♥…whip out your credit card and book a flight to a far-off destination you’ve always wanted to see up-close-and-personal? Since your AmEx is already making an appearance, why not splurge on a pretty luggage set to make your travels even more fabulous!
♥…write a message in the snow? Mix water and food coloring together, pour it into a bottle with a nozzle, and let your creative juices flow! It’s the perfect solution to an expensive skywriter – and far more romantic!
♥…create a fort in your very own living room using blankets, chairs, and boxes? Surround your humble abode with twinkling fairy lights; then climb inside in a cozy pair of flannel pajamas and read fashion magazines by the flickering glow of a flashlight until you fall asleep.
♥…Willy Wonka-fy your world? Get lost in New York City’s Dylan’s Candy Bar; take a trip down memory lane in San Diego’s old-fashioned Cousin’s Candy Shop; satisfy your sugar craving at Cambridge’s Hidden Sweets. Darlings, if you’d be so kind as to pick me up a pound or two of Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears, I promise to love you forever and ever!
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.
Don't forget to enter the Cozy Up to Shopbop and Ugg Boots Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Shopbop.com.
Oh my gosh, these are all things I would love to do: Catching fireflies, creating a fort in the living room (hello, loved doing that with my brother when we were kids, whipping out the card for a great vacation, shopping all weekend for the perfect pieces you can never usually find. Great post Erika!
I seriously need to try some chocolate covered gummy bears. My two favourite things melded into one??? Eek!!!
Gosh, I can't remember the last time I saw a firefly. They're mesmerizing. Though I hear, not so cute in the daylight...
Best. Post. Ever. Loved everything in it!
I am THIS close to whipping out my credit card and booking a flight to Singapore...
Writing a message in the snow sounds so cute. I will definitely be looking for the a great date outfit too. =)
I loved reading this post very much Erika ! It gives me tons of ideas to do when am bored . I sud really get my hands on a good book . D last book I read was in high school which was in 2008 . Hahaha..
Btw congrats on ur feature in Style Sample online mag :D
Am proud of youu !!
Oh I wish I could escape to a destination, throw caution (and debt worry) to the wind.... though I did just book a weekend getaway in Feb to my Dad's condo in West Palm Beach...yahoo! :)
Fab link list, darling! I sooooo need some pretty new luggage!
I want to do them all! Especially the credit card-funded holiday! Yes please. :)
Guess what?! I actually did create my own fort in the living room last night, with blankets, pillows, candles and all, however reading Richard Yates instead of fashion mags.... and I couldn't stop until I had finished the book! That might explain why I just woke up now (11:30am EST)! But now I don't feel so bad about it anymore since you okayed it! :D
love these! Now I'm really itching for a chocolate bar...
I want pretty luggage!! :)
Oooh and choco covered gummy bears sounds freaking delicious! I need to buy some of those ASAP!
this is awesome!!! i love "why don't you" posts! great suggestions! =D fabulous picture btw
Serendipity is what I shall refer this post as. Good one Erika! :) I love the ostrich feather skirt. XOXO!!!
This is so lovely. Can I do them all?? :)
I love to try that in the snow... write love messages using colored dyes i.e. if and when I see actual snow. Hahaha!
I haven't tasted chocolate gummy bears but I love chocolates and I love gummy bears so I believe this is a must-try.
PS... I am here but where is winter? Hahaha! It's not cold. Waaahhhhhh!
What a lovely list! I don't know what is better, reading how well it's written or actually doing it!
Love this list! I would DEFINITELY love to do #2 and jet off to the Caribbean, it would be lovely. And I'd capture fireflies if it was warmer and they were around ... though perhaps I'd just write a message in the snow instead.
Thanks for making this January day a bit more brighter :)
I think I'm in love!! Great ideas!
btw, how do you make those pretty pink hearts? :)
I'd love to take a trip. We just got away for a weekend and that seems to be all we can manage lately. We've been so busy.
I might try the reading-in-a-foreign-language idea.
I love Hidden Sweets. My ride home today will include a sour patch kid-inspired detour now!
Hi lady! I loved reading this post; fabulous ideas. Creating a fort would take me back to my childhood days; my sister and I did that a lot in our room and living room!
Wishing you all the best for an amazing 2010!
xo, Becs
umm i love this! yes to buying a luggage set! need.
and writing a message in the snow! how cute!
I'm especially loving your suggestions of chasing fireflies and building forts. When I was little I used to always try to catch fireflies in my hands. And I used to make the best living room forts!
I've never had chocolate covered gummy bears before but they sound delicious! I want some. :)
Ah, if only I could set off for an exotic location. Instead, I will have to wait until March to go to Virginia.
hi dear. haPPy new year. im back from hiatus :)
thanks for this post. its positive and inspirational. i do want to travel soon- soon.. to somewhere warm. just need some money first.. take care xx ediot
what a lovely list! having dessert for dinner would be delicious!
