
Girl in Pearls Giveaway

Darlings if we learned anything, anything at all, from Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany’s it is that all girls should be in possession of two very important things: a little black dress that drapes decadently over her form, and a singular strand of pearls to clasp around the nape of her neck – two timeless, sophisticated necessities that one is simply powerless without. By now I imagine many of you are already armed with the former; now, however, you have the chance to claim the latter as your very own.

You’ve surmised correctly, kitty cats! Café Fashionista has teamed up with Louis Anthony, a premiere Pittsburgh Jeweler, to bring one (1) of you fortunate femme fatales a pearl necklace valued at approximately $300.00. A bedazzling bauble made up of 9.5mm freshwater pearls hanging 18-inches in length, and adorned with a 14k gold French hook-style clasp destined to sprinkle your style with a chic touch of classic appeal.

To Enter the Girl in Pearls Giveaway:

For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, January 28, 2010 at midnight PST.

For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, January 28, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL.

For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, January 28, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment).

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Friday, January 29, 2010.

Good luck everyone!

This Giveaway is open to U.S. Residents!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Pittsburgh Jeweler for the picture.



Wow, gorgeous necklace and great giveaway Erika! I already follow you on Google Reader =) xoxo


Melanie's Randomness said...

I've always wanted pearls. Audrey taught us all well. =)

I am also a follower of Cafe Fashionista! =)

Mom Fashion World said...

pick me, pick me!
i want that pearl necklace.
pearl will always be my best friend.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

What a fabulous giveaway, Erika! Every girl should own a pearl necklace. :)

All Women Stalker said...

I have just bought a set of pearl necklace so I'm okay with not joining this one. You always have the best giveaways, Erika :)

carrie1 said...

OMG I must have these! =)

Suburban prep said...

There is nothing more classic of the look that pearls can give an outfit.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said...

I am a followerof your blog.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Erin said...

This is an amazing giveaway!! I so love pearls. :-) Please enter me. And, I am a follower!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Amanda said...

Great giveaway!!

Amanda said...

I also follow you on Google Reader (and am glad I do!)

Faith J. said...

Wow what a classic giveaway! I love wearing pearls to work and church. Thank you for the chance to win, meeooooow!!!


Scientific Housewife said...

I am a follower and I will be tweeting about this (SciHousewife). What a great giveaway, I don't own any pearls!

Diane said...

how i'd love to win this! it's so pretty.
p.s. i'm a follower and i tweeted about this giveaway.

Bethany said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I'm a follower of your blog.

Leah said...

Fabulous pearls... I love 'em.

I'm following you forever Erika! xoxo

Faith J. said...

I am a follower, too!


Dina's Days said...

Pearls are my favorite! COunt me in!

shinynewgirl said...

what a fabulous giveaway :)
I adore your blog i read it every day x


Anonymous said...

WOW! excited much :)

Caroline said...

I'm so excited! I love Breakfast at Tiffany's and these pearls couldn't be more perfect for a cafe reader!

I'm a follower, too!

Bitch, Bitch, Bitch (Amanda Mac) said...

What an AMAZING giveaway! Being in a sorority in college pearl necklaces were a staple, though most (including myself) wore fakes!

Bitch, Bitch, Bitch (Amanda Mac) said...

Ooooh and I am a follower!

Elly said...

Such a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter.

Also, I am a follower.

Mara said...

what a beautiful necklace! I love pearls and I think they are just so classic and classy :)
My mom's family is also from Pittsburgh so it's doubly special :)

Mara said...

I'm a follower! xox

Laura Gerencser said...

Beautiful! Pearls are always so classy!

Laura Gerencser said...

I tweeted!!
laura gerencser at roadrunner dot com

Laura Gerencser said...

I'm a follower!!!:):)

Britt said...

Is it open to Canadian residents as well?
If so count this as entry 1 and 2, cause I already follow you on my GoogleReader <3

The Blonde Duck said...

Don't hate me darling, but even though I'm a good Texas girl that went to Baylor, I can't do pearls.

Couture Carrie said...

What a stunning prize, darling! I am so excited about this giveaway!


Couture Carrie said...

Just tweeted this, darling!

@couturecarrie on Twitter

Stylista Fitness said...

You always have the best giveaway! cross fingers i win this one xx

Stylista Fitness said...



Stylista Fitness said...

friend on blogger

Sootjeelina said...

I realy want to join but I live in the Netherlands :(
BTW thanks for your comment :D I also realy think them wearing it :D My friend is playing in a Grease (a play at her school of course) and I'm coming and I'm wearing that jacket :D

xoxo Sootjeelina

Ashley said...

So stunning!! Yes, every girl does need a gorgeous set of pearls. Whoever wins is one lucky (and stylish) lady!

Virginia said...

