
Why Don't You...?

…put pen to paper and write a magazine article all about the glamorous person you aspire to be? Keep it on hand as inspiration. Who knows, one day it may be a reality!

…cast your schoolbooks aside and immerse yourself in the childish yet oh-so magical worlds of Peter Pan, The Little Prince, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Even better, pretend you’re one of the characters as you’re reading – I call dibs on Wendy Darling!

…devote an entire weekend to searching for perfection? Scour the shops for the little black dress you’ve always dreamed of, browse boutique after boutique for a pair of boots with the power to reawaken your wardrobe. Your mission, my loves, is to shop until you find the paradigmatic piece to complete you!

…find a quiet abandoned field and spend the day picking dandelions in a frisky frock like Madison Marcus' Engage Dress? Don’t forget to say the magic words after you blow each and every winter white whisker away…"Dandelion, puffs away, make my wish come true someday."

…order a Red Rose and Calla Lily or Fields of Europe for Spring flower bouquet and have it delivered straight to your door? If anyone asks, tell them they’re from a secret admirer. A very cute secret admirer.

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Dress of Your Dreams Giveaway for your chance to win the dress of your choice from Lulu*s.


Chicago Chic said...

Oh I LOVE you. Your blog is always filled with inspiration and just a whimsical and beautiful way to live life! (and always so well written, you are so talented!) I particularly love the idea to "put pen to paper and write a magazine article all about the glamorous person you aspire to be!" What an inspiration to be carefree and live life to the fullest!

I have to say that your recent comment on my post really made my day. Thank you SO much for the compliments, it means so much to me! Have a beautiful day, darling! :)


Anonymous said...

hi how are u doing

hey thanks for comment


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I love Le Petit Prince!

Josie said...

Love that picture. Your posts, especially the "why don't you" ones, are always so inspirational -- add a happy note to my days :) And in a week and a half, the schoolbooks ARE going to be cast aside in favor of a fairytale -- that's going to by my spring break reading!
xxoo Josie

Rachel Scarlet said...

Oh darling! Did I tell you I love your new blog outlook?

WEEEEEEE~ I just bought a little black dress. It is so Audrey Hepburn-ish. Always love the classics and its characters! Try acting in Midsummer Night's Dream :P


glee said...

wow, why don't I? haha! these are really fab thoughts :)

i love more little black dresses.

Rock Couture said...

Holy crap!!! What Inspiration...

LOVE This - put pen to paper and write a magazine article all about the glamorous person you aspire to be? Keep it on hand as inspiration. Who knows, one day it may be a reality!


Kristen Gillette said...

I always love you Why don't you...? posts. :)

Joanne said...

Great inspiration here today. Particularly putting pen to paper. Putting those thoughts and dreams into words has a way of giving them life, bringing them even closer. And we were just quoting Peter Pan the other day here in my fam - "Think wonderful thoughts!" Not a bad credo to have.

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous links, darling E!
Am especially loving those Golden Goose boots!



I am loving the idea of heading out into the fields in that Madison Marcus dress! xo


Anonymous said...

Haha I love the frolicking part! and ordering flowers to come to my door..would sooo do that haha

J said...

great inspirations!! i would love to spend some time and just do whatever it is i fancy up!

Anonymous said...

Im really liking your new blog layout - v pretty!!

Im feeling quite inspired to write things now hehe it'll be interesting to look back in a few years time and see if my aspirations came true :D


wulan,lemonzest said...

lovely inspirations..
lovely post



Sara said...

All of these sound lovely! I think the first one is a great idea, I really should do that.

That engage dress is really cute! I love the shape and the color. It is unique and I really like that.

I love how your kitty is "the boy" lol. I call my kitty Mary "girl cat" all the time. :)

Ameena said...

How inspiring is this post? I wish I could toss my laptop and work aside and go do all of these things, especially watch The Little Prince!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I really like the first, second and fourth one. I think I'll do all three!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Yes to all of these! I love the magazine article one especially. And the new article of clothing? I just bought the cutest ankle boots and I can't wait to go out now.

