
Cruisin' Cafes: Toronto, ON

Darlings, I blame Hollywood, I truly do. If not for the fact that I’m constantly being bombarded with news of various television programs and films being taped on location in the aforementioned area, it probably would have remained unknown to me. That said, while the thought of hobnobbing with celebrities is what lured me into the subtle glamour proffered by Toronto, Ontario, the hip, professional, cosmopolitan, urbane vibe of this particular destination is what has kept me smitten. I think of Toronto as an international version of New York City laden with culture, architecture, and the most heavenly, gleaming view of the Harbourfront once night falls. As such, it is the ideal place to settle into a handful of quaint cafes all ripe for discovery!

Moonbean Coffee Company It was Barrie’s Peter Pan who influenced me to never let go of my childlike imagination; whom inspired me to believe in magic and fairytales – even going so far as to hold fast to the idea that someday, somehow, someway a handsome Prince will trot up to me atop a grand white horse and sweep me off my feet. Perhaps that is why I am utterly spellbound by Moonbean Coffee Company.

Found within Kensington Market, I can’t help but feel that Barrie would have been more than happy to allow his imagination to run wild while sipping a latte or nibbling upon an Orange Creamsicle right in this very location. Inside, the aesthetic is eclectic and cozy with seating to spare; yet even with all the tables nestled in close proximity to one another, there is no feeling of claustrophobia – whether you’re alone, or in a group, as you sit you feel as if you’re shrouded in your own little world, private and pensive; though the outside back patio is most certainly the piece de resistance of Moonbean. Inviting benches swing to and fro from a perch burrowed in the charming garden-like atmosphere, awaiting your pending arrival. Curl up on one with a carrot muffin and an Americano and you’ll never want to leave. 30 St. Andrew St., Toronto, ON M5T 1K6.

Saving Gigi You are all well-versed in the amount of time I devote to choosing the perfect soundtrack for just about any situation I may happen to find myself in; therefore, it is no surprise that when searching for an enchanting cafe, one must not only take the menu and ambiance of the place into consideration, but the tunes playing softly in the background, as well. Bloorcourt Village’s Saving Gigi has the lazy, languid coffee shop music down pat, establishing an even more ambrosial experience for the visitor from the moment you step inside until the time you depart.

As opposed to catering to one specific scheme of décor, the interior of Saving Gigi mixes different design elements, juxtaposing rustic, dark-stained wood plank floors with pristine white walls adorned with scant framed art pieces and an oversized mirror; a coupling that establishes a very haute monde look quite reminiscent of an upscale art gallery or museum. But unlike those places, here there are no restrictions, rules, or regulations about what you can or cannot touch. Banquet seating found along the front window is the preemptive location for sipping an Espressado while people-watching, or taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi by updating your blog while listening to the sorrowful strains of Duke Ellington poring quietly from the speakers. Do me a favor and indulge in a sandwich made on raisin bread – you won’t be sorry! 858 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M6G 1M4.

Luna Café It is not everyday that one stumbles upon a captivating spot situated smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood; but perhaps that is what truly makes Luna Café so enchanting…it’s location.

Snuggled between towering apartment buildings and houses, if you don’t look closely it’s quite possible that you’ll miss the hidden little gem known as Luna, for it is nearly invisible to the naked eye – until you walk through the door, that is. Precious and petite, Luna seats no more than thirty or so people at a single time; but having the chance to take a load off in her lovely locale is worth the wait, as well as the trek. While evocative of a home environment, there is a dark, brooding essence found within Luna which gives it a very weatherbeaten, Sam Spade feel that is gritty, glamorous, and oh so inviting. Come for the coffee, but stay for the scrummy weekday brunch. 181 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto, ON M6J 3C6.

Which of these Toronto cafes would you like to cruise?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the pictures.


glee said...

now i understand cafeshionista, ;)
hmmm, i guess, I wanna cruise all of them. just wanna go to places.

Leah said...

I'm interested in the Luna cafe... I have this thing about "hole in the wall" restaurants and coffee shops...I prefer them because they really serve the best.

Have a great week ahead Erika!


I would love to cruise all of them. I am just finishing up my morning coffee and banana pancakes. MMM =) I am a coffee addict! xoxo


Diane said...

oh how i love toronto! i visited the city back when i was in college and just fell in love.

ana said...

mmm... It's early in the morning in my city so after reading this I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee.

Melissa Blake said...

These posts always make me thirsty! xoxo

Unknown said...

All these cafés sound good. I actually want to work in a café, for like a first time job, I like the thought of warmth around christmas time, and meeting people all the time. I am quite a fan of coffee, with lots and lots of sugar and milk!

Btw, my articles out, hope you can pop around.


Anne said...

There are a couple that have just opened around College Street named Sonic and Green Grind, both enviro-friendly (natch). Check it out: http://www.martiniboys.com/Toronto/articles/New-Independent-Cafes-Hit-College-Street-13900.html

Anonymous said...

I think I would love to try the "Luna Cafe".

COCAMIA said...

