Pam Brown

It’s an emergency of epic proportions; a crisis that will require an entire team of professionals to assemble around you and take your seen-far-better-days style and blindingly bad bedhead to a whole new level; a disaster that would snag you a spot on a makeover show without so much as an audition. Cut the dramatics darlings!
Don’t be alarmed, it has happened to the best of us; and if it hasn’t, mark my words, at some point in time, when you least expect it, it will. Nevertheless, such a catastrophe does not require one to rally up the troops for assistance; nor should it leave you turning to the dreaded sweats and sloppy ponytail. You may be short on seconds, but that is no reason to be short on style; do not allow minimal time to interfere with you looking and feeling your best. Being fabulous in a flash is possible my loves…cross my heart!

It is when we are in a pinch that comfort is key. Dolls, please bear in mind that we are already stressed out enough as it is, frazzled that we’ll miss the morning bus, or enter our lecture unfashionably late to the gulp-inducing glare of our Professor; therefore, ensuring that your ensemble du jour is resilient yet refined; posh yet pleasant; flexible yet fantastic, is essential for not just pleasing your inner fashionista, but your mind, body, and soul in its entirety.
♥The Fantastic Elastic Leggings are the jack of all trades to the fashion world. They manage to make appearances alongside everything from evening affairs to seaside strolls, flitting from event to event with effortless, enchanting ease, making certain that the wearer always looks her best; whilst forever guaranteeing that she is completely comfortable at all times. Hence the reason why the fantastic elastic known as leggings is the legwear of choice when attempting to style yourself in a snap!
G.K. Chesterton
This is one of those times when you are not trying to turn heads with your choice of duds for the derriere; rather, you are seeking a canvas for the flowy top that will soon be accoutering your upper half. Therefore, skip the showstopping prints and glittering sequins, and embrace basic blacks that hit at the ankle like Velvet’s Jordan Gauzy Whisper Legging or Wilt’s Leggings. The longer length will accommodate whatever form of footwear you decide upon – be it boot, pump, or ballerina; while the noir hue creates a nice, neutral balance for any color top you deem worthy of wearing.

♥A Tunic in Time Kitty cats please listen carefully to the words that are about to tumble from my Glow Baby Glow Sweet Talk-slathered smooch, as I’m only going to say them once…a wardrobe sans at least a handful of tunics is no wardrobe at all.
Walter Hagen
It may sound slightly unbelievable, but trust me, it is the absolute truth. Tunics are the one item of clothing that retain the ability to make one look ravishing even when she is feeling ever so slightly rotund. They are a style that keep one’s silhouette looking smashing regardless of how many Little Cupcake Bakeshop desserts you’ve devoured while browsing vintage shops in Brooklyn; and, in the case of being in a hurry, they are crucial as they make you look haute with little to no fuss.

♥Dress to Impress Darlings there is no finer way to show off your femininity than via a flirty frock. Coco Chanel once said “Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.” Such a proclamation is indicative of the power and importance of an uncomplicated frock to one’s wardrobe on a good day; but even on a bad day, when you’re in the throes of a time crunch, a dress can be the shining star of your look du jour courtesy of its simplicity and versatility.
St. Francis de Sales
Time and time again the dress will prove to be a best friend of sorts; a close, personal confidante you might even say. It will come through at a moment’s notice, and always make sure you look like a superstar. While the little black dress is a necessity once the moon rises, and the stars come out; when the suns rays are shining brightly in the blue sky, you want something a little more playful. Remember, your harried, scrambled state instantly makes you feel unglamorous; therefore, look for a powerful print that will brighten your mood the moment you slip it on over your head.

The ‘Do
It’s not going to happen, dolls, so shoo those thoughts away if you will. You may feel like you are the victim of an out-of-body experience by not allowing yourself to wash, blow dry, and either straighten or curl your luxurious locks this morning; but so much as attempting to alter your follicles under such a time constraint will only put you in a worse situation than you already are. No, today is the day to grab a bottle of dry shampoo, such as mark’s Mega Volume Next Day Spray, to reduce the appearance of grease, oil, and dirt; and get down to quick styling – the slapdash pony will not be seen today!
Chinese Proverb
The beauty of the chaotic chignon, most commonly known as the messy bun, is that it is all in the eye of the beholder; there is no specific technique to achieve euphoria in the form of a bun, it is simply created with practice. I like to begin with an elastic hair tie, pulling my hair into a mid-range ponytail, then, once secure, pulling my pony halfway through the elastic so that it sticks out in the form of a bun. Once this is complete, run your fingers around your hairline to pull strands out that will frame your face and create more disorder to your ‘do. Add a coquettish headpiece, like mark’s Petal Perfect Headband to liven up your look, or merely wear as is – either way is sensational!

