
Tightwad Tuesday: Alexander Wang V-Neck Dress for Less

Darlings I’m quite tired of hearing that music inspires fashion and vice versa. Yes, I know that the tunes tantalizing our eardrums are extremely relevant in helping us to decide what our look du jour will be, or even what our desired style will mirror; but it is not just music that serves as an inspiration board to our wardrobe. If Marie Antoinette taught us anything, it is that food is just as much of a muse to the contents of one’s closet as the strains of a symphony. It is a mood regulator which plays a part in the hues we drape over our form; the textures swishing seductively around our bodies; and the desired fit that accouters our derrieres on any given day. For Marie Antoinette it was hoop skirts and petticoats in pastel shades reminiscent of that found upon dainty cupcakes; for yours truly it is draped cashmere and coffee a la Alexander Wang’s V-Neck Dress.

Go ahead my loves; label it as completely off the wall if you’d like. It may seem slightly outlandish, but the truth of the matter is that the neutral coffee and noir shades mingling side by side upon the V-Neck Dress is an inviting duo that proffer the same type of warmth to the wearer as a steaming mug of hot coffee would.

Coffee-colored wool jersey sporting a plunging v-neck (the very perfect location for a pretty pendant necklace to peek through!) converges with black gauze proudly displaying a teasing tattered hemline which comes across as more playful and haut monde than sloppy and hot mess; while a black elasticized belt about the waist breaks up the monotony of colors, and assists in defining one’s waist. All whilst establishing a draped ruching evocative of the frocks worn by the Grecian Goddesses of years passed, of course.

But perhaps the most stunning attribute is the large keyhole opening in the back which allows your skin to play a coy game of peek-a-boo with the world at large.

Sadly, as much as I wish it weren’t true, the V-Neck Dress is nothing more than a far-off daydream flirting with my imagination – or so the $805.00 cost leads me to believe. Hence the reason why I am inviting ModCloth’s I Love Love Dress to become a part of my enchanted existence.

While lacking the pleats adorning the bust, and slightly slouchy design of the V-Neck Dress; at $67.99, ModCloth’s I Love Love Dress is a wallet-friendly solution to one’s style woes.

Are you having a tightwad moment darlings, or are you plagued with a craving to splurge?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Net-A-Porter and ModCloth for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Love Is in the Air Giveaway for your chance to win the 90 Words Per Minute Dress from Shabby Apple.


Style, via Tia said...

These are very similar but I have to say I adore the pleats and fit of the Alexander Wang dress. Sometimes it is all about the details. Great picks!

Diane said...

they are both adorable! i think i like the way the fabric flows in Alexander Wang's dress more...but i love the colors in the dress from ModCloth.

Alice said...

I love all shadesa of coffee, especially mixed with black!

But I have to admit I like the original dress better...but I couldn't afford it either...

Very well written post as always!

Joanne said...

I do like the colors, and the fabric of the original seems to hang better. A bit out of my league though!

Rock Couture said...

Wow they are beautiful!

Maddy said...

The draping on the original dress is beautiful, but I prefer the lighter color of the cheap find.

Leah said...

Erika, you always find the best deal and the almost exact replica of something. I love the second dress. xoxo

daisychain said...

they are both gorgeous,
I think I prefer the style of the A Wang one, and the colours of modcloth's!

Unknown said...

Alexander Wang's dress is stunning!!

SabinePsynopsis said...

My vote is clear - I want to be a modern Marie Antoinette in an Alexander Wang dress! No cheap route possible here...


You found such a similar dress, but I still have to go for the Wang. I am bad, I know. xo


Denisa L said...

they are almost identical:)
love them both!

Nikolett said...

Wowee ... both of those are absolutely stunning. Though I adore the style of the Alexander Wang dress, I love the bottom detailing of the cheaper dress ... plus, that price is much more nicer for my wallet. Thanks for sharing these :)

Iva Messy said...

you always find such great deals on almost exact replicas Erika!! I love the Alexander Wang dress though to much in this case lol ! The colors just make it so fantastic!!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

You're amazing. You always stun me with finding the most amazing replicas for the best bargain! :)

I normally adore the cheaper version you share, but this time I definitely have to say I love the designer version better. Something about it flows so magically and looks so much sexier. I wish I had the money to splurge! Hehe!

Couture Carrie said...

Amazing find, darling Erika! Love ModCloth!

Fabulous news ~ you are the WINNER of my NY Design Shop DIY Giveaway! Just email me your address to carriecalligraphy@gmail.com!


Scientific Housewife said...

