Perhaps we can attribute such a sensation to the allure proffered by the thought of the Southern Belle, dripping with pearls and donning a hoop skirt and straits as she sips sweet tea in a Victorian parlor, perfectly coiffed curls framing her face. Or maybe it is the hopeful visualization of being swept off one’s feet by a dapperly-dressed Southern Gentleman rife with gracious manners and a mischievous twinkle lurking behind his charming smile. Darlings whatever the true reason, one has not experienced sophistication until they have sipped a stone’s throw away from SunTrust Plaza, or chatted over cups of café au lait while overlooking Centennial Olympic Park. For a heaping dose of Southern Hospitality there is no more pleasing place to toast than the ambrosial Atlanta.

From the moment you step off the quiet, tree-lined Kirkwood pavement and enter Gathering Grounds you are welcomed into a second family of sorts; oftentimes greeted by an employee upon arrival with the intention of inviting you into an illustrious little world speckled with slightly moody lighting, a handful of overstuffed loveseats, cognac-colored walls, and a gritty aesthetic which proffers the sort of well-bred warehouse vibe experienced only within the fictitious pages of a volume of F. Scott Fitzgerald. A sentiment only made stronger with the addition of the smooth jazz soundtrack burbling in the background.
Stacks of reading material and games litter the tiny tables scattered throughout; yet it is the honest sincerity of both the establishment and those behind it which stands out upon each and every visit. The silent proposal to linger for as long, or as little, as you’d like clinches Gathering Grounds as a neighborhood hot spot you’ll find it hard to tear yourself away from. Mellow Marsh, Celestial Charm, Peppermint Preacher…be prepared for a selection of beverages that will make your mouth water by title alone! 1994 Hosea L Williams Dr., Atlanta, GA 30317.

Nestled behind a multitude of chain restaurants in the Lindbergh City Center Plaza, SIP is one of those trendy little cafes that dreams are made of; a dissociative dining experience which bridges the gap between hipster hangout and classy coffee shop, ideal for making goo-goo eyes at a new paramour over Skinny Vanilla Lattes or clinching a business deal with a Soy Iced Chai Tea in hand.
Modernistic white metal chairs juxtapose with wooden tables covered in a haphazard jumble of fashion magazines; while vaulted ceilings and large windows allowing sunlight to stream in toss a blissful warmth upon each seating area – from the simple table and chairs to the cozy lounge, quite reminiscent of a luxurious living room, awash in cushy sofas. If people-watching is your thing, however, or you merely want to feel the cool breeze upon your face there’s no better place to take up residence than the outside patio which overlooks the MARTA Station. Savor the Lavender Pistachio Hot Chocolate, which is just as delicious as the name is pretty. 528 Main St., Atlanta, GA 30324.
Which of these Atlanta cafes would you like to cruise?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Tumblr and We ♥ It for the pictures.
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You've described them both beautifully, but it would have to be Mr F. Scott Fitzgerald, i.e. no. 1 for me! It sounds so relaxed and cosy...
I would have to take SIP because of the Billy Joel reference =) xo
Hm, I cast my vote for Sip The Experience. I like even the name of the shop, and the suggestion that coffee there is about the whole coffee-experience!
Gathering Grounds is my choice! Sounds charming, cozy and that great neighborhood feel!
I want to try the Lavender Pistachio Hot Choco... I'm trying to imagine what it looks like and what it tastes like. xoxo
Gathering Grounds sounds like me! Just daydreaming about it now.
I heard The Vampire Diaries was shot in Atlanta. Meaning Ian Somerhalder might hang out a lot in those adorable coffee shops there. Maaaaaaannn I wanna visit :p
I wish I'd known this before I went to Atlanta, if I go again I will check them out!
ooh, would like a coffee in there!
lavender pistachio hot chocolate? YUM.
Lavender Pistachio Hot Chocolate?! seriously?! I WANT to try it!!!
Now Uptown Girl is in my head! haha I want to go to that one. :)
Oh I love ATL! I lived there for 5 years back in the 90s... I don't think any of these cafes were around back them, so I pretty much want to visit all of them now! Fab post, darling!
