
Tightwad Tuesday: Charlotte Tarantola Field Game Cardigan for Less

Kitty cats I truly cannot blame you for being upset. Here, we were all convinced that winter was on the verge of being gone for good – at least for this year! – when Staten Island Chuck silently said as much; only to be informed days later by Punxsutawney Phil that six more weeks of blustery weather was upon us! Being in Southern California, of course, I have absolutely no qualms about the extended stay of winter – in fact, I welcome it with open arms; but I imagine those of you being forced to trudge through inches and inches of snow on a daily basis are wishing that spring would simply rear its flowery face and remove you from your frostbitten misery.

Darlings, just because there is ice upon the ground is no reason that you must feel suffocated by bulky outerwear; merely create a premature spring all your own via pretty accoutrements, such as Charlotte Tarantola’s Field Game Cardigan.

Now, I will be honest, typically I steer clear of horizontal stripes myself, feeling that they are unflattering or masculine, yet even I have fallen head over heels for the bouncy vibe that the nautical red and white stripes proffer to the wearer; an adoration only made stronger by the ivory lace placket and brass button embellishments – two characteristics which make the aesthetic less rugby and more romantic.

Can you feel it my loves? The cool breeze washing over your face and tousling your hair as you stroll along the East Hampton shore; your bare feet making imprints in the damp sand, your upper half styled in the Field Game Cardigan. In the words of The Lovin’ Spoonful, “What a day for a daydream…”

But I digress; such a figment of imagination is not destined to become a reality, for the Field Game Cardigan, while charming in every manner of the word, harbors the nightmarish price tag of $118.00. Nevertheless, such a style is par for the course in bringing a splash of spring to your dreary winter wardrobe; therefore it is time to embrace the next best thing to Charlotte Tarantola’s Field Game Cardigan – and that is Parfait’s Stripe Lace Cardigan.

While sporting three-quarter sleeves as opposed to full-length ones, and adorned in coral and oat hues, instead of the red and white seen upon the Field Game Cardigan; at $57.90, the Stripe Lace Cardigan is every bit as capable of welcoming the sweet-smelling spring season into your closet, at a price much more friendly to the frugal fashionista!

Which role have you decided to undertake on this terrific Tuesday, kittens? Tightwad or spendthrift?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Anthropologie and Nordstrom for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Get Your Flirt On Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Debra Goldstein and Olivia Baniuszewicz’s Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart.


Cindy Whitehead said...

Love the red/white stripes!

Alice said...

I love this cardigan! The lace details makes it more special! You must be reading my thoughts...today I was thinking that everybody is wearing stripes these days, it is so boring, how could I wear them in a slightly different way...?

Did I mention that I love your new blog design? Makes me want to have a nice cup of coffee :)

Jamie said...

Love these cardigans! I know what you mean though, in SoCal, winter is great, but I do feel for all my peeps on the east coast who are dealing with all the snow!

Thank you for your sweet comment btw, it made my day!


Rock Couture said...

Love the Cardi!

Diane said...

such cute cardigans!!! i think i'd actually go with the cheaper version on this one.

Sarah Whitney said...

Hmm, I think I prefer the bargain one actually. I'm a lover of 3/4 sleeves, what can I say! And btw, you ALWAYS find such close matches!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Okay I don't usually do the stripe thing either but this is adorable!! My office is so cold somedays, this would be perfect!!!

btw I love your new layout!!

Sara said...

That is soo cute! I really want to DIY one now. If only the striped cardi I had was more fitted. meh. I hope that you are having a good Tuesday Erika :)

KP said...

I like the less better for once! Love the SI Chuck ref xo


I am going to have to be a spendthrift. This cardigan is adorable! I love it. What a great find Erika! xo


Faith J. said...

Hi there, great new blog design!

I too prefer the less expensive version, because of the shorter sleeves, lighter red (almost orange/coral), and deeper V, which makes a cardi more modern and not so grandma.


Jen Hsieh said...

aww the lace and the red/white stripes combination is darling. :)
i feel a diy coming along! haha

Denisa L said...

the cheaper version looks better;)

Posh Peach said...

What gorgeous cardigans! I love the lace detailing. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's weekend! P.S. Meant to tell you I am loving the new blog look!

Maddy said...

I actually prefer the 3/4 sleeves, so I'll have to go with the steal ;o) Besides the slight difference in color, they're practically identical! Great finds!

Rachel Scarlet said...