♥Perky Pony Darlings you have not been forbidden from perusing ponytails in general; you’ve simply been warned against the hazards of the messy pony. The perky pony is in a class all its own. The perky pony sits high atop your head, swishing to and fro with every strut you take, a subtle wave to the world proclaiming that you are chipper from head to toe regardless of how jittery you may be feeling inside given your late start; thus the reason it is a wonderful go-to ‘do for those hustle and bustle days.
Winnie the Pooh

The Disguise
You may be the absolute queen of smoky eyes, or the master of sculpting perfect cheekbones with a few simple swipes of a makeup brush; but today dramatics are not on the agenda. You do not have the time to create a cosmetic look worthy of a fashion editorial; nor does this morning’s speedy schedule allow for you to try out a new style. Today’s mission is merely to make yourself look presentable to the outside world in as little time as humanly possible; thus, you will only be needing a few essentials from your makeup drawer.
Robert Updegraff

♥The Power of the Pout There is something about a pretty pout that will forever be alluring; and, as your mouth is the focus of conversation, you want to ensure that your lips look lovely through and through. Skip the lipstick this morning, and go for something slightly more subtle with just as many beguiling capabilities. When you’re in a rush your cosmetic crew consists of lip tints, glosses, and stains. Tints like mark’s Glossblossom Ripening Lip Tint give you a sophisticated hint of color with delicate shine; stains such as mark’s Kissink Lip Tintmarker provide a matte finish with long-lasting color; and a gloss like mark’s Pro Gloss Hook Up Plumping Lip Shine add a lacquered look to your lips. The choice is yours my loves!
Holbrook Jackson
♥Posh in a Pinch Never would I do that to you darlings! Never would I leave you without at least a few ensemble ideas to put you on the fast track to being fashionable in a flash. You may be in a pinch for time, but that is no reason to forgo your posh persona. These looks will keep you from having to do so; and give you a bit of inspiration for future speedy style!