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

Another beautiful post full of so many quirky, lovely ideas :)
I love number three!



Marta said...

I love love love the lists on your blog!

Denisa L said...

love that Madison Marcus dress

Anonymous said...

oh i would! if only i could step away from my schoolbooks for once and relive my childhood fantasies, alice in wonderland is my absolute favourite!

and spend the entire weekend looking for perfection? please. Im on some training weekend blergh!

Alicia Lund said...

Oh I'm totally putting pen to paper tonight and writing a magazine article! I've also been wanting to make a vision board lately... I'm a huge believer in positive thinking and dreams coming true. xoxo

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I would love to be able to forget about school work for the weekend and just go shopping. Wouldn't that be fantastic?

I'm loving those boots, by the way! Perfect!

K said...

So as soon as the page loaded, I seriously thought I was looking at Taylor Swift. lol

Love, Youa said...

you always have lovely ideas. anyone who thinks they are bored should read your 'why don't you' list. it really sparks inspiration and ideas. :)

ellie said...

Very inspirational! Thanks for the feedback too.

Mariana said...

Alice in Wonderland while picking dandelions truly sounds magical! :)

Maddy said...

I have another twist to your last suggestion of having flowers delivered. Every year, I order a bunch of Daffodils from the Daffodil Days hosted by the American Cancer Society. I love watching them bloom over time and I especially love that the proceeds go towards finding a cure for cancer! It's a win/win for everyone :)

Here's the URL for more info:


KP said...

love these xo

Sherin said...

I love reading books about magical places! Its so much fun letting my imagination run wild! And I think devoting a weekend to finding perfection is a great idea...I do need a perfect pair of heels.

KP said...

love these xo

Jen said...

Spending the weekend hunting for the perfect LBD sounds like a good idea to me! That's my weekend sorted for sure! :)

Mara said...

reading childrens books is one of my favorite things! I want to live in their magical worlds!!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Red roses and LBDs... Love all your ideas and am sooo looking forward to Alice in Wonderland as a film!

Leah said...

Love the idea of sending flowers to yourself... I should do that soon.

Happy Wednesday Erika! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Well since I can't put away the books until tmrw, I decided to find the perfect addition to my wardrobe!

Love your little tips :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I adore you. Just thought you should know that. I seriously look forward to these "why don't you" posts every week. :)

And you know, every time I come to your blog now, I totally crave chocolate covered strawberries! LOL! Love it.

Clare said...

I want the golden goose boots! I just need $1,000...let me see if I have anything l I love that photo spread of Kylie! She is divine.

I hope you have a wonderful day

All Women Stalker said...

You know what I always wanted to do? Write a magazine-like interview of me. Something like "a day in the life of Meream" sort of thing. Haha. Egotistic much? :D

Emily said...

these are perhaps my favorite posts of the week! the ideas you come up with are mesmerizing.

mAdi*cakes said...

I am SO writing that article. :] Thanks for the inspiration, love!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

That is a good question- why don't I do those things??? :) I love these ideas!

Unknown said...

You always come up with such fun and creative ideas!

Bonnibella said...

I'll like to be Tinkerbell because I like to throw tantrums =)

Plus, I AM going to eat a few cupcakes today and forget about the Bridesmaid diet! I'll be thinking of you.

michelle_ said...

i really wish I could score the perfect LBD again.. I've got my perfect one since like 2 years ago (which i still wear alot today) and I wanna get a new one :D

many thanks for the sweet comments .
visit - follow - comment me

S.Elisabeth said...

I LOVE all your "Why don't you...?" posts, so perfect. They make me start imagining and daydreaming, and it's so lovely. I think I shall try my hand at the first one!

Anonymous said...

I always love these posts!
So very inspiring. :)

Rick said...

a reminder to always live life with wonder. thank you :)

J. said...

Flowers sound beautiful right about now!