Hey Erika! Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's day! :P love the cardi. Love the colour and the lace. Makes it a perfect outfit for V-day. All lovey dovey :P XOXO! Love you!

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

Very cute!

Scientific Housewife said...

Cute but the inexpensive coral one wouldn't look good on me unfortunately :(

sara said...

I'm definitely going with the cheaper option on this one! I love the color and cut. Great finds!


ZANAH said...

Thx for your comment! I bought my vintage mink hat on Ebay for $25 so maybe you can look there too... hope this helps :) Mon Mode Blog

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I love your new blog look and this sweet and girly cardy!! :)

Couture Carrie said...

These are so gorgeous! Amazing finds!


Stephanie said...

I love stripes and the lace detail makes it really cute! I also like your new layout.

Unknown said...

The cardigans are so cute! I love the lace detail! Also, I am so ready for spring!!! We have tons of snow and ice on the ground here in Indiana, I bet it's a lot better in California! Our high temps are in the mid 20's right now! lol

Sharon Lei said...

Both are great pieces... but of course I'd love to save a few dollars.. so I'd go fo the latter. Hope you're having a fabulous day Erika!

It's a cool and sunny day in Hawaii!

xx Love & Aloha.

Aline said...

both of them are so cute...what a great alternative!

Aline said...

they are both equally cute...the second one is a great alternative!

Joanne said...

I actually like the look of Parfait's better, esp with it being layered with a longer top. It gives it a more youthful image. My vote's with Parfait.

Marta said...

That cardigan is so cute! Love the lace and the stripes, I can't stop looking at it.

Jen said...

Parfait’s is definitely my favourite! I just love this cardigan and think it'd look wonderful with jeans and a contrasting navy and white striped tee. A chunky gold necklace and cute birdy brooch would finish it off perfectly! As you can see I'm integrating this piece into my wardrobe with ease! :)

Ady Grafovna said...

Now if only there were a cheaper version of the navy...

Sootjeelina said...

NICE :D I might get it :D

xoxo Sootjeelina

Bonnibella said...

I steer clear of horizontal stripes too but I love the combination of lace and rugby. Maybe it could even be a DYI project?

Leia said...

Oh, gorgeous cardigan! I'm so sad about winter extending her stay. Is there some kind of 'sun dance' we can do to make the sun come back?? :)

Lorena @ The Velvet Report said...

cool cardigan with pretty details!..congrats on the new site design, looks super cute..

Anonymous said...

Whooo- Love that cardigan for less!
Hey, Congrats on being featured on IFB!


Sherin said...

These are both so adorable! I do prefer the Parfait one. The three quarter larms make it look so much cuter.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Erika, I soo agree - nautical stripes equal summer (and on the upper half of the body horizontal normally isn't too bad, is it?). And this time I would definitely go for cheaper and coral. Great find!

roxanne said...

being from staten island myself, i'm still standing firmly by chuck's prediction, but we'll see..

it's crazy how similar these sweaters are!

Lauren said...

im loving your new layout!

Alicia Lund said...

omg i just went shopping this weekend and spotted this adorable sweater at Anthro and died! i resisted buying it but now i am tempted to buy the cheaper version! ;) xoxo

Raquel said...

Lovely cardigan and great price!


Audrey Allure said...

such beautiful cardigans! and i love the new layout :)

Samantha said...

I'm thinking the cheaper one looks better! So I'd definaitely go for that one ;)

How do you FIND these?!?

ellie said...

such an adorable cardigan! Thanks, I'm glad you Ravi, too! =D

Sierra said...

I love the combo with stripes and lace...so beautiful, I am definitely in love!

Leah said...

I will choose the bargain this time... I love the length of the second cardigan and the color is more muted.

Happy Tuesday Erika! xoxo

liz said...

This look is adorable. Still a little pricey for my budget, I'll have to wait for a Forever21 knockoff :)

Emily said...

I love both cardigans! But I like the second price better ;)

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm a cheap date.

Fashion Court said...

erika, you are totally reading my mind! i saw that cardigan on gigi's blog and fell in love with it! i think i need to order the nordstrom version!

ps: just wanted to let you know there's an award waiting for you on my blog! xo

Anonymous said...

I just love cardigans and the lace and stripes on this one make it so unique and lovely. Plus the colors are so pretty. Great post!!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

I actually had to check those cardigans multiple times to spot any differences! WOW!



Devea said...

