
Eye Candy Giveaway

Darlings, as the proverb says, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul”; therefore it is each and every one of our duties to ensure that our pretty peepers pop in any and all situations. With LASHEM they truly can; and now one (1) of you has the chance to take home a tube of the luscious lash growth serum – retailed at $85.00 – courtesy of Chrislie Formulations.

You’ve surmised correctly, kitty cats! Café Fashionista has teamed up with LASHEM to bring one (1) of you glamazons a 3.5 ml, 90-day applicator of LASHEM, “A revolutionary, high performance gel that promotes healthy natural lashes. A clinically tested formula that consist of patented Lipo Oligopeptide. A conditioning complex which fortifies lashes making them appear healthier and stronger.”

To Enter the Eye Candy Giveaway:

For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, September 24, 2010 at midnight PST.

For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, September 24, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL.

For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, September 24, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment).

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, September 25, 2010.

Good luck everyone!

And yes, this giveaway is open to everyone – U.S. or International residents!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to LASHEM for the picture.


Unknown said...

Ooooo YAY! Count me in!! Have a great weekend!

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Count me in! ;)


P.S: Did you have a chance to enter my Hallelu hobo bag giveaway?
Hurry! Hurry!

getpalmd said...

I'm in as well! :)

Sunshine Sarah said...

I sure would need some of this! :D


Sunshine Sarah said...

I am already a follower, of course. ^.^

Sunshine Sarah said...

I twittered here: http://twitter.com/Aleka_Sarah/status/24109295337


Collette Osuna said...

How cool..Id love to win!!! Count me in too:)

Statements in Fashion

Anaiz said...

Awesome, I need something like this! I'd love to win :D

Anaiz said...

Oops forgot, I'm a follower too!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

woo hoo! amazing giveaway Erika! I'd love to win! have a fab weekend, darling! xo

Unknown said...

I love the quotation you have with the giveway! I would love to use this! I am a follower on Google Reader. Thanks

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

woo hoo! amazing giveaway Erika! I'd love to win! have a fab weekend, darling! xo

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

What a fab giveaway! I follow, of course.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!

And I already follow you on everything!

Lila said...

Oh my sister would die for this...

Lila said...

Following #1

Lila said...

Following #2

Lila said...

Following #3

PS picked up the circle scarf at F21 and Love it. Thanks for the Thrifty idea.....

Angela said...

I have tried similar products, these do produce longer lashes.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Ooooh yes please!

Unknown said...

I'd love to try some new eye candy Thanks so much for the giveaway
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

#2 Tweeted

Susu Paris Chic said...

I would so love a piece of this candy!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

i follow you through GFC, please enter me.


Denisa L said...

ohh yeey, open to everybody:)
who ever wins it should review it, I'm just saying:)

Maddy said...

Nice!! I would love to see if my lashes can get any longer! I'd be down to review it if I win :)

Valerie said...

Whoah, $85 retail?? This stuff sounds magical! I want one! Hope you have a fab weekend, Erika!


Couture Carrie said...

Fab giveaway, darling!


Anna Grostina said...

Oh, I don't think I need that At my age...:D

Haven said...

AWESOME!! I follow. :)

paislea said...

i'm a follower!


paislea said...

this is my comment!


Anonymous said...

i'm in!

ediot said...

great giveaway. sign me right UP.
hope youre having a wonderful weekend lovely you!
what are your plans? i have none. maybe shopping ;)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Awesome! I will def try this... I am a follower :):)

Happy Friday!!!

Luna said...

i am commenting and i'm already a follower.

Saretta said...

I've never heard of eyelash fortifier...it's just what I need!

Saretta said...

I am a GFC follower of yours!

Sherin said...

Ooo, amazing. I follow via blogger, bloglovin and twitter.

fisiwoman said...

Enter me please!! ^^

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...

Following on google, as fisiwoman

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/fisiwoman/statuses/24139242320

Ana Belén R.M

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh, its a lash growth serum! Thought it was a mascara. My bad. I like!

this free bird said...

Yikes!! $85?!? I hope I might have a chance at it!! yippee!!

Have a super weekend, Miss Erika!!

Natasha said...

Ooh. I'm going to have to try that out. My email address is Natasha {dot} Hollerup {at} Rocketmail {dot} com. I hope you're having a good day and I hope everything will work itself out with me, too. The ex is now out of my life.

Grace said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to enter.

ellie said...

Wow, how excellent!

cass and cady said...

totally awesome stuff.

ori said...

What a great give away!

Sootjeelina said...

So fabulous!

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Sootjeelina said...

So fabulous!

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Lauraaa, said...

cooool! ^^

Lauraaa, said...

cooool! ^^

Lauraaa, said...

cooool! ^^

Lauraaa, said...

cooool! ^^

Lauraaa, said...

cooool! ^^

Natasha Gregson said...

Great giveaway :) I'm in and have a great weekend !! xx

Elle Sees said...

have a wonderful weekend.

Emily said...

i'm in! and of course i'm a follower :)


wholesale clothing said...

what a great freebies...
count me in..I'm a follower...

Unknown said...

My poor, stubby lashes could really use some help

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com

Riv Re said...

I'z a follower :)

sherrie said...

Following on Google reader :)

Embodying Fashion said...

great giveaway, I would love to try it out! And of course I'm a follower!
Have a great week!

Elle Sees said...

enter meeeee
a follower!

Anonymous said...

PLease PLEASE let me win this

Style, via Tia said...

Fingers crossed!!

Bree said...

Ooo, I've been wanting to try this stuff! I've always said my lashes are my favorite accessory :)
Oh, and OF COURSE I follow your blog, silly!

Bree said...

Ooo, I've been wanting to try this stuff! I've always said my lashes are my favorite accessory :)
Oh, and OF COURSE I follow your blog, silly!

Caitlin said...

1. I would LOVE to try this.

2. I tweeted this give-away: http://twitter.com/CaitlinAM

3. I am a follower of both your blog and your twitter!


d1sast3rr said...

This stuff seems awesome!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Seems really cool! I'm already a follower! :)

little luxury list said...

I'm insanely curious to see if this is effective! Thanks for the giveaway dear!

little luxury list said...

Of course I'm a follower :)

Miranda said...

Great giveaway, I would love to try it!

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