!

Couture Carrie said...

That's a really cute tee!


Marian said...

Super clever and delish post honey. I like the shy girl t-shirt. I think there is a bit of shy girl in every girl honey.
Would be great with jeans or a flirty skirt.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Great post!

This is such a cute shirt. The girl is adorable. I love her red lips and the bow in her hair. She has a kind of quiet innocence about her.

. said...

Cute t-shirt!


Unknown said...

I love the tee its amazing..describes me:)

DaisyChain said...

fantastic post AND great tee

sherin said...

Wow, this is brilliantly written. The tee is really saying so much and it would look amazing with anything. Its such a cool sketch.

love home|life|style said...

What a great post, I love that T... gorgeous shy girl.

thank you for popping by my blog x

Fashionista said...

omg..that was some piece you just wrote..I love..love..love it..you just tapped into just about every fashionista's feelings at one time or another...I love the tee also..but this blog is like one of the best posts I have ever read..FABULOUS PIECE..xoxomish

fashiongrail said...

Love the post and now I want the t shirt! lol

Anonymous said...

really cute! i love the sketch quality

Momisodes said...

I have to agree with Tasha, this was so cleverly written.

I love the Shy Girl top. It reminds me so much of my former years...and how my daughter is now.

E said...

I love the idea of hand-drawn-like graphics on t-shirts!

Keith said...

Great post. I'm not a shy girl, but I can definitely at times be a shy guy. I'm not as bad as I once was, but I still have my moments.

Damsels said...

i love your story about the shy girl ... iwas quite a shy one myself . and i can relate to the eye thing . ihave a weird thing about not giving eye contact. you can even see most of my pictures i look away

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

So cute!! I'm a reformed shy girl.

Leia said...

What a gorgeous tee! I'm definitely a shy girl... seems like the perfect top for me!

Amelia said...

That is so cute! I love the bow in her hair.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel I am that shy girl, it's an adorable tee!

www.janetteria.com said...

Adorable Tee!


Eda said...

What a cute print! I'm quite shy...the print will represent me:)

Sasi said...

Lovely tee. The sketch is fabulous.

Anonymous said...

A shy girl to me, is a smart girl who listens :)

Lovely tee too Erika !


Laura Gerencser said...

Love this shirt!!! So cute!

Unknown said...

I'm not much of a t-shirt wearer, but for this one I'd convert! I love your story about it too. I think a lot of bloggers (myself included) are shy girls, and it's great that the internet allows people to come out of their shells!

Meream said...

You write beautifully. :)

Monica said...

Gorgeous t-shirt. I was always shy, and I still do get shy easily still. This t-shirt would be perfect.

ana said...

Oh I love this t-shirt!! is so cute

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