Those are such classy looking cardigans! And just when I thought I couldn't spend anymore money.....

tinypaperheart said...

stripes + lace. what a lovely combination. :)

Josie said...

JEALOUS of your SoCal weather... I'm wearing all the cardigans I can right now! Love this one -- I agree about horizontal stripes, but have found that on open cardigans, especially with thinner stripes, they can be quite lovely. I ADORE this lace.
xxoo Josie

fadetoblack said...

gorgeous cardigan!!

J. said...

Tough call! I like them both! It makes me want to add some lace to one of my plain black cardigans just to dress it up...hmmm...

Clare said...

Okay, seriously, Erika?? Be my personal shopper! PLEASE! You are nothing short of amazing at finding awesome stuff and for cheap, too!

Anonymous said...

Stripes are always so hard to igure out, but here they look lovely - and I do like them both, perhaps the second one more so.

dancinginchiffon said...

what a pretty cardigan!

Cara Kuhl said...

I actually like the coral stripes better - great for my wallet! :)

And wow, I took a little blogging break this weekend and came back to a new you ;) ~ the makeover is lovely!

Kelley Anne said...

What an amazing cardigan. I love the lacy details.

Kathryn said...

I love the cardigan, and your new blog design!

The Anthology said...


I'd much rather be a spendthrift but alas I'm in tightwad mode.


Viva La Fashion said...

at first i'd thought you'd posted two pics of the same cardigan. but when i looked closer i could see the difference in the buttons. its really hard to tell. plus i love saving money and looking cute.

bananas. said...

whaaat?!!! you are getting better and better each week! that is a good match. i love the red and white stripes with the lace.

MizzJ said...

Love the new look! It makes your blog look more unique. Hmm I'd have to go with tightwad this week b/c I actually prefer the coral color and the 3/4 sleeves! I think the overall effect of the cheaper version is much more feminine.

Analisa said...

First of all, I am obsessed with stripes. Second, my favorite color combo is red and cream. And the third, the lace just makes it 100000x prettier. Too bad I'm cheap and $58 for a cardigan is too much for me, haha.

Amber said...

ahh I totally saw this in stores today!!

Victoria said...

That's such a cute cardigan ! :) And yes, I agree "I know, I know, I know" is an awesome song ! :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

I loooove cardigans! The last one is so cute. MISS YOU. We need to catch up! xoxo

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Great find! I love the Spring colors but like you horizontal stripes sometimes scare me!

Unknown said...

Thank yu very much. I add you too. Kiss. Love the cardigan, so cute! Kiss

Schnappy said...

Oh, I am envious, I want it!

Helen said...

oh i love both of them but they're still sadly too expensive for me! haha. the woes of being a poor student.

Anonymous said...

i would LOVE to have the one in red!

i recently bought one from zara that looked like that.. doesn't come with lace though

little luxury list said...

Love your pick even better dear! That cardi is going striagh on my wishlist!

Andie said...



the healthy ghost said...

Love the cardigan!

Miriam said...

Love the cardigan. Striped tops are my wardrobe staples and signature garment. Love that they are finally back on the fashion agenda.

glee said...

the lace gave a vintage look. i've some red and white stripes myself. :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I am loving both of these cardigans! They are such great finds, Erika! I adore the stripes and the lace paired together. I'm going to be a tightwad this time and go for the cheaper version. Plus, I love those gold buttons!

Chicago Chic said...

You are amazing, truly. How do you do it? How do you find the most adorable pieces and then find an almost IDENTICAL bargain! I adore the bargain! I'll take it. ;)


naveen said...

you are great person i like you so much
i like it great post i love red

a friend said...

it was a fabulous post honey

Sara Lee Bentley said...

I just have to tell you how much I love your site and all the effort that goes into each and every post! You've made it really special.
Both of these cardigans are great picks, BTW! :)


daisychain said...

you officially rock at this darling.

E said...

I can't decide which one I love better...but you are awesome for offering me two options!

ediot said...

really cute cardigan!


www.janetteria.com said...

Oh, I want it.

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Howbeadyful giveaway!♥

Good luck!

Elly said...

What a cute look! I'd definitely take the cheaper version, though...actually, this is something that'd be a really good DIY project. Now to track down a striped cardigan...

Jessica said...

Wow! For once I prefer the cheaper version! I like the buttons more.

meig said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this cardi! I actually prefer the cheaper version of the two!

Anonymous said...

Those cardigans are to die for! So lovely!

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