Thank you for bring such wonderful attention to Toronto!!! It is spectacular!!! And it happens to be my hometown...xo

Princess Liberty said...

I love drink coffee in winter, because it's hot

KP said...

Toronto is such a hidden little gem, I love it there xo

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhh, i really really want a coffee with whipped cream now. hmmm ginger bread latte, if only i like in america....
Oh, and thanks so much for your comment i really appreciate it!!

Panda xx

If it comes in pink said...

great, now I'm in the need of some coffee;)

Chicago Chic said...

Moonbeam sounds wonderful! I may be somewhat shallow for admitting this but ambience is a big draw when I am going to sit and drink a coffee for a while! I like a cozy and inviting yet somewhat charming atmosphere. It may also be because I am currently living in Rome, where the coffee shops are not so relaxed. You stand at the bar and pound your espresso shot, then you are on your way. Don't give me wrong, the coffee here is the best I have EVER tasted, but I certainly miss a relaxed little cafe environment once in a while. ;) I will have to check out Moonbeam if I'm ever in Toronto!


The Blonde Duck said...

I'll meet you at Moonbeam in a few hours...

grace said...

i like looking at the various mugs in which these javas are contained. they're always so lovely, and i really like the dainty pink one from luna cafe. what can i say, i like mugs. :)

Nina said...

I want to try them all if I had the chance ... Grr ... you know I live too far ... Recently got addicted to Capuccino drinking so cafe visits has become a fun pastime for me!


Couture Carrie said...

Would love to visit Toronto someday and check out all these fabulous cafes, darling E!


Jocelynne said...

I can't believe I've been to Kensington Market so many times and haven't stopped by Moonbeam yet. I'll be sure to check it out soon!

Tights Lover said...

Great reviews! I like the sound of Saving Gigi!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I have always wanted to visit Toronto! We should go and have coffee. And meet the actor boys. haha

Sherin said...

I've been to Toronto and its such an amazing city. Next time I go there, I would love to visit the Moonbeam Coffee Company.

Marz said...

Thank you for doing a post on cafes in my city! :) I've been to both Luna and Moonbeam and they are just great. I want to try out Saving Gigi for sure!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

These are such great posts. Any time I travel someplace fabulous, I'm definitely going to ask you where to go for a latte! :)

Toothfairy said...

I'd say all! never been to toronto, sooo yeah... ALL! :P


All Women Stalker said...

Okay, that's it. I'm grabbing my boyfriend for an overdue cafe date TODAY. :D These places made me miss out first few dates. Our very first date was at a cafe.:D


Brandy Shaloo said...

I haven't been to Toronto yet but it's one of the cities I want to go. As a coffee addict I don't need to worry about my daily caffeine fix there now that I read this post :D

Stéphanie said...

I love coffee !

Haute World said...

What a lovely selection... they all sound fabulous! Luna sounds so cosy and I want an orange creamsicle from Moonbeam! I haven't been to Toronto in ages, but if I ever get back there, I'll print out this post :)

Dina's Days said...

Toronto is a great city. I just went this past summer, and had a great time. It's so diverse. I will have to check one of these places out next time I go.


Joanne Faith said...

Reading about Moonbeam put me in a dreamy mood. :)

& a coffee craving in general...yum.

Anonymous said...

I love walking into a cafe and smelling the alluring scent of coffee and cinnamon. This post is making me crave for caffeine. :)

michelle_ said...

id love to go for a tour of coffee you've listed here !
no wonder ur blog name is 'cafe fashionista'.. i've also noticed that ur tweets mention about coffee alot . :D

hope you're off to a good week !
and great sequin tops u picked out on the previous post !

thanks for your comment at my blog :D
i loveddd this postt !

visit / follow / and comment me .
xoxo . Glisters & Blisters

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

The Luna Cafe is speaking to me most! I've been wanting to plan a Toronto trip forever. And these delightful sounding joints will have to remain in my itinerary idea folder!

Anonymous said...

hmmm, you had me a coffee... I love that you found these lovely little spots that AREN'T starbucks! lol... seriously I wanna go to them all and sample their brew :)

Emily said...

Toronto sounds like such a cool place to visit, as do all these little cafes!

Closet Cravings said...

The second picture is so lovely. Makes me wish I drank coffee. =)

Anonymous said...

I must go to them all some day...and now I want a coffe!

Angela said...

oh i want to visit toronto now.

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

They all sound so enchanting! But I would love to pay a visit to Luna Café

Keith said...

I'd love to visit any of them. I drank a couple of cups of coffee last night as I snacked on some cookies left for me by some ladies at work.

miriam (Björn Borg) said...

that Toronto café looks like a little gem. take me there!

edef said...

i adore cafes! could you maybe do ones in NYC?? i'd love that!

Midtown Girl said...

I love Toronto!!!

In fact I used to work for RBC, here in NYC years ago - love the city and wish I knew these places back then!!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

aw! I love the window into your world!!!


T.A.E said...

I love your coffee shop series! I can't wait to see what cities you plan to highlight in the future! :D

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