Love the pearls, now all I need is the perfect dress. I'm already a follower on google reader and I just tweeted:


Iva Messy said...

what a fun giveaway!! have a great weekend!!

Jolie said...

Ooh, how exciting. I broke my pearl strand last year and have yet to come up with another!
I am a follower of course! xoxo Jolie

Unknown said...

gorgeous necklace!!

I've started a new blog and I would love it if you drop by to check it out. :)


Kitchen Butterfly said...

So not fair.....I need pearls too....from entrant living in the Netherlands!!!!!!!!!

Stéphanie said...

Fabulous giveaway dear ! (But what a pity, I'm french !!!)

JennieDang said...

This looks beautiful!!! I'd love to enter this contest. I'm also a follower. :D

Polished Sense said...

Hey Erika,

You know I'm a follower. Great set of Pearls your giving away. I will also tweet this for you :D Have a happy Friday and great wknd!


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

ahhhhh SO annoyed I don't live in the US and can't enter :(
it's such a perfect necklace!
Congrats to whichever lucky girl wins it!

♥ Hannah



H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

ahhhhh SO annoyed I don't live in the US and can't enter :(
it's such a perfect necklace!
Congrats to whichever lucky girl wins it!

♥ Hannah



Jen said...

What an amazing giveaway! I'm stunned by this. I must win!!!

Aero said...

great necklace :)

you have a very good blog !

Bonnibella said...

I recently re-watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and her black dress, multi strand pearls, highlighted updo, and cat eye liner still gets me every time.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh fabulous pearls! I'm such a tweet ignoramus, but really should start now! Sabine x

KP said...

such the amazing give-away-I'm a follower-love, love these xo

Anonymous said...

This is an absolutely fabulous giveaway! I have been obsessed with pearls for a very long time and I agree, no girl should go without them. Great post!

Sogni e Sorrisi said...

Great giveaway! I'm a follower of your lovely blog.

Emily said...

I am most def a follower!!!

Leah Marie said...

Cute blog! I love the necklace.
~Leah Marie

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

What a wonderful necklace, I adore pearls!

I am a follower (here and on Twitter) and I tweeted. Here is my url: http://twitter.com/jointhegossip

Happy Friday =)

Stacy said...

Gorgeous necklace! I'm a follower on Google Reader. :)

Samantha said...

Oh how I wish I lived in America! Just to have those pearls!

Bend the rules! ...please? ;)

Angelique said...

OMG, I could totally be Julia child with these pearls which would hopefully detract from decidedly UN-Julia-like cooking skills :)



Girl - you can't go wrong with a fabulous pearl necklace! Please enter me in!

Fun Fact: my mum's name is Pearl. Oooh, destined to win? ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

What a fabulous givev-a-way! Im not a US resident but its gorgeous. I have a pearl necklace and matching earing sets! they are a true fashion staple!

o said...

what a great giveaway! these pearls are beautiful! count me in! thanks again for ur comment on my blog:)


o said...

p.s. i'm now a follower:D

Anonymous said...

AMAZING giveaway, omg so excited!

Anonymous said...

and im a follower!

Nina said...

Oooooh please, let it be mine!

fadetoblack said...

awesome give away!
i will follow! :)

glee said...

such lovely pearls. :)

Joanne Faith said...

I want so much! You are so right, & I need a set of pearls! o;

I followed you via Google Reader & tweeted about this giveaway. Consider me entered thrice! <3


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, pearls are gorgeous and go with everything - also they look fab on Audrey!

Rachel Scarlet said...

Hello darling! I have been away and now I am back! You know I always following! :) Love you! I always love pearl nacklaces!!!

Becky Tjandera said...

Ohh I wish I live in the USA x) Anyway , I've sent you an email . Have u got them ? :D Have a nice weekend dear !

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

What a lovely lovely giveaway, I would LOVE to win! Cheers!

heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Grumpy old man said...

Hi Erika, well seeing that I live in S A I suppose I am not allowed to enter, however, if I am lucky enough to be drawn, you can have it... :-)

Thanks for adding me to your blog roll, I have added you now too.

Thanks and have a lovely day!


Grumpy old man said...

Just tweeted for you!

Treacle said...

Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Kira Aderne said...

Did I say I love it?

Nina said...

Hi Erika!

I know you don't do awards but I can't resist passing on one to you ... you're my daily read! I posted it on my blog a few minutes ago. Have a fantastic weekend!

Audrey Allure said...

i love pearls <3 i'm a follower :)

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Wow, this is a really beautiful necklace!

-The Trendy Fashionista

alexkeller said...

i can't stress how important it is for a girl to have pearls! my little shop is sadly low on them right now, but fear not! i'll be getting busy making new pieces in the coming weeks!
and i do follow you, my dear!

alexkeller said...

tweet! http://twitter.com/alexandrakeller/status/8111641125

Melissa Blake said...