I love the Alexander Wang dress, so pretty!

sara said...

i would definitely have to splurge on this one! i love that dress for the draping and color, both of which are lost in the cheaper version.


Sara said...

First, Clothes + Coffee?= :) :) :)

Second, how awesome that ModCloth has a very cute version of that dress? Sadly for me, even ModCloths price is a tad too much for me at the moment. I just got my tax return and I want to splurge, but I have to pay bills.

Sharon Lei said...

Gorgeous finds... sometimes a spurlge it a must :) But I love finding deals too!!

Congrats on your win at CC!! Lucky Ducky... Hope you're having a beautiful day sweet Erika!!

xx Love & Aloha.

Cara Kuhl said...

The Wang dress is to die for ~ I haven't seen anything quite as chic for a while (well, in the fashion world, that's about a week right? ;) Love.

xox *cara* @ CGC

Unknown said...

wow, this is a steal erika! that dress is really pretty.


Mara said...

so pretty! I love the Alexander Wang dress but could never afford it. I love how the Mod Cloth one holds onto a lot of the details of the first! You're amazing at finding this stuff!

Sarah Whitney said...

These are super similar, but I'd have to say splurge. Knowing they there's a keyhole in the back sold me, I looove showing off my back. And I totally see a warm mug of coffee in both these dresses!

alexkeller said...

the wang dress is so much better - i mean is it me or does the modcloth dress make even the mannequin look frumpy?

Jen said...

Give me the Wang, give me the Wang!! I love, love, love it. Coffee and cashmere - Erika, you have such a wonderful way with words! :) xx

L said...

Oh I love you for this! "If Marie Antoinette taught us anything, it is that food is just as much of a muse to the contents of one’s closet as the strains of a symphony." How excellent! I heard somewhere the inspiration for the costumes of the movie came from macarons. YUM.

FashionJazz said...

Luv this!! Ur fabulous! Hope u have a stunning day hun!! xx

Melmo Momoko said...

wow the first dress is so wonderful <3

Sherin said...

They both look wonderful: I can't decide! The colours and the overall design on the Alexander Wang one is just so beautiful!

Bonnibella said...

The pleats on the Wang's dress gives it the romantic flair. I love the combination of a tulle draped over fabric.

Anonymous said...

Both are lovely and sophisticated, though I am a fan of the pleats in the A. Wang dress. Great find with the ModCloth dress... it's a close second and you can't beat the price!

xo, becs

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Sigh. I like the A Wang better.... ohhh man, expensive taste! lol ;)

Tiffany Kadani said...

So true about food and fashion. That speaks right to my heart. Right now I am craving the fruit tart that's sitting in my fridge.

Anonymous said...

I've always had a thing for Alexander Wang. He is an amazing designer. Both dresses look great, thanks for sharing your find!

Jen Hsieh said...

yay for modcloth for having a cheaper version of this gorgeous alexander wang piece. :) my favorite aspects about these dresses are definitely the color scheme. yum :)

Emily said...

While the cheaper version is wonderful, I think I'd still prefer the Alexander Wang dress! it is gorgeous!!!

Terence Sambo said...

ouuuu i live for dat alexander Wang dress...fab.

GR8 blog btw, first time on here, i sure wld stop by more often. Do drop by mine and show some love :o]

Emily said...

AH cuteee. :)

The Fashion Fool said...

the dress from modcloth is a really great version of the alexander wang one!

and to answer your question, I have seen both Paper Heart and (500) Days of Summer. You must watch (500) Days, it's too cute. I'm kinda bummed i didnt put that on my list haha

Lexi Colby said...

wow! i am totally in love with both of these dresses, tres chic. :)

Sam said...

ModCloth - such a great interpretation of that design - I love it - I wonder if they're online? Will investigate!

Anonymous said...

so gorgeous! i was having a tightwad moment a while ago, but now i have no moeny all i wanna do is spend spend spend! im really depressed that i cant :(

Anonymous said...

oh what a cute dress! i want!

Anonymous said...

ooh I don't think I like either of those! :/

AX80 said...

Well, the color is indeed something that is desirable as it suits for day and evening wear. All I'm curious about is, which line this is from? T by Alexander Wang? Or another collection? Can't simply recall seeing this before.

roxanne said...

i love the way you write! i am definitely feeling a spending itch lately, i was recently writing a post about the craving, but i went out today and gave in to the urge, so i guess my tightwad moment has come, hah. beautiful dresses, both of them, but i prefer the wang confection, if only i could afford it!