♥Marc by Marc Jacobs’ Flutter Stripe Dress coupled with Dolce Vita’s Beam Platform Pumps in Desert. Pull your hair into a perky pony to embrace your sophisticated side.
♥Rebecca Taylor’s Positano Tunic styled over David Lerner’s Shredded Supplex Leggings and worn with 7 For All Mankind’s Beetle Ballet Flats with Ankle Strap in Black. A saucy side braid would work wonders for this look!
Lao Tzu
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Tumblr and Shopbop for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Dress of Your Dreams Giveaway for your chance to win the dress of your choice from Lulu*s.
This post is so relatable, and I dig your recommendations. Thanks!
love all the inspiring photos and your fab advice! Leggings rule!
this might just be your best post yet x
Ah! Fantastic post, as usual! I may have to buy the mark checkered top! Love your blog, as usual, and especially the layout!
stay classy!
This is such a cute post! Such helpful tricks. And I have to say....that girl in the sixth picture has fabulous hair!
I absolutely love the way you write! Really fun! I was smiling as I was reading and can wholeheartedly say that I too have been there and done all that :)
Holy crap girl.. This post is BRILLIANT> I love it!!!!
i love to write comment on ur post b'cos daily there will be something intresting on ur post
nice post a lot more to say but have to go now see u soon
Oh and lastly ... Thanks for the turn on to the Little Cupcake Bakeshop... Im dyin for some right now!!!
Erika, this is a really great post, wow! Wise advise as always! The colorful dresses are very beautiful!
I love when I wear dresses and people comment on how much time I must spend getting ready in the morning. I can't help but giggle - slipping on a dress and pulling back my hair is the easy way out in the morning!
love this post! and I must agree, leggings, tunics, and high pony tails are a "go-to" in a rush.
When I'm in a rush, the one thing I concentrate on is my hair. If the hair looks good, everything else falls into place! Leggings are so good when you're on the go.
This was one of your best posts Erika! Very informative and I agreed with all the points, especially about the self belting tunic so your shape isn't hidden. That is one of my problems when I wear leggings. They say you must cover your butt, but then I end up looking like a box because my shape is hidden under a long flowy top. You offer great solutions! Also, I should get some of this dry shampoo. Believe it or not, but I don't own any. I think the side braid can be so gorgeous. The only problem I have is when I wake up late it is hard to put my contacts in because I am so tired. I need LASIK! xo
I have a similar nail polish color than this last lipstick. Mhmmmmm. :-) I love it so much!
P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!♥
Good luck!
Darling what a GREAT post! useful advice and so much fun! wow.
I didn't believe in love at first sight until I saw the flutter stripe dress. So smitten.... Sigh...
Absolutely gorgeous post, darling!
Love those shredded leggings!
Lots of great ideas here ... I think, too, that a great scarf does wonders, with all its options, to dress up a rushed morning outfit!
Awesome post! Love it!!<3
xoxo M.
Yes to all of this! Wonderful post. It is definitely the story of my life. I must be obsessed because throughout the whole article I just kept thinking of mint candy apple nailpolish — I think I'm going to go ahead and paint my nails now!
I've never been a leggings girl but I might have to start when I go to a wedding in March that is all outdoors and it will be cold!
I usually throw on a blouse, it seems put together but easy
love your quotes, where do you find these?
Great post! I love all the pictures to give an image to the overall ideas you are explaining ;)
wonderful post. I'm often in a hurry in the morning. unfortunately too often. Thanks for the great help!
Love the new look Erika! Sorry I've been MIA lately ... battling illness and slightly depressed and letharic but I seem to be back on my game again! Great post ... although it does take some of us a little longer to get ready than others ... more to hide :)
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Gaahhhh! I want EVERYTHING you talked about. Seriously. It's like torture. Lol. I need to win the lottery asap.
Because I don't think I can live without those shredded black leggings...or that plumping lip shine. Sigh.
I hope your weekend is fab!
Darling this post must have taken you for.ever.
I loved it aall - you by far give the best tips and advice of all the blogs I adore.
Love the Winnie the Pooh quote!
Merci beaucoup for your lovely comment darling =]
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
you always have the best written posts. WRITE A BOOK! i would buy it haha. i love love love everything you just mentioned. and the ysl lipstick in the pic above smells like watermelon. mm
you always have the best written posts. WRITE A BOOK! i would buy it haha. i love love love everything you just mentioned. and the ysl lipstick in the pic above smells like watermelon. mm
Perfect tips! :)
I LOVED this post. Being someone who wakes up 30 minutes before her classes start on a regular basis (READ: every day), I'm always looking for tips to make it a little easier! My go-to look involves perfectly-fitting jeans, flats, and a cute cardigan or top. A little concealer and blush, flat-iron my bangs and pull the rest into what you've deemed the "chaotic chignon" (which is so fabulous I can't even handle it). I've taken to keeping a pair of earrings in my coat pocket and slipping them in as I powerwalk to class :)
THANK YOU for making my life easier!
xxoo Josie
Being fashionable in a flash! That is exactly what life demands from us. It takes me around 20 minutes to get ready. Every day I do it faster!!
B* a la Moda
Great post! I've definitely been in this situation before! I'll definitely take this advice for next time. Throwing on a cute dress is a great idea!
How do you know my mornings so well, Erika?!? But leggings, tunics and a fabulous lip colour will from now on save my day!
this is one of my favorite posts EVER! it has such great advice. it can especially be helpful for a college student who loves to sleep and would pick sleeping over putting together a fabulous outfit and flawless hair (read: me in the winter!) xoxo
I love the comfort and sleekness of leggings and a tunic, it's my staple wardrobe. However, I never thought of tunics with built in belts would streamline the body more than throwing on my own belt.
great stuff! Being in a hurry sure is like this.
My advice: take one lazy Sunday to peruse your wardrobe and try on different combinations for easy, chic outfits. Keep these in your repertoire for such a time as this, so all you have to do is a quick beauty prep and the hardest part of "What to wear" is already taken care of!
I adore every pictures !
Erikkkkaaaaaa!!! You've taken my heart away with that magnificent finger-licking-good writing!! While many do not need words, the one thing that many a fashion bloggers lack is the art of adding substance to the pictures they post using the power of words but girl, you seem to have it all!! It was such a treat reading this! I wish there were more fashion and design blogs with interesting reads as well!
