Unlike so many locales boasting promising harmonious talent; Portland is one of the very few that nurtures an aesthetic which balances perfectly between grungy and glittering. A sense of atmosphere that allows one to cast aside their cares, mellow out, and fully and completely embrace their inner Penny Lane – shaking out their hair, trailing their fingers along the unseen air as they drive alongside the Willamette River, and candidly soaking up the creative culture. I hope you’re wearing your American Apparel Wool Floppy Hat darlings, for our road trip is just beginning!

From the moment you swing the front door open be prepared to meet your second family, for Three Friends Coffee House, with its basement-like interior, is destined to become your home away from home. A tiny stage sits snuggly beside a bar along the window, creating the perfect platform for the occasional jazz band to set-up and lull you into a caffeine-laced trance; while plush couches (a prime place for the techie looking to settle in and blog for awhile) sit atop roughhewn wood floors which add a sprinkling of rustic refinement to the atmosphere. It is the charming little picnic tables sitting out front, however, that offer the absolute best seating – and an ideal place for people-watching along 12th Avenue. Don’t miss the White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Latte…it is heaven on earth! 201 SE 12th Ave., Portland, OR 97214.

The quintessential Portland coffee shop, Half & Half retains a DIY-inspired design courtesy of the rotating art and wide array of tattered flyers announcing various events taking place around town adorning the walls; an indie blueprint made even more prominent by the haphazard jumble of various knickknacks for sale – such as buttons to commemorate your visit, which, oddly enough, you will find yourself incapable of resisting – sitting along the countertop. Yet it is the sunshiny, yellow ceramic mugs that your drink du jour arrives in that will put a spring in your step regardless of how gloomy the weather outside is! Come for the Espresso, stay for the Fluffernutter Sandwiches, Deviled Eggs, and Homemade Cookies. 923 SW Oak St., Portland, OR 97205.
Which of these Portland cafes would you like to cruise?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to We ♥ It and Tumblr for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Get Your Flirt On Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Debra Goldstein and Olivia Baniuszewicz’s Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart.
I like your new page set-up and I would love to go to Portland xo
Happy Monday Erika!
I love the cozy and homey feeling of the Three Friends Coffee House. :-)
P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Howbeadyful giveaway!♥
Good luck!
i've been wanting to venture off to the northwest for some time now. Crowsenberg’s Half & Half sounds like my cup of tea...errrr...coffee :P
i really could use some today. had some this morning that just didn't taste quite right.
i really like the wool floppy hat from american apparel! i live in a tropical country where it burning hot and i've been searching for a hat like that forever!
Awesome photos!<3
xoxo M.
Great Post...I love Portland (although I have not been in years) I would go to 3 friends, just cause I like the name :)
Oh gosh, I may have to start planning my america trip soon! Portland will definitely be on my 'To Do' List! x
Three Friends sounds awesome! I am totally in the mood to plan a road trip now! lol. :)
It's Three Friends Coffee House for me. Here's what did it - That tiny stage creating the perfect platform for the occasional jazz band. Perfection. I'd linger there for hours.
Three Friends, as long as the yummy snacks keep coming! xo
your new page layout is soooo cute. love it. :)
Yay for fluffernutter sandwiches!
Another fab post, darling!
Portland is my fave. I went to school in Eugene and we always went to Portland on the weekends.
Holy new layout! I love it, I've been thinking about changing mine, and this has officially inspired me!
this week I'm cruisin Crowsenberg’s Half & Half :)
Oh my, I lived in Portland for about a year a little while back, and I miss it so much. The culture is so unique. Thanks!!
And another thanks for stopping by my blog! Feel free to come again.
There is nothing better than Coffee!!!
you made me crave for sth yummy ;D
btw, love the new look of your blog- it's more clear *-*
The Three Friends sounds wonderful!
Ahh! One of my best friends lives in Portland, I'll have to see if she knows about any of these places!
That sounds amazing! I want to go to all of them!
I've always wanted to go to portland!
Luv these cafe posts!
Plus, I luv We Heart It pics!
A Happy post-Valentines to you, too!
Happy Monday sweet heart! I read the comment you left on sexylegsandbody, thank you sooo much!! U are such a sweetie, it really means alot to me! Portland sounds so cool! xxx
i've always wanted to go to portland too haha :p .. i'm baking homemade cinnamon rolls today so hopefully i can create my own little cafe atmosphere!
oh..wow, that hat. a 70ish thrill, for sure. I so want a coffe warmer mug now and I might could make one with the leftovers of a sweater a cut up for arm warmers and a hat. Thanks for the inspiration..and the note too.
Both these choices sound so good that I don't think I could chose--I'm also very hungry right now and could indulge in some baked goods in a heartbeat! Hoping you have having a wonderful Monday Erika!
xo Mary Jo
haha, somehow, Portland, Oregon, is making its way up my "to-go" list lol. It's adorable!
I was in Portland for about a week last summer, I do agree they have a great music scene haha. A lot better than where I live in California! These photos are so cute.
Oooooh, I love your new layout! How'd you do it??? :)
I want to visit these lovely shops! Portland seems like a great place!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment ! Your blog is absolutely lovely, I'll definitely come back for more :)
awwww i love these cafe posts so much. now i want to travel around the world sipping coffee and tea at cafes :)
i'm loving this new layout by the way, the color scheme is gorgeous.
Coffee, music, (and treats) in one place. A mecca, for sure :)
Girl, I am LOVING your blog! Thanks for visiting Lindsay Loves It All and commenting! :) I was in Portland this past August for the 1st time and really liked it. I wish I had gone to Three Friends while there. I did visit Voodoo Donuts (SO GOOD!!) & rooftop bar at The Nines Hotel (Very cool!)
I leave for a few days and come back to a beautiful new layout and all these new entries — love! It's so girly and elegant! Also I'd love to go to Portland at some point. I have typical places like NY and Milan on my list of must visit places, but I've heard a lot about Portland and it all seems to be good. I definitely should check it out and have a think about which songs would play the soundtrack to the moments in my life!
Thank you for the great comment and songs on my blog - I'm so happy to find your blog! :)
My heart is always in Portland. I also love how that cinnamon stick is in the shape of a heart.
Well, hells bells... it's a sign that you've been gone for far too long when you return to one of your fave blogs and the entire look is changed!! Love the new look, darling! :)
xoxo J
It's my first time on your blog and I absolutely LOVE it! You feature lovely things and I am a big fan of your writing style... Can't wait for more!
xxoo Josie
Portland is amazing, I've been there in the past to visit my relatives and there is so much there to explore! I love your blog too, thanks for stopping by mine. :) Can't wait to read more!
Portland is actually one of those places I'd love to visit. - must be the "indie rocker" in me! Hope you had a fab weekend doll!
BTW - Thanks for the info! I'm definitely going to check her site out.
Aww Thank uu !! ^^
I love soundtracks !! Wish my life would have one.. oh, I should make it myself ;D
cute post! hope you have a great day!
Oooh - I'm loving the new layout. It suits you and your blog %100!
And I love cafes. They're so much fun just to lounge around and do "homework" (I tend to drift off and start people watching, but shhhh...)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
i'm not so much a coffee lover but i love my chai lattes ;) love those pictures, so pretty, x o x o
Portland, OR is on my list of places to visit. The Three Friends Coffee house sounds like my kind of place since they have a macadamia latte!
that sounds so perfect! I love both those places, Portland sounds wonderful..I really want to go. The indie vibe it has draws me in.
Dear Cafe Fashionista, I seriously dislike you for ever bringing treasured places like these up on my radar, especially since I don't believe I'm going near Portland or the States in my nearest future... That is just plain mean!
P.S I might like you more tomorrow.
You always have the best photos! Love the knit cozy for that cup :) And LOVE your new *look*, so pretty
Hope you had a fabulous weekend!
The way you describe Three Friends, it sounds like a need-to-see. I'm bookmarking this for my trip to Portland this summer!
thanks!You have a fabulous blog, great post too :)xxxxxxx
A perfect post as I am planning a vacation to Portland :) Also, your new colours and layout are lovely! Great choice.
That white chocolate and macadamia nut latte sounds super yummy!
thanks for your comment. lovely blog you have there! hope you had a great Valentine's Day! xoxo
Ooh I absolutely adore the former cafe, as I'm always a sucker for those homey feelings =)
your elton john comment made you even MORE fabulous in my eyes.
Fabulous post and some really great info. Me? I am not much of a coffee drinker, maybe one or two cups in as many weeks.
Thanks for your lovely comment on my last post, I obviously agree with you on both your statements, Jasna is a fabulous person, and my wife is gorgeous, so yes, I am a lucky guy.
HOpe your valentines day was great, and hope your week started off well.
Oooo, amazing new layout! Reminds me of coffee for some weird reason haha. I love the sound of the first coffee shop -- Portland, here I come! Hope you've had an amazing weekend, girl <3
I want to visit Portland someday. I hear how it's such a cool town. And these drinks sound delicious.
Cool! Thanks for sharing. I visit Portland frequently and run to the nearest Starbucks! LOL. Next time I will stop by Half & Half! I'm surprised I've never seen it because I love Powell's Books and stop by everytime I'm in town.
Wow, both sound awesome! I was a mocha so bad now haha!
I love the new layout! Gorgeous. xx
White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Latte sounds DELICIOUS.
Three Friends Coffee House look intriguing!
OMG HOW LATE AM I OVER HERE? You changed your layout?!! Who did it? It looks amazing, E!
I like the new presentation of your blog, it's lovely ♥
Thanks for your comment. Love the coffees.
thanks for the coment and visit!!! i really like your blog!!! i follow!!!
Not only do wel like the same clothes, we both love coffee. <3
The new page it is really nice. Thanks for your comment. I'd like to add you to me blogroll, coul you also add me in your favourites? Kiss. Stella
The Three Friends Coffee House sounds fantastic, and more appealing to me. But being a major bookworm, I think it's likely to say that any coffee house near a great bookstore or two would probably have me as a fairly faithful customer :-)
Portland sounds like it would be a chill and cool vacation!!!
wow is that coffee for mee
Love the little cup warmer. How can it be so cute?
B* a la Moda
Hi! Thanks for coming by my blog! Your blog design in superb and the entries look cool... i'll get lost in there ;) Happy Tuesday!
Mmmm! Def heading for one of those cafes if I ever hit Portland =)
Portland sounds like such a cool place. I'm a huge music fan, so Portland sounds like a dream!
Three Friends coffee house seems really amazing. The interious does sound so comortable!
I'm embarrassed to say I live so close yet haven't been to these lovely places. I'll have to correct that...
My house was always the place for my friends and I to hang out! Actually, it still is. Haha! So the Three Friend Coffee House sounds perfect for me. It already has me craving some coffee!
I like the way written this article, your title and the content.
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