
Get Your Flirt On Giveaway

Don't allow the fact that we are living in the Twenty-First Century fool you ladies; we are just as clueless about boys as we were ages ago, only now we must deal with technological advances to create even more befuddlement. No longer do boys leave us little notes with cute cartoons scratched upon the surface, or write us love letters laced with ambrosial flourishes. Of course not; now it is all left up to text messaging. Please don’t get me wrong, kittens; I love text messaging just as much as the next girl. But when you’re exchanging flirty messages with a cute boy, it can be downright confusing to concoct an adorable note in 160 words or less that will get you exactly what you want. Don’t fret missy…texting with cute boys most certainly does not have to be synonymous with pandemonium. Debra Goldstein and Olivia Baniuszewicz’s Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart is the book we have all been waiting for. Small enough to fit inside your handbag, and a perky pink hue, Flirtexting gives you the inside scoop on combating the many messaging conundrums that may freckle your love life; while providing pointers to help you snag the boy of your dreams in just a few coquettish conversations. It’s the He’s Just Not That Into You of the texting world. And now one (1) of you lovely lambs has the chance to call it your very own! To Enter the Get Your Flirt On Giveaway: For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, February 18, 2010 at midnight PST. For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, February 18, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL. For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, February 18, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment). I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Friday, February 19, 2010. Good luck everyone! And yes, this Giveaway is open to everyone – U.S. or International residents! Fashionably yours! Thanks to Get Glue for the picture.


Melanie's Randomness said...

Oh Awesome!! I'd like a chance to win this! Sounds fun!! =)

I'm a follower of Cafe Fashionista! =)

J-ezzy said...

I love text messaging my man! Maybe if I sent him better messages, he'd be more open to texting, haha

I am also already a follower through google friend connect!

Emily said...

I am a follower!

and I tweeted..

Angelique said...

I want!! Plus it's pink :)

And I'm already a follower as well..


Angelique said...

I want!! Plus it's pink :)

And I'm already a follower as well..


E said...

I thought, no way is this a book. But it is! I don't know how many times I've been confused or confused somebody else over text. I need lessons, I confess.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

wow amazing, darling!
hope you have a beautiful Valentine's day! xo

Ady Grafovna said...

I am a follower and I would love to be entered for the giveaway. :) Thank you!

J. said...

Too cute! Love it!

glee said...

haha, talk about flirt ;)

oh, I would love to win this giveaway. hope i'll win this time.

have a happy weekend. :)

Melissa Blake said...

I heard about this book and have been meaning to read it!! Of course I follow you!! xoxo

Unknown said...

thanks for your comment! The cape was made by my mother. Kiss. Stella.

joei ♥ said...

oh cute! followed you already and posted this on my twitter, too :)

have a great valentines weekend!


Leah said...

You were the one who introduced me to this book but I haven't bought a copy yet. Hope I win. Hahaha!

PS... Erika, I am extending my stay for a few more days. xoxo

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I'm a follower and I tweeted:


Happy Weekend!

bowsnhearts said...

Woot! I love "He's just not that into you." so I have a feeling I would love this too!

Thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Hilarious! I seriously think I need this ;)


Couture Carrie said...

Fab giveaway, darling!

Happy weekend!


Sharon Lei said...

Erika... what a fun little giveaway.. and although I'm married, I love to flirt... with my hubby of course ;) Gotta keep the spice alive.. hee hee. Count me in.. I'd love to win. :) and of course I'm a follower.

I hope you are well dear Erika!! HUG.

xx Love & Aloha.


Haeley P said...

I'm a faithful follower/hopeless flirter. ;) I wouldn't mind having this!!!


zupu said...

Very funny! I'm not sure how it works but at least you could give it a try and see the consequences ;)

Unknown said...

this is great Erika. count me in. I have always been a follower.


Sara said...

lol how awesome! :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Sounds like a very interesting read!

Loving the new layout, by the way. It looks fantastic! :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

That book looks freaking AWESOME! Lol. Please enter me. I already tweeted about it and I'm a follower, of course. xoxo

Alicia Lund said...

hehe, this book sounds great! Happy Valentines day! xoxo

bananas. said...

Oh i don't need a book for that. I got my man and it wasn't the texting that won his heart ;)

Ha! Such a fun giveaway. Happy weekend!

Bonnibella said...

How cute and fitting for this day in age. Have a good Valentine's day weekend Erika and eat some cupcakes on my behalf.

Anonymous said...

Very cool book. I've never been that great at flirting period. Have a great weekend!! Your new layout is gorgeous!

Catie said...

This is such an awesome giveaway for Valentine's Day weekend! I am a follower of your blog. And I also am really loving your layout.

