
Tightwad Tuesday: Juicy Couture Glam Sweater Vest for Less

Darlings if you’d be so kind as to stop laughing, I would be ever so grateful. I know it sounds a bit off the wall, but the cool chill that has virtually cast a cold spell about all of Southern California over the past few days has left me with a desire to do something completely out of the ordinary in terms of fashion. I know it’s a peculiar fact to admit, but I’m just going to do it anyway…I am currently plagued with the urge to channel Mister Rogers in my style of dress. There, mission accomplished!

Now, please don’t get me wrong, I am in no way, shape, or form eager to go so far as to don shoes that look as if they’ve come straight from the bowling alley; nor will you see me wearing the very same kitschy-colored cardigan day in and day out. But I am taking a cue from everyone’s jolly neighbor by embracing sweaters. Juicy Couture’s Glam Sweater Vest, to be exact.

A deep v-neck and vertical ribbing along the wool/cashmere blend heather prestige shade takes geek to chic; while a ruffled embellishment around the collar, so reminiscent of natty women’s fashions of the early-1800s contributes a modernistic, yet romantic aesthetic that flows and flutters freely about the throat, a feminine characteristic that takes one’s look du jour to new heights!

I can see it now…tossing it on over a black long-sleeved v-neck and pairing such an upper with black liquid leggings – a playful juxtaposition between saucy schoolgirl and rebel without a cause; or simply zipping it up over a white tee with a pair of dark wash denim skinnies and cognac-colored riding boots for an equestrian-inspired look that is casually glamorous, and completely unfussy!

But really loves, why should I be making such plans? At $139.99, I’m lucky if I can afford a single ruffle from this pretty, let alone the entire sweater. It’s simply out of my budget; a stylish pipe dream that I should promptly put out of my mind so as not to disappoint myself, let alone my wardrobe! Though maybe such a purchase is not so farfetched! While I may be unable to afford Juicy Couture’s gem of a cozy knit, I am quite capable of affording Shopmamie’s Ruffle Deep-V Vest.

At $38.00, the Ruffle Deep-V Vest – available in either charming Charcoal or posh Purple – is a stunning alternative that sports buttons in place of a zipper, and harbors two petite pockets, perfect for protecting all those love letters penned by cute boys safe from harm!

Spendthrift? Tightwad? Tell me…which one are you?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to ShopStyle and Shopmamie for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Twenties Girl Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Sophie Kinsella's Twenties Girl.


Nicole Marie said...

so cute!!

Diane said...

chilly in southern cali huh? today in nyc it was 21 when i came in to work and there are like 35-40 mph winds...so it is much colder than that. UGH! i hate this weather. today i'm dressed like an eskimo.

anyway, i actually like the cheaper version better. the ruffles look more frilly.

M said...

Definitely spendthrift! The Juicy vest just looks like it has a better shape and that it will stay that way even after some wear and tear. Mmm, I can see it with a black turtleneck and equestrian pants and boots. Hard to resist! :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Despite my love (and I mean LOVE) for all things Juicy, I must go with the tightwad here. I like the buttons and ruffle details better- the purple is gorgeous too! :)

daisychain said...

I always say this, but I so prefer your thrifty find :)

bananas. said...

Do you realize how often i make fun of sweater vests? A lot! Too much actually and now you've gone and given me a reason to kinda like them.

At 140 though, i won't sway but at 38 i just might. Its cute but dont tell anyone i said that ;)

Nina said...

I like the Juicy Couture one!

Leah said...

Vest for less definitely dear Erika. I kinda like the ruffles on the 2nd one better.

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

I LOVE the Shopmamie's Deep-V Vest!!

Emily said...

I want this! It is adorable! And the price is so right, on the second one that is :) I'm a tightwad.

The Anthology said...

Love that deep-V vest. And up here in Vancouver I've been channeling Mr. Rogers like there's no tomorrow. Old man chic, ya know?


michelle_ said...

This is such a great piece to share with us !
The ruffles are very pretty :)

ana said...

What a lovely sweater!!!! it's so pretty


Juicy! I can't feel too bad for you about the weather. It is much colder here. I wish I lived in Cali =) xoxo


Jessi said...

Spendthrift at heart, but tightwad by necessity ;)

Both are fab!

xoxo J

Unknown said...

Hey Erika! So I've been gone for a bit and this is the first time I'm seeing your photo!!! Just wanted to let you know you look gorgeous!! It's great to put a face to the beautifully written posts!!

Couture Carrie said...

So adorable! Nice finds, all!


Fashion By He said...

good pick...he likes vests


Tiffany Kadani said...

