♥Cardy Love Say what you will about UGGS, but I love them. Sure, they may not be the most fashion-forward form of footwear, but they are completely comfy, have an element of messy chic when paired with babydolls, and are perfectly cozy when you’re being smacked around by the cold winter wind. Thanks to this picture, I am currently crushing on Cardy UGGS. They act like a sweater for your feet, and have this very casual, slouchy, carefree look that makes you appear effortlessly gorgeous – even if you just rolled out of bed. Needless to say, I don’t currently have the cash for these beauties, so I purchased these lovelies for $150 less, and worship them just as much. Now all I need is for the weather to warm up just a smidgen so I can pair them with my denim mini and I’ll be good to go!
♥Play with Your Food Do you know how when you were little you always wanted to play with your food? Shuffle it around on your plate. Pick it up and examine it with your fingers. Check its resilience by tossing it against walls, or at your obnoxious older sister’s head. I was scolded for those things, and felt restrained to be reprimanded for doing something so fun. Which is why I think I need to pay a little visit to Lambert’s Café, the home of Throwed Rolls. This is a restaurant where they not only allow customers to play with their food, but encourage it because...well, the servers even get in on the action by throwing rolls at you the moment you walk in the door. Never before have I had such a strong desire to have fresh-baked rolls tossed in my direction.
♥Smart Make-Up Mascara only lasts for three months. Lip gloss should only be used for eighteen to twenty-four months. Liquid eyeliner should never be kept for more than three to six months. Oil-free foundation is useless after one year. Nail polish should be tossed after twelve months. Hello! I am not a mathematician or scientist, nor do I have the time to keep track of how old my make-up is. I mean, I can hardly keep track of my friend’s birthdays. So my discovery of CARGO’s blu_ray High Definition Lip Gloss with Timestrip Technology? All I can say is that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. The Timestrip inside the cap keeps track of when you first start using it, and alerts you when you should trade it in for a new tube. I’m craving it in Laredo or Halifax , but would gladly take it in any opulent shade.

♥Beat It! Distressed denim may be the big thing right now, but I am currently itching for a distressed bag. Something weatherbeaten yet wonderful. Something grungy yet glamorous. Something that can easily make the transition from spring to summer and fall to winter. This one has an amazing amount of pockets. Plus, there’s something very biker babe about it that I absolutely love. But, alas, it is severely out of my budget. This fulfills my craving for a mustard-colored bag; and can be carried satchel-style or hitch a ride on your shoulder. And this makes me long for my short-lived horseback-riding days. Ah, memories.
♥Coutorture For years I have loved Coutorture and have spent countless hours each day poring over their features. On Sunday I was thrilled to become a part of their community. But Tuesday takes the cake. For on April 13, 2009 Café Fashionista was featured on the fashion loving website. Coutorture is to fashion bloggers what Entertainment Weekly is to an up-and-coming actress; so to be featured there? A dream come true. Thank you Megan! Thank you Coutorture! Thank you everyone! This is a day that will go down in Café Fashionista history!
♥Oh So Olivia Despite the fact that The Hills has always been a guilty-pleasure of mine, I have never so much as seen an episode of The City. Regardless of that, I love socialite Olivia Palermo. She is a doe-eyed beauty harboring the life I’d love to lead: beautiful clothes, beautiful friends, and a beautiful living space located in Tribeca. It is my belief that she is the living, breathing, true life version of Gossip Girl’s Blair Waldorf; and I adore her.
What were you smitten with this week?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Nicoline Patricia and Ron Herman for the pictures.
I am smitten with THIS post! So true about the rules of makeup and UGGS. I have 2 pairs and I just adore them; comfiest things I own! That restaurant sounds really cool too!
And congrats on your feature - will go check it out now :)
Do you live in Missouri? Lambert's is just a few hours away from me!
i LOVE Uggs!! Love love love!
God, I know what you maen about UGGS, they are def not a very fashionable staple but so comfy. I never really thought about the make up thing, I really need to through out a lot then! And about Olivia in the City, she is so mean in an awesome chic way. Is that wrong??
i love uggs!! i wear mine so much. run to the corner store, dog to the bathroom, freezing cold days, around the house. seriously so comfy
and i want to try that restaurant so bad!! i LOVE playing with my food. my favorite food is the kind you eat with your hands!
have a great weekend!
i was smitten with the awesome weather, central park lazing around and the chipotle burrito bowl i had for dinner the other night. hahahah!
your blog is so cute. i can definitely see why you were featured on coutorture :)
yay for the coutorture feature! did you go to a library? i'm sitting in the main library right now, amidst a hermitage of books... not quite so inspiring as the old library next door, but still surrounded by some damn fine reading material, and I occassionally find a book or two that hasn't been taken out of the main library since 1950... or 1890!!! that kind of thing makes my day ;-D
i always keep mascara too long. not good. sigh.
the smart makeup definitely sounds good! :L yeah i started checking your blog regularly after reading coutorture so congrats!
channy ;P
That restaurant sounds fab! And I very much still love uggs--they are just so darn comfortable. The cardy ones are adorable! xx
I love the picture. Congrats on the feature.
Congrats on getting onto coutorture!
Trisch xo
Gorgeous photo!
I rather like Olivia :)
Oh wow you've just reminded me how smitten I am with UGGs, I got back to the UK from 42degress C to 6, and I just had to reach for mine! xoxo
oo that cafe sounds like so much fun!
Oooh the Uggs are so cute! I don't care what anyone says, they're the comfiest shoes on the planet and that's worth it to me.
congrats on Coutorture! thats so amazing and such an honor!
Nice post here. It does make senses, appreciate for sharing.
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