♥Lacy Lady Regardless of the fact that lace gloves are synonymous with tea parties, the Victorian era, and twirling parasols as you traipse the streets in floor-sweeping ball gowns, I believe that every girl should have a pair hidden in her closet for moments when she wants to feel feminine and dainty. I myself am currently in the market for a pair, and am shocked to see how many offerings are out there – especially in the twenty-first century – to choose from. These white ones are just screaming to be paired with pearls and a demure, pale-colored slip dress. These were made with a debutante ball in mind. And I am utterly convinced that the ravishing, yet oh-so backstabbing temptress Penelope Hayes from Anna Godbersen’s Luxe series would don this alluring red pair with her crimson-colored frocks.
♥Le Tempting Truffle I have always been a finicky eater – even when it comes to dessert. Though I love the so-called “Original Sundae Cone,” also known as the Nestle Drumstick, I do not eat it for the ice cream – rather for the cone and the solid chocolate that encases it. Which, when you think of it, makes for many wasted calories. So I have decided to put my Drumstick down, forgo the calories wasted on unwanted ice cream, and pick up one (or five) of these decadent Truffle Cones from FireLilly Gourmet Chocolates. Bite-sized, individually wrapped, and available in six flavors (almond, peanut butter, chocolate milk, minty mousse, dark raspberry, or decadent dark), these are equal parts charming and darling; and I’m ready to devour them whole.
♥Gilty As Charged I tried to stay away from The Gilt Groupe. To ignore the postings proclaiming designer merchandise for dreamlike prices. To abstain from clicking those colorful banner ads depicting all sorts of splendor. I tried, and I failed. Yes, I could have simply not clicked the “Accept Invitation” button; but it was impossible. It was calling my name; and I succumbed to its lure. Sadly, or maybe not so sadly, I love it! I feel as if I am shopping at a lavish boutique when browsing the site. Not to mention that the prices are phenomenal. Yes, I’m Gilty as charged. This week alone I have been tempted with the Gryson Purple Tutu Double Zip (that I was gushing over just last week) for the unreal price of $390; the Foley + Corinna Silk Beaded Necklace Dress for just $198; and an adorable ADAM Belted Shirt Dress for $174. Somebody please hide my credit card!

♥Let It Shine I thought I was over the whole legging craze. I mean, my cotton leggings (which I own countless pairs of) have been sitting in my dresser drawer since last summer, long forgotten. But a new type of leggings have come into my life: glossy ones with high shine. I don’t know why I have fallen so head over heels for them; but they’re simply spectacular. They remind me of liquid legs, or a fashion-conscious super hero. While I have no great love for stirrup pants, and am well-aware that they went out with the 80’s, these are the most divine pair of “liquid leggings” that I have ever seen. High-gloss, high-glam, and high-fashion; but low priced. These ones have the power to blind passersby due to an extra sparkle that I can’t resist. These fit, in the words of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, “like a glove!” And these are my designer brand dream. Oh yes, I’m ready to take a pair home.
♥Tweet Tweet! I am probably the last person on earth to join Twitter, but now that I have, I am utterly addicted. Tweeting has become like second nature to me. Maybe it has something to do with the 140-character limit (who doesn’t love trying to tell an entire story in just one or two short sentences?), or the fact that I can follow anyone my heart desires – even celebrities; either way, I am crazy about it. The only problem? Twitter is blocked where I work, so I can’t tweet during my lunch hour. Oh, the horror! But, you can still follow me here.
♥I Heart Lynn Despite the fact that I am out of my teens (though not by much), I have continued to purchase and read both Seventeen and Teen Vogue with much glee each and every month. Reeled in by the cover of the May 2009 issue of Vogue proclaiming The Real Lives of Models, however, led me to take a copy home, where I promptly fell in love with the eccentric Lynn Yaeger. Her tale of surviving and thriving without a Lanvin bag and a diamond-encrusted snake ring after being laid off from The Village Voice, and forced into living on a freelance writer’s budget in the piece On the Market was read and adored from start to finish multiple times. This is a woman whom I would very much enjoy meeting over coffee in a quaint little café to discuss fashion and finances with. A woman who would make for the perfect partner in shopping crime. J’adore her!
What were you smitten with this week?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to We Heart It and Forever 21 for the pictures.
I'd love a pair of lace gloves, but somehow I don't think they would suit me! Did you make any purchases through Gilt? I think I need to go on a shopping ban -- at least till summer sales start! ;)
i love the chocolate at the end of the nestle drumstick better than the rest of it too haha
i miss my teen vogue subscription
i'm not by a something - rather a someone. photographer Bruce Davidson - and would so like to have his books!
Lace gloves are always a must! And I have just gotten into the liquid leggings style. But I haven't got a twitter, hmmmm don't get the appeal.
i like a little lace too. it's makes me feel very girlie. and, i give up on gilt. i am never in time to buy anything my size....
hehe got to love twitter... feeds my blogging need in mini bite-size form at the mo what with looming diss deadline and all lol. great pick on that first photo too.
def get red tights. i get random colours just on the offchance i'll use them... bought neon snakeskin print ones the other day. gawd knows when i'll wear them! ;-)
i always thought there was too much vanilla ice cream and not enough chocolate in the "nutty buddies" (that's what we called them!).
also i have to stay away from gilt groupe! ahhhh dont tempt me!
i'm on gilte group too... thankfully i'm still rational.. haven't scored anything there yet!
Fabulous post, E! Those leggings are a must, and I adore the first pic!
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