J. said...

Drooling over the AW dress but I'm having a tightwad Tuesday myself, so I wouldn't kick the other dress out of my closet...

Lady said...

When I saw the movie Marie Antoinette, I noticed how she was always drinking or eating something sweet, and it seemed as if her dresses could have been candy as well. There is no doubt food inspires fashion as well as music.

E said...

The ModClotch ensemble is such a clever play on the original. I like that look!

Marz said...

Although the Mod Cloth one is lovely, I just can't get over the Alexander Wang one. The coffee colour sold me on it, there is just something so warm yet sexy about this dress.

All Women Stalker said...

If these dresses procreated, I'd love the offspring. Haha

o said...

i'm definitely plagued by a craving to splurge haha but i'm caught in a tightwad moment:) this is a great find! i love alexander wang, but i think i like the mod cloth version much more. thx for sharing!


Fashion Court said...

i ABSOLUTELY love that dress! fabulous find, dear! i think i may give in and buy this asap ;P

Angela said...

Both are cute. Btw, come check out my new pearl bracelet giveaway. : )

bananas. said...

you. are. goooood.

that modcloth is definitely a close copy for a much better price.

S.Elisabeth said...

Ahh I must say I am plagued with the splurge! There is something that only Wang has that is evident in the former dress that is sadly lacking in the save one (though it is a lovely dress nevertheless).

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I am obsessed with Mod Cloth for this very reason--so many cute & affordable clothes!
Thanks for the good luck wishes, obviously I'll keep ya posted ;)

Clare said...

Oh yes! I saw this dress at Mod Cloth! It is so gorgeous, eh? I would totally buy that (I actually like it better than Wang's)

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

So true about food! It is not just music- great finds as usual! And thanks for the getting rid of clothes tips :)

Anonymous said...

I heart the Alexander Wang dress. xo Mish


Anonymous said...

I feel like eating it now, yummy, must stop at modcloth soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying really hard to like the Modcloth version as much, but it's just not happening. The AW is more than i can actually afford to splurge... but let's just pretend :)


Love your thoughts! For me, music has never inspired my outfits. I'm going through this 70s rock revision at the moment, but my clothes definitely don't reflect that! :/

And I love how you can always find the designer's garments at cheaper prices!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

MizzJ said...

How was Marie Antoinette able to fit into those tight corsets with all the cupcakes she was stuffing into her mouth I wonder? Anyways, I have to go with the splurge version; it's the details and that color combo that really sell this one! The Modcloth one look frumpy at the waist even on the mannequin, which can't be a good sign. Perhaps you could do the cheap one IF you use a belt as well to cinch it in.

Stylista Fitness said...

good find girl :)

megara said...

so beautiful! i love that dress. and while we are on the subject of fashion and music...i have a hard time when my computer starts blaring music out of nowhere because someone has it on their blog. i know that's not at all what you were talking about, but i just think that.

have a great tuesday!

the style crusader said...

that is a good knock off... but definitely no where near as gorgeous as the wang. i would certainly have to settle for it though because i am super broke (doing a masters has sucked up all my money). they are both beautiful though. and i totally agree the first one does summon up feelings of a gorgeous warm coffee. xx

Schnappy said...

Hi! This clothes is very beautiful! I would be able to imagine it myself in a ball.
Do you like jewelry, if yes, I wait for you on my blog!
Have a nice day!

Chicago Chic said...

I agree, music and food both inspire clothing! I really love the colours of this dress, I think they look so classy together. I believe the 2nd one is every bit as good as the first!


miriam said...

that Wang dress is to die for!

joei ♥ said...

i love the alexander wang dress! but good job of looking for a cheaper alternative. it's so similar!

and true about music and fashion. they probably go hand in hand, inspiring each other ;)


Audrey Allure said...

i love the draping on alexander wang's v-neck dress; i would definitely splurge on that! :)

Marta said...

That Alexander Wang dress is absolutely to die for. Love the draping.

Posh Peach said...

Gorgeous dresses! I adore both. Thanks for the tip!

goodwillgirl said...

I have no boobs! I would have to pick the Wang because it would camouflage my tiny chest. ha

little luxury list said...

I have to say I am in love with the pleats on the Alexander Wang - I won't pay the price just yet but will lust on! Your pick is great as well!

Nina said...

Grrr, Erika! A confession ... I can never wear V-neck! I'm too flat chested!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I am absolutely in love with that Alexander Wang dress. Every time I see it I immediately remember Lauren Conrad wearing it. It is so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

That first dress is gorgeous!

Aline said...

the blog looks great!

i love them both...the alternative is really good!

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