I want to do all those! Esp. the dessert for dinner. I've got a ton of cinnamon rolls in the fridge--we can have a breakfast dessert dinner! Wanna come over?
Love this..
I am in the process of planning a daring vacation right now and top on my list is some great luggage!!!
Love Ur"why don't you post" :-D
this is the best! I love all of these! esp the getaway! You are such a wonderful writer!
I love your "why don't you" posts! I recently read The Little Prince completely in French, so I just may take your advice on picking Eloise up en francais as well!
Oh and I don't think my sweet tooth will allow me to pass on that last tip either.. xo
Wonderful post. I think you've convinced me to book a holiday now. I would love to just whip out a card and book a flight!
Another great WHY DON'T YOU ... Thank you, Erika!
cheesecake on a stick? done and done. also, amex just came out of hiding. destination? anywhere with a beach...
Two things to say: One, I wish we had fireflies here in California! Two, fort making is quite possibly the best rainy day activity ever!
Love your reminder to enjoy the little things!
okay wow these all sound great! sadly i've made too many forts before. have you ever read a book in a foreign language? sounds intriguing!
I love making forts! Probably the best thing to do ever :0
I love your "why don't you" posts! They're always so inspiring to read
Your blog always makes me so happy - it's simply adorable. All these ideas appeal to me very much.
I think I'll stuff my face with candy. And blame you if my mum asks ;)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Erika Darling this is such a fantastic post! I am going to bookmark this for future stressed out down in the dumps days (read week b4 finals)...lol
that photo is very "modern marie" - i like!
While I love most of these suggestions, I have to disagree with #2. Don't charge anything you can't afford; it's just not a good idea for your finances...especially in an economy where people are losing jobs left and right.
I'll take cheesecake on a stick and Dylan's please!
this is a gorgeous post lovely! I am contemplating making a living room fort now :)
your "why don't you...?" posts are my absolute favorite! and i've been searching for that perfect little black skirt for forever haha! love that ostrich skirt you linked. and i'll definitely be making a fort sometime soon :)
I swear, it's like you've seen photographs of my life and have written about them. I can picture all of this. Hope you are having a great day when you read this!
Aha! I'm buying a trip to Palm Springs as I type. Not exactly a place I've been dying to go to, but it's sunny. And you can't beat that.
great post darling!
OH my gosh Erika, all these things are sooo fabulous!! I want to do them all... I really want to "create a fort in my living room".. I used to love doing that as a child!! weeeee.
Love & Aloha, S
Darling post!
Love this! Darling blog!
if i didn't know any better, i could swear that you're a pisces. i love your daydream-like posts with all these fun and amazing things to try and do! i'd def charge a trip to a far off place on my c/c, drive around looking for perfection, then finish the day off and reward myself by indulging in dessert lol.
the random album cover design is really fun, I think you should write a post and do one too!
What a fabulous list! As a child I used to try to catch fireflies using a paper napkin and of course I built a fort as well. Definitely should try those again!
So great post my dear !
Happy new year ! The best for you !
I love the feeling of WHY NOT?!!
I love the snow and the dramatic makeup comment :) Perfect ideas... now I just need snow!
i love catching fireflies <3
and i definitely do want to visit dylan's candy bar during my lunch break today haha
Love this post - so interesting! & made me smile. Love your blog! Do you want to exchange links?
Sorry about the late reply to your comment btw, I had swine flu! What a perfect start to the new year :)
♥ Hannah
Some of these inspirations I do in my dreams...I gotta make them real...thank you!
dessert for dinner...
that's me sorted tonight ;)
I'm dying over the luggage you just posted about! Since, we do travel quite a bit - I'm so not in love with the luggage options of the past - why can't luggage be stylish too? Great find!
these are such lovely ideas!!
my husband and i have been making little forts and camping out in our front room every weekend...such fun!
I LOVE all of those! Apart from Hemmingway's Old Man And The Sea wouldn't exactly make me happy in the original English text. But in Japanese?
And the picture is the make-up artist and model Doe Deere, founder of Lime Crime Make-Up (http://www.limecrimemakeup.com/) modeling her line!
I am so tempted to don some bright coloured make up and head on out...if anyone asks i shall blame it on your influence
I am so tempted to don some bright coloured make up and head on out...if anyone asks i shall blame it on your influence
Loving this post - both the tips and the image! Considering the fact that my backyard has almost two feet of snow in it, I might actually follow you up on the suggestion of writing in the snow :D
Also, thanks for your kind comment on my Casati post! :)
No one has to encourage me to eat candy.
Lovely! Especially dessert first!
Why don't you keep posting stuff like this- it's awesome! Now to find a chocolate bar...
Glad i found this website.Added cafefashionista.blogspot.com to my bookmark!
Omg! Just stunning.
You rocks as usual erika.
Than you so so much for sharing and glad to see updates from you.
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