Unknown said...

These are all just perfect suggestions, each one better than the next! Where to start? Hmm, maybe the flowers, it is my birthday next week :)

xo Mary Jo

ash le dugan said...

I really loe th first thing you said about aspiration...it's such good advice

Thank You...Your blog is fantastic and thanks for the compliment about Miroslava Duma...I looked her up and felt good about the compliment... Those storybooks are also faves of mine and I hink it is suc a coincidence beause toda I was thinking..."wow, i'm losing a sense of wonderul, childhood imagination" I got very upset lol


E said...

Oh I think a perfect little black dress is a life-long search. I have yet to find the right one :-)

Elizabeth Marie said...

I think I need a day searching for the perfect ensemble!!

Terence Sambo said...

Wisdom, surely noted. I'm definitely gonna write d mag article bout the fab person i wanna be :o]

la petite fashionista said...

i'm on the hunt for the perfect spring break wardrobe! when i see it, i'll know its perfect! i'm hoping it warms up..!

tam pham said...

i need to do all those things!

thank you so much for visiting my blog today :-)! so glad you did- because ive discovered your blog!


ps. i have a giveaway & Q&A in honor of my blogggerversary if you'd like to join in on the fun!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Ohh this is so sweet! Thought-provoking-positive indeed! I think every woman deserves a little fairy-tale role every once in a while. Considering the many roles that we women can already play, a little whimsical fancy role shouldn't hurt! :) xoxo Erika!

Sarah Whitney said...

Awww I loved picking dandelions when I was a kiddo.

coolboy said...

hey cool

nice to see you

how are u today


Anonymous said...

This sounds exactly like something I need to do. All of those things seem do-able. I actually have Charolettes Web (the old school copy) that I'm thinking of reading :)

L said...

Alice in Wonderland! Also, I love the first idea — I never thought of doing that. I'll keep it in my drawer.

Schnappy said...

Oh, beautiful dress! I like cartoons! :)

Jessica said...

I think I'll pop in "The Little Mermaid" on VHS and pretend I'm Ariel!

Marit said...

What a cute blog you have!I'll find you on bloglovin so that I can follow you:)

Anonymous said...

Pretty pic!

xoxo M.

Midtown Girl said...


Candace did such a fabulush job - isn't she the best!!!

Wow!!! Now CF looks almost as beautiful as you, Erika ;-)

Kira Aderne said...

I love her, she is so cute!

Unknown said...

this post has got me dreaming already, I think I might start my day with some writing and work my way down from that very first paragraph you just wrote: reading a fantasy story (which are my favorites), LBD, dandelions, flower bouquet!
"Dandelion, puffs away, make my wish come true someday."... loved it!

coolboy said...

you know i love animals
thats why our governments keep animals in Zoo

now i love Mona Lisa painting
Thats why france governments kept her in Museum

just kidding

thanks for comment
have a look at my new post

Heart Charlie said...

Thank you for the inspirational words of wisdom!! I will definitely try out the first tip asap. It would be fun to write an article on my fashion/glamour inspiration. It will help to remind me of my potential ;)

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I used to do the first one when I was younger!

Melissa Blake said...

I LOOOOOVE these posts! I just might pick up one of those books!

monica said...

you = #1 life inspiration

im going to spend this sunday scouring for the perfect new bag for the season...i REALLY need one

My Favourite Things said...

These are all such great ideas! Any of those would definitely brighten up my day. I've been meaning to re-read some of those children's classics.

Miles Of Style said...

ooh i only just discovered your blog and i think im in love already!

love the colours, the designs and your posts...esp your Diana Vreeland like "Why don't you" post!

pls drop by my blog when you have some time, and follow if you like it. have a lovely weekend!


The Trendy Fashionista said...

I love that picture. Great post as always. Hope you'll have a great weekend.

-The Trendy Fashionista

Wedding sherwani said...

Thanks for this great post. This is my first time I visit here and I like it very much. All the best!

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