
Why Don't You...?

…fall in love with a new boy every single day? There is no more thrilling feeling in the world than that of butterflies flitting about one’s tummy brought on by a crush; therefore, experience it 24/7!

…take a stylish bike ride through the quiet countryside? Wear foliage in your hair a la Victorian Hippie’s Stretch Headband with Swarovski Flower, and chunky heels like Joan + David’s Kendrix Suede Mid Calf Boots about your feet. Stop at little bakeries along the way. Who knows, you may encounter a handsome stranger who will sweep you off your feet while buying fresh-baked baguettes!

…turn your collection of beaming baubles into a work of art? Drape your dangling necklaces from pretty wall hooks; pin your brooches onto a lifesize dress form; and pour your rings and bracelets into dainty tea cups reminiscent of those present at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. No longer must you feel guilty for indulging in new jewelry, darlings – now it doubles as home décor!

…devote an entire day to baking cookies and cupcakes? Tie on a cheery apron, dust a little flour on your cheek for that coquettish touch, and hand-deliver your sweet treats to cute boys and close friends. After all, no one can resist a midday sugar rush!

…cast all cares and responsibility to the wayside, slip on your Oliver Peoples Chelsea Sunnies, and put the petal to the metal for an impromptu road trip? As Lao Tzu once said, "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving."

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Ring Leader Giveaway for your chance to win a Dort Crystal Toni Ring from JBandMe.com.


English Rose ♥ said...

I think you may have just planned my weekend for me!

Merci beaucoup for the super sweet comment ma chérie =]

Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x

Jennifer [Aspiring Fashionista] said...

I love the brooches on the dressform idea. There's a corner of my room that is aching for something, and I think that is a perfect option!


I love the last idea the best. Traveling! Great photo at the top. These are my favorite type of posts from you Erika! xo


Mom Fashion World said...

I can smell the Valentine scent already.
Yay, for the love and romance.

Nikolett said...

I'd love to do every one but the first one :) I have a box of jewelry that's begging to be used as home decor, and I love the smell of a home filled with cookie-and-cupcake aroma. And I'm dying for a bike ride or a road trip, as soon as the weather's nicer!

Hope you've had a great week so far, lady :)

SabinePsynopsis said...

Love all the ideas, though I don't know if I even meet a new boy every day... The only solution: Jumping on my bicycle and checking every bakery, pronto!

Anonymous said...

hahah love it, fall in love everyday!!

Sootjeelina said...

Like it, I looooove cupcakes, don't you?

xoxo Sootjeelina

Emily said...

fall in love every day? sounds good to me!

I love that stretch headband with the swarvoski flower!

Sara said...

I love these posts of yours! They are so fun! I want to do the baking and the bike ride :)

♥ Strim Vintage said...

Thanks for reminding me to do all of my favorite things. ♥

Ela said...

Yes to falling in love everyday! With the same guy though...that still counts right? :)

Islandia Lane said...

Love impromptu trips! Great list today!!

Cafe Observer said...

Are you serious about falling in love with a new guy everyday? In that case, you're sounding more like a guy!

However, I can fall in love with food everyday.

Sherin said...

Oooh, how much fun would it be to fall in love with a new guy everyday! And a cute apron would definitely make me want to bake more.

Guiltyhyena said...

Nice post many inspiring things we could do! Gorgeous photo to get you in the mood for one of these ideas! =]

Leah said...

I love that wooden cabinet for my baubles. And you know how obsessed I am with aprons though I can't cook. LOL

Angela said...

Cookies and cupcakes sound pretty good to me. : )

Laura Trevey said...

Wouldn't that be amazing? To feel those butterflies about your new crush all the time?

Nothing like a first kiss !!

xoxo Laura

K said...

Sigh. If only I could fall in love every day! Or even find a new crush every day. At this point, I will settle for lusting after Hugh Jackman, Jared Leto, and Hrithik Roshan.

Denisa L said...

next week I'm having a baking day:)

The Blonde Duck said...

Can I make cookies and pies instead of cupcakes? :)

Monica said...

great fur :)

so lavish.

sincerely, the fashionista from thesilentswagger.blogspot.com

Mara said...

all I want to do today is bake bake bake! Cookies and cupcakes sound perfect!!

noone said...

cuute. I do love the initial feeling of meeting a new guy and getting butterflies in your stomagh!

Jen said...

In my life of hectic working and drawn out car journeys, I would LOVE a day dedicated to cupcake baking in a cheery apron. I may even have a sick day just so I can do this!

Clare said...

Oh I love that first "why don't you!" I do love my boyfriend... but nothing beats those butterflies.

I hope you are having a lovely day, pretty!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! Also, your ideas of decorating with jewelry, baking cupcakes, and going on a road trip are all fabulous!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Such a lovely post. These are my favorite posts of yours. I want to do every single thing you suggest! I'm sitting here reading each one, thinking "yeah, why don't I?!". Lol.

It would be fun to fall in love with a new boy every day but sadly I don't think I know enough boys to do so...plus I think my boyfriend might be sad if I did that. Hahaha! ;)

Helen said...

i love the idea of devoting an entire day to baking! i have a cute cath kidston apron

Leia said...

Great suggestion! And ditto pretty much everything Jennifer said :P

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

The bike ride would be absolutely perfect right now. Although it's cold and the ground is covered in snow here, it would be nice to ride around and admire the snow.

Spending an entire day baking cookies and cupcakes would be too fun! I'm craving some delicious treats now! :)

Jessica said...

I always end up eating half the dough! But thats what I LOVE about cooking!

Lexi Colby said...

thankyou! i love this post, and what you write about is always wonderful. i love stopping by your blog... always makes my day :)


L said...

I am so desperate for a baking day! I have no oven here, so I'd have to go all the way to my cousin's in order to bake anything! I'm so busy lately, but actually a weekend over with her baking goodies sounds amazing to be honest.

The F Word Online said...

"…fall in love with a new boy every single day? There is no more thrilling feeling in the world than that of butterflies flitting about one’s tummy brought on by a crush; therefore, experience it 24/7!"

ahaha this is cute :) i cant even remember how it