Oh, yes, I'd love that! I'd even do a video blog wearing it!

And you know I'm an avid follower of your lovely blog! Visit it daily, in fact! xoxo

stealthnerd said...

What little girl doesn't dream of pearls? I would love to win these!

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Blog follower!

heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

She may not have been fashionable but Julia Child was certainly chic in the kitchen with her pearls.
I love pearls, the only jewel one can layer without restraint.
Fantastic giveaway. I'm new to your blog, but I think I'll become a daily reader.

Jamie said...

Those pearls are gorgeous and so is this blog! I hope I win! Thanks!! :)

Christen said...

I love pearls - although I especially love to rock them in unconventional ways, like with a vintage rock tee. What a great giveaway!

Christen said...

I definitely follow you on Google Reader! You're one of my favorite daily reads!

Christen said...

Just tweeted about the giveaway (@LaRueNeuve)

Emelie Cleveland said...

Neckleace is gorgous!
Already a follower of your FAB blog!
<3's Emelie
from http://www.clementinascorner.blogspot.com/

Catie said...

The necklace is so beautiful. I follow your blog on blogger :)

Sharon Lei said...

Erika, what a beautiful giveaway! Pearls liven up any outfit... even a plain tee and jeans.. throw on some pearls and a pair of heels and viola, instant chic-ness!

Count me in on the giveaway.. and of course I'm a follower...

How are you doing by the way? Hope you're great. :)

Love & Aloha,


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Please enter me.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Please enter me.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

lovely necklace!

Frannie said...

I am a follower, of course. That's a gorgeous necklace darling that anyone would be proud to own. I am also tweeting this sweetie. I hope I win (fingers crossed)

XOXO AnnNicole said...

Audrey Hepburn pretty much made the LBD with pearls! Amazing necklace too!

Tara Diane said...

woo! I actually just stumbled upon your blog today when I was searching stuff about over-the-knee boots. Love your site! Added it to my bloglovin :).

Deanna said...

Gorgeous necklace! Would love to win :)

Deanna said...



Deanna said...

I follow on google friend connect.

Lydia A. said...

Great, gorgeous giveaway! =) I'd love to win.

Lydia A. said...

2 entries:

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/princessla66/status/8166512632

Lydia A. said...

Three entries

I am a follower- Lydia A.

Angela said...

I want to win this since I can't enter my own. You should come enter the pearl necklace giveaway on my blog. : )

Fashion said...

Gorgeous! She really new what fashion was about along with COCO Chanel :) all I have are my fake pearl necklaces :/ whoever wins this just got a great prize!

Fashion said...

I am a follower amydai96@hotmail.com

Fashion said...

http://twitter.com/amydai96 just posted about it :)

little luxury list said...

Lovely giveaway darling - we all need our Audrey Hepburn moments!

little luxury list said...

Of course I'll follow you to NYC and back!

little luxury list said...

Oh yes and tweeted from @cncliving.

chelsea said...

I adore pearls!!

I tweeted the giveaway! http://twitter.com/mrssmith909/status/8196941858

And I'm a follower!

Elle said...

like a good southern girl i do love me some pearls!

duh, i follow.

also, just tweeted :)

Aline said...

amazing giveaway and of course i follow you lady!

Faux Trixie said...

A string of pearls is the classiest piece of jewelry a girl can have.

Count me in.


Raquelita said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Would love to own my first set of real pearls...Audrey Hepburn, here we come!

XOXO AnnNicole said...

OH and I'm a follower too!

Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

Here's hoping! A great pair of pearls has been on my wishlist for a while now!

Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

Oh, and I follow you, too!

Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

And a tweet to increase my chances!


Carolina Andrade said...

I must have these gorgeous pearls, they will be my first! I also follow you through Reader.

Ameena said...

I would love love to win these pearls! So beautiful.

Daydream Believer said...

Gorgeous!! jamiejenson10@gmail.com

Melissa said...

This is a beautiful pearl necklace! Thank you for this giveaway! =)


Melissa said...

I also tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/meli_renee/status/8307094581


Jennifer Pellicone said...

Oh, is this a stunning necklace! The size of the pearls is huge and look at them shine! I would love to have this!
cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said...

TWEET! http://twitter.com/Yvonne5987/status/8325118110
cspmom at gmail dot com

NotYourAvgJoe said...

This would be a perfect Valentines Day gift for my wife! She would LOVE it and me!
tshrtkng at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Those pearls are beautiful! I am already a loyal follower and I tweeted about this giveaway @shopwestlandctr! westlandshoppingcenter at gmail.com

april brooks said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your lovely blog.

april brooks said...

I follow with google friend connect.

myvogue said...

WOW I just saw this fabulous giveaway, almost going to miss it :( Lately I am being obsessed with pearls...

myvogue said...

Long time follower on google reader :)

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