This makes me want to wear vests even though I can't (broad shoulders and not so lanky arms). I love the ruffle and the color.

The Blonde Duck said...

I am always cheap and proud of it. Did you have a fabulous Christmas?

Anonymous said...

I love the ruffle vest! Very great trend spotting. I'm trying new things in 2010 and vests are at the top of my list!

K said...

Very nice alternative! Of course, neither option allow for the signature Mr. Rogers up, down, up zipper action. lol

K said...

Hmm, don't know if my original comment went through. :(

RYC - I know, chocolate and friends are fabulous and can get you through anything!

Toothfairy said...

the second one if ok-ish. it's not my style, so I wouldn't get anything like this! haha


Unknown said...

Both are gorgeous! Of course, I'm much more the thrifty shopper. Bargain Betty!

Aurora said...

oh no.. don't, don't buy this. it's awful! -gray, dull, uninteresting. you deserve better.

Jaeveberry said...

nice finds!

Tights Lover said...

I wonder how much the Juicy one is per ruffle...

I love the Shopmamie option...especially at that price!

Ashley said...

So cute!! I actually think the less expensive one is cuter :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I actually like the Juicy Couture vest and the Shopmamie vest. So, how about I just take both? Lol. :) For one, I love gray. And two, I absolutely adore ruffles! Such perfect vests!

Love the picture of yourself you added! It's nice to be able to put a face to the blog. Plus, you look gorgeous! Loving the boots!

KP said...

but that cashmere looks so pretty!xx

Danielle @ Story of Style said...

Mr. Rogers or not, I am absolutely obsessed with vests! That juicy vest is incredible. AND I am crossing my fingers for the Twenties Girl giveaway!!!

Denisa L said...

they are both very pretty but I like the shopmamie one better:)

Sherin said...

The Juicy Couture sweater is actually really cute. Although, its definitely too expensive. I'm going to be a tightwad and go for the cheaper option, which is still really nice.

Lauren said...

cant do wrong with ruffles - i love them both!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Cuuuute! I like the less expensive one better actually. And posh purple sounds fabulous. :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I really adore that style of cardigan. The ruffles are just so pretty.

Call me crazy but I would prefer the more expensive one (blame my mother for my expensive taste)though both are gorgeous.

Wonderful blog! :)

xoxo said...

Teeheehee! still haven't stopped laugh :D
Alright I was only kidding, the fluffy sweater is strangely stylish...I think I want one.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

LOVE the thrifty version. It's super adorable! As if there was any doubt that it would be. You're the best E!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Totally depends on the item whether I am cheap or big-spender. I like like the second one...


Sarah Whitney said...

Ohh good find, they look very similar!

Frannie said...

love the sweater vests! I actually saw a couple of really cute ones on Etsy and they have inspired me to make some out of old knit cardigans.

Damsels said...

thats a really cute affordable alternative and its just as stylish

Anonymous said...

i love when my man wears his mr. rogers sweaters :) and the ruffle deep-v vest is even cuter than the more expensive one i think - love when that happens!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

basically....i want that.

Taylor Sterling said...

very cute vest! Plus, I love the pics of you on your side bar! You are too cute!

Treacle said...

Great budget alternative! I am all about finding "the look for less" if I can. No reason to drop triple digits on trends if you can help it.

Jen Hsieh said...

you're always so sweet in your comments :) and i love the vest for less post! ruffles are my favorite this season (and lace!).

Paint it Black said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Great post and how amazing that you found a more price friendly alternative and you have great ideas on styling it and the ruffles are truly beautiful xoxo

Anonymous said...


Stylista Fitness said...

Love that vest! I have one similar that I bought via Ebay! if you want to find some cheap casual clothes try the hong kong sites! It takes a bit longer to receive your goods 2-3 weeks but its well worth the price and wait :0

Style, via Tia said...

I really like the juicy couture one better so this time I am a high spender!

Audrey Allure said...

hmm i'm not much of a person for big ruffles but if there was one with a more subtle ruffle, it'd be perfect for me. yesterday in new york it was 17 degrees at night! freezing haha

btw, i've tagged you in an award :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I actually think this sweater is super cute!! What's even better is that I like the cheaper version WAY better than the first one. Yay! Hehe. ;)

Dina's Days said...

I actually like the cheaper one better! The buttons are more flattering. Great find!

Fashion Court said...

i like the cheaper one better too! very cute .. i may have to end my little shopping ban :P

Daria said...

I love Shopmamie's Ruffle Deep-V Vest way better tha Juicy's and it's way cheaper!

Check out my blog =)


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