I'll definetely try the SIP The Experience coffee shop!! you've describe it so warm and cozy!!!
I love the sound of Lavender Pistachio Hot Chocolate - sounds dreamy
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, I hadn't heard the song so I downloaded it and I love.it. like seriously love it, its been on constant repeat, its an honour to be linked with it =]
Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x
i haven't been to georgia in YEARS! when i go back, i definitely have to check out some of these cafes!
Seems very chic!
Gathering Grounds sounds so relaxing. I love how there are reading materials! Reading in a coffee shop is a great way to spend a day.
SIP cafe is my choice especially if the ambiance has the power to make me sashay into the entrance.
Lavender Pistachio hot chocolate are my favorites but never had I had it all at once!
Great writing! You made them all sound so irresistible I might have to go visit them all to decide which is best!
Lovely pics;))
I'm sending my sister to both so she can meet a Southren gentleman and quit dating losers.
they all sound great! I'm not much of a cafe person though... heh. Yeah with those Lance Bass pics I definitely thought it was Jared Leto trying to make a comeback!
love that first pic with the Diana cam - I have to say though - of all the southern cities, ATL is my least fav... I did buy my senior prom dress there though!
I've been to ATL so many times but haven't yet visited a single cafe. :( I want to go to all of these stat! Have a great week.
Our family has a mountain home a couple hours away from Atlanta. I need to make a point to stop there for a day or two the next time we drive up there!
That settles it. I'm off to get a cup of afternoon coffee. Your blog is lovely!
Wow, you made me wanna go to Atlanta, GA. For now,I'd settle to what's on the kitchen.
I've never been to Atlanta but hopefully one day!!
Ahh I love Georgia! A good friend of mine who lives in Georgia makes a delightful peach tea from fresh Georgia peaches! It is divine!!
i've never been to atlanta, definitely would want to someday though. that little tea bag is so adorable. i think all tea bags should be made with love letters on them :p
xx lue
oooooh they both sound just perfect :)
♥ Hannah
Aww it seems like it would be really fun to go there but unfortunately I live in NYC.
Now I want to go to Atlata just for coffe, I am guiltily shallow for food. :)
I am so calling you next time we shoot in Atlanta - seriously. Love all your posts - great info and places!
Ooh love both of these; I can't pick! Georgia does remind me of Gone With the Wind. Hoop skirts, southern gentlemen...=))
miss erika, have you traveled to all these cafes you write about? how is that possible? is that your job?
sorry. i've just always wondered.
How on earth am I supposed to cut down on my caffeine intake with photos like those?
So gorgeous!
Yay, it's my hometown!
I have to say "neither" to both of those coffee shops and recommend either Java Monkey or ChocoLate coffee.
And if you want a bit of dessert to go with your caffeine, The Chocolate Bar is the best place to be. :-)
pretty coffee pics!
you write these and describe these so beautifully! love the photos too!
I would love to enjoy a coffe in Sip:)
These all sound amazing!!Hope u had a lovely wknd! xx
I think "Sip the experience" because you mentioned Billy Joel and I'm seeing him live in 10 days!!! Wooohoo!! Beautiful post, as always.
lovely post ! :)
I adore coffee !!
nice post..
love it so much and the pics as well
good stuff, keep it going
wow i love your blog its amazing! your photos are so proffesional! ill be following this blog :)
love sammy
I adore your coffee posts! would love to know each of them! thanks for your sweet comments, I had a wonderful vacation! xo
Love this post! I'm from Atlanta and have never been there, so next time in town I'll be sure to stop by.
The Gathering Grounds got me with the whole F. Scott Fitzgerald bit.
I love this post darling! and the pic with teabag "ti amo" made very emotional, don't know why but anyway cute :)
Yep! Gotta love ya for posting Coffee;) Love Cafes. They make me happy too;)
I think I'll cruise on over the SIP The Experience. It sounds like a fantastic place. Plus, I'm sure their vanilla lattes are delicious!
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