I'm absolutely in love with your blog and following you!! :) xoxo
wooow, very big post, but I love it, great tips! :) you're always so inspiring, it's awesome to follow your blog <3. btw I like your new theme! Really girly ^^
take care dear, laura. xoxo
Your posts just keep getting better and better. :) This is completely my lazy-late-day uniform. As I mentioned on my blog, I have chronic fatigue syndrome, so I often sleep too late or need to conserve my energy. I love easy outfits and makeup fixed-- leggings + tunics, a chic updo, simple mascara, concealer, blush combo-- perfect.
Also, THANK YOU for finally solving my sea glass-colored nail color dilemma! I'm picking up this Essie shade post-haste. :)
Jessica-- great idea about the lazy Sunday afternoon wardrobe sesh. That's what they do on that funny British version of What Not to Wear (the one where they run around dressing American women and grabbing their bottoms?). They post pictures of the outfits on the closet doors so that they will be able to dress chicly at the drop of a hat. Brilliant.
I just can't phantom anything ripped at the moment in our cold cold weather. Funny, its last year news but at our school, ripped things were outlawed which brought an up roar. Its kind of funny when I think of it now. Anyhow, leggins are so great under a frock, plaid shirts or what not. Just something extra to protect you from the cold. Great stuff about gloss and protection from the sun too! oh, and Kip gets the call tomorrow!
I'm loving this post, Erika! :) It takes me too long to get ready so this is perfect for those days when I don't have a lot of time.
I'm especially loving all the mark recommendations. Fab!
arghhh I've been trying in vain to rip my tights but not very successful, I love the ripped leggings, might need to get me a piece of that! ♥
Oh gosh, this is my everyday lifesaver. Shall follow it religiously, thank you!!!
Haha, well thought out and interesting post. Certainly Magazine worthy :o]
Great post! These are perfect outfit tips, lovely. You clearly know my morning routine well. It is slow and way groggy!
I love the suggestions! (especially on the dress/tunic making an easy and polished outfit...) I agree, there are always going to be those times when you're in a rush but don't want to just throw on some jeans and a tshirt and call it a day!
Erika my dear, you summed everything so well... absolutely everything! I love this post. And there goes the side braid again... hahaha! I want one but I can't do it.
This post was fantastic! God knows I've had a few morning when I woke up and was like WHAT?! I have class in 10 minutes?! And I 100% agree, leggings are seriously a jack of all trades... I love 'em and I hope they stick around for a long time.
Excellent Post!
This is such a great post but I'm not surprised your post are always great. I love some of these looks and I love the pictures on the bikes. I want to buy a bike for the spring maybe? =)
Fabulous post my darling! I am absolutely loving all your suggestions. One way to instantly up the glam factor of a rushed outfit, gorgeous hair accessories. These are so useful cos they distract the observers from your less than usually pristine locks and are such a quick n easy remedy.
;ove it! And great advice! I wish my hair look like that le sigh...
One of my fave posts of yours ever! Such great tips! & that opening quote made me giggle - SO TRUE!
Darling girl! Oh my goodness, this is perfect for me right now. As you can tell, I haven't commented in so long because I've been SO STRESSED to the point where blogging seems less important! Thanks for the tips, now maybe I'll start looking more put-together even though I'm still sick!
Take care, and I truly appreciate your sentiments on my blog today.
Where oh where do I get dry shampoo in Manila ... Waah! We are always so behind ... but at least I find about these things from you, Erika!
saving this post for... pretty much every day of my life! i'm AWFUL when it comes to getting up in the morning which probably explains why my go-to is throwing on a dress and a ton of accessories 'cause trying to coordinate separates when i'm still have asleep would be sad! now if only i could figure out how to apply mascara while making coffee...
I'm not much of a makeup maven, but a pretty pout is something I cannot go out without...and leggings. J'adore!
Umm...amazing post!!!! I am so impressed by your advice, writing, and editing. Lovesss.
Oh, these clothes are beautiful! My favourite a 5. picture! I want these clothes! :)
Oh wonderful! Leggings and a tunic is my favorite go to outfit. Thank you for the tips on achieving the messy bun. ;)
thanks for beautiful comment i love your post
i like red color
beautiful blog
what a great post! i love the hair, the red dress and the scarf. oh, what else I don't love? you are such a fashion spy :)
Fantastic post!!! Women need to know how to pull themselves together when they have chosen to sleep. You rock...xo
This is a great post.. I love the ideas..especially the pony style with the pretty marc jacobs pretty
This is a great post.. I love the ideas..especially the pony style with the pretty marc jacobs pretty
i'm loving all the photos! I feel like my whole life is getting ready in a rush, so this is perfect.
i also giggled when i saw the line about essie mint candy apple polish because its currently adorning my fingers haah
amazing post! love the pics and the quote at the top is hysterical bc it's true xo
Love, love this post! All your suggestions were spot on - the pony tail, a little gloss and some fab shades! This makes the perfect formula for any day, really :)
This is sooo good, so true on my late days (or the days when the BF is hurrying me!) I am a dress girl for easy dressing myself and if I need to go in a hurry, I'm never without mascara...This is such a good post!
This is simply the best post ever. It's such a great guide to style and fashion advice. I'm about to go buy some tunics right now!
I love the ponytail picture! And I love the pink lipstick!
Hmm bedhead, huh? If only my hair will cooperate. Haha
Erica the quote made me crack up!! I agree about the tunics, I love them. They look awesome tucked in too, it was like I had a whole new wardrobe when I realized that.
I love tousled hair too, all the images that you have here are so pretty! Great post :)
The leggings you recommended look amazing as well as all of your other advice! I wish I could make my hair that pretty!
Love this post - I feel that I need to always have a go-to outfit for those days when I'm running late!
this post is much needed! i'll have to keep this in mind if I'm ever wanting to be lazy and put on a tshirt and black yoga pants LOL!
Absolutely fantastic post doll! I feel like I need to print it out and keep it by my bed for those mornings when I'm so tempted to just roll out and leave in my jammers.
Great advice and love your sassy way of writing. Great post.
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