Monica said...

love the new look on the blog.

so fabulous!i love it darling!
love the blog, hence the reason i am following :)

sincerely the fashionista from thesilentswagger.blogspot.com

Denisa L said...

yeey,glad it's opened to everyone!
seems like a great book!!


Denisa L said...

yeey,glad it's opened to everyone!
seems like a great book!!


Angela said...

Love the new look. Have a great weekend my dear.

Maddy said...

This would make a perfect gift for my sis! Luckily for me, I'm no dating in this "flirtexting" age ;o)

BTW- Cute new blog header/ layout! I'm dying to get a new header...I just need to find someone that know how to do it. Did you do it yourself?

Unknown said...

I'm already a devoted follower... this book looks pretty interesting.
Love the new layout on your blog BTW.. take care

K said...

Haha, I love that you mention not only its size but its stylish color. True fashionista!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

That's such a cute idea! I'm curious to read it! xoxoxo

Victoria said...

Thanks ! Hihi, yea I try my best to have a great time here :P
OoO I know, texting can be sooo confusing at times, oh my god haha

Unknown said...

I am happy international residents stand a chance. I send my man atleast 3 text messages a day. A girl could do wih some help i.e the book.
I so hope i win it. Erica baby, You rock! I am a follower.

Sarah Whitney said...

Gosh, it feels so weird to know that I lived during a time when we didn't have text messages, this book cracks me up!

Jessica said...

Great idea! I'd love to read this one haha.

Jessica said...

I just tweeted it http://twitter.com/fashiondiva304/status/9034144034

Jessica said...

and I, of course, am an avid follower of your blog. Muah!

Anonymous said...

woah, look at you and your new layout! Have a great weekend! xoe ps- thank you for your super sweet comment!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

oh geeze! maybe this would help me snag a man! hehe ; )

Love te new layout!!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I tweeted! http://twitter.com/jointhegossip

Genevieve said...

What a cute giveaway!

Genevieve said...

P.S. I am already a follower!

Terence Sambo said...

Luv ur blog, i'm a follower and i've also linked to u, wld deeply appreciate it if u link back...keep doin ur thing :D

kumar said...

hi looks cute

i think this post is not for boys

Anonymous said...

This would be excellent for me, I never know what to say exatly. Thanks!

Becky Tjandera said...

Hi Erika ! Thanks for the package , it's so cute ! The apron is so lovely , and thank you for the candy ! We don't have anything like those here . Haha . Aww this book is interesting ! Count me in ! :) I've followed your blog !

Giovanna&Roberta said...

You're blog it's so pretty and stylish girl!
Thanks for your lovely comment..now we're following you..hope you'll do the same!

Anonymous said...

Nice post!;))

xoxo M.

Anonymous said...

awesome thanks for the great giveaway



Denisa L said...

I'm a long time follower:)

Denisa L said...

I tweeted too:)

Red said...

Iam a follower what a cute book idea!

Martha said...

i've become a follower! just stumbled on your bog today and you writing is beautiful :)
i think this could be a bit of fun too :)

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

SO EXCITED! haha :)

& this is so perfect for me, as I've just broken up with my boyfriend after a year and I'm now all alone on Valentines day... there's a guy I like but I never know what to text him, so this is PERFECT.

I'll keep all my fingers crossed! :)

I'm already a follower x



Nina said...

Happy valentine's, Erika!

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Love the giveaway! I'm a follower on Bloglovin'.

Style, via Tia said...

This is so cute I love it !!

Stylista Fitness said...

Love the new look of your site!!

Stylista Fitness said...



Stylista Fitness said...

follow you on google connect :)

Nikolett said...

Aww yay, what a cute book! Definitely a long-time follower of you, and I'll make sure to tweet about it in a bit :)

Nikolett said...

Oh, and methinks we already follow each other on Twitter, but I tweeted about it: http://twitter.com/_nikolett :)

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower!
That book looks adorable, and Lord knows I have no idea how to text cute boys :P

Jen said...

Oooh! How fun would that be?

Jen said...

And I'm a follower on google reader!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh this makes me giggle a lot. I would read this just for fun! BIG SMILES!



P.S. Following you now :) MUAH

Laura Gerencser said...

Sounds great!!!
laura gerencser at roadrunner dot com

Laura Gerencser said...

I'ma follower!!:):)
laura gerencser@roadrunner dot com

Emz said...

How cute! I'm adding you onto my google reader right now=)

Sunshine Sarah said...

Hm... this sounds interesting! :D

Sunshine Sarah said...

I twittered about it here: http://twitter.com/Aleka_Sarah

Sunshine Sarah said...

Aaaaand I also just followed you with google friend connect. ^.^

Punctuation Mark said...

Almost didn't make the deadline... texting with a man you like is the most exciting thing no matter what the text says... ;)

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