
Smitten Saturday

You’ve Got Mail! Darlings you know me well enough by now to realize that my life would be utterly incomplete without being on the receiving end of weekly presents in the post. There’s nothing more thrilling than receiving a package from the mailman and savagely tearing into it, desperate to unlock the hidden treasures lurking underneath the piles of Styrofoam miscellany standing between you and your striking surprise. But I digress; magazines and simple letters truly don’t do it for me anymore. Non, I find myself plagued with a desire for a different type of parcel; something slightly more fashion-forward yet entirely enticing all its own…KnickerMail! Take a trip to the Knicker Corner, select the pair of pantaloons that tickle your fancy, pen a note to someone special, then select a gold or silver mailing envelope, and send the skivvie surprise on its merry way! Really now my loves, can you possibly imagine any more perfect piece of mail to receive?

Cuff Me! Don’t misconstrue the words “cuff me,” kitty cats! I have absolutely no desire to find myself imprisoned in the back of a police car, my hands bound with the type of bracelets one never wants to find themselves donning. If you must know, and you really must, my utterance of those two simple words has nothing to do with crime, and everything to do with fashion for the feet. Oui, once more I am plagued with an overwhelming obsession with shoes; this time, the cuff boot! Unlike the typical footwear aesthetic, the cuff boot features a bell bottom-inspired fold-over cuff which hangs long and lank to the heel, creating a haut monde effect that adds an extra dash of volume to your look du jour. The iron hue of Ash’s Suede Ono Long Cuff Boots? Irresistible. The buckles found on Coach’s Sage Boot? Brilliant. The hidden platform and full-length zipper ornamenting Dolce Vita’s Josey Zipper Boot? Jaw-dropping. No fibbing allowed loves…don’t you want to be cuffed?

Doodle Bug Despite a brief love affair with sketching the striking silhouettes of precocious ponies strutting along the seaside, their manes and tails trailing tauntingly behind them in the cool breeze, during stolen moments in the library while I was supposed to be studying trite mathematical concepts that bored me to tears; I can’t say that I ever became the doodle bug I once aspired to be. Deadlines, homework assignments, and harried schedules reluctantly removed me from an existence pockmarked with quiet moments in which I could allow my daydreams to spill out upon the stark white paper in front of me, displaying princesses lying in wait for a handsome prince to sweep them off their feet; fairies hovering in midair; or feasting families sitting quaintly in front of a roaring fireplace. Even so, I have never lost my passion for such pretty pictures; hence the reason I have fallen completely head over heels for Lana Frankel.

Since my discovery of the Fashionable Friends Card in her Etsy shop, my adoration for both her talent and her motto that “nice matters” has grown twofold. Each illustration is more spellbinding than the last, portraying whimsical ideations and a childlike, carefree imagination which translates through the poppy colors, and clever touches she adds to each of her creations. Fashion Safari Ride would serve as a stunning daily reminder of the high class and style of New York City if hung upon a crimson-colored wall in a gilded frame; Love Showers Valentine’s Day Card prompts one to go for a romantic romp in the rain; and there’s absolutely no question about it…Tailored to Perfection is just the inspiration a glamorous girl needs to go out and find a snazzily-dressed cute boy of her very own! Kittens doesn’t Lana drive you to channel your inner doodle bug?

What were you smitten with this week?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It and Shopbop for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Cozy Up to Shopbop and Ugg Boots Giveaway for your chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Shopbop.com.

Don't forget to enter the Lady in Red Giveaway for your chance to win a Melinda Sequin Bag in Red from Mimi Boutique.


Diane said...

great post today erika.
panites in the mail! haha! that's so fun!!!!!
loving those grey cuffed boots. i soooo need them...NOW.
and lana's work is so fun and fabulous! :)

J'aime said...

Everytime I read your blog, I am totally admired to how you write you blog. The words are just cleverly put together and I love that, I always say to myself that writing is sort of an art, putting words together that go so well in harmony together, quite like musical notes, or complimentary colours.
I will one day, aspire to how you write Cafe Fashionista!


J'aime said...

Everytime I read your blog, I am totally admired to how you write you blog. The words are just cleverly put together and I love that, I always say to myself that writing is sort of an art, putting words together that go so well in harmony together, quite like musical notes, or complimentary colours.
I will one day, aspire to how you write Cafe Fashionista!


Unknown said...

Wow I love Lana's work...the custom work is beautiful, the family portraits, the bridal party cards, and under people I love the girl sitting with her guitar! I was smitten about my winter boats I finally got!! Skechers http://www.skechers.com/shoes-and-clothing/styles/boots/product/keepsakes_-_luck/blk


Emily said...

I love the free people cuff boots! And the idea of knickermail is adorable! The cards by Lara Frankel are so pretty and unique, as well :)

Chicago Chic said...

You are so witty and your writing is brilliant, Darling. I need to check out knickermail, sounds amazing! Oh and yes...I want to be cuffed if it comes in the form of these amazing boots! xoxoxo

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend Love. ♥


I am smitten with Chanel jewelry, leather mini skirts, leather pants, and toy poodles =) xoxo


Jen said...

The boots the boots the boots! I want them! Damn you and your wonderful Smitten Saturdays! :D

This week I'm smitten with leopard print faux fur coats. I'm watching a couple on eBay and am determined to win!

Anonymous said...

haha knickermail!

Anonymous said...

Very cool post! I love getting any type of mail, especially magazines and college letters! They make my day. However, nothing can compare to getting a beautifully wrapped package where you're really anxious to rip it open and see what's inside. Have a great weekend Erika!!

Style, She Wrote said...

haha knickermail! That's pretty genius! You never cease to amaze me!

Haute World said...

Beautiful selection! The Knickermail sounds like such a fabulous idea! A great gift to yourself if you're too lazy to do your laundry ;-) And I adore that cuff boot. I've seen a few booties in that style as well that were very tempting. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!

monica said...

hi beautiful - happy saturday

definitely want to try knickermail

Jen Hsieh said...

i love getting packages and letters on the mail, it's so much better than email. and i love the whole knickermail idea, haha, it's adorable :) i'm so tempted to send a pair to a guy friend so he could open it in an awkward situation.
great post!

Frannie said...

I'm smitten with boots of all types darling! I bought 2 New pairs this week! I'm also loving Lana's work! Incredibly talented!
Great post!

little luxury list said...

Knickers in the mail - love!

I'm definitely smitten with and (needing) boots lately and I love the cuffed ones.

Have a fab weekend!

www.janetteria.com said...

Cool post!


Sherin said...

I love the idea of Knickermail! Its such a great and original idea. And I love the look of cuff boots. I don't think I've seen them before, but can't wait to get a pair now!

SabinePsynopsis said...

I was smitten by a beige silk blouse and a black wool dress by costume national - but I wouldn't mind some KnickerMail either. Sabine x

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

thanks sweetie, just linked you back :)

♥ Hannah



The F Word Online said...

heyy erika, thanks so much for your sweet comment. killer give away below by the way. and those boots are adorable. i saw similar ankle ones but of COURSE they didnt have my size : (

xx lue

ARANXA. said...

those boots, are amazing!!!
and great post :)

Nina said...

Cuff boots! That's what they're called! Love them!

Sophia said...

i must check out this "knickermail" asap! i love mail so much.

also, i noticed vampire weekend was in your "favorite artists" section of your profile. i had never even HEARD of them before yesterday but i spent HOURS listening to all of their stuff. it's definitely my new favorite band, and i just needed to share that with someone :)

glee said...

smitten by your boots girl, very elegant and stylish, not loud. also, my bunnies are taking up most of my time ;)

Dylana Suarez said...

Love those boots!

Lovely blog!


That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I am obsessed with scouring Etsy...I could spend hours upo nhours on that site alone.
Take care and have fun, dear!

Leah said...

Cuff me too. Hahaha!

Erika, I have something in the mail for you. xoxo

Denisa L said...

love those cuff boots and I get the same feeling when opening packages:)

Denisa L said...

love those cuff boots and I get the same feeling when opening packages:)

Shopgirl said...

I love those card designs - they are so cute!! I want some! :))

(I'm going to add you to my Daily Reads - love your blog!)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Have to agree with J'aime, this post is very well written!! Enjoyed it and love those boots!

Anonymous said...

I love the Knickermail idea! And those cuff boots are fabulous- that reminds me I have a pair of Ash boots I absolutely love from last year (got them at Shopbop) and I need to still break them out this year! Hope you're having a lovely weekend! xo, Mel

Couture Carrie said...

Really fun post, darling!
Love those boots!


All Women Stalker said...

Oh wow, cuff boots. Looks good but I'm not sure they're great for short people like me :(

COCAMIA said...

I love boots! I am a big time boot gal! Love the boots!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Love, love, love those gray boots! All of the cuffed boots are fabulous. I must have a pair!

Kim Jackson said...

Those Josey Zipper Boots ROCK!!!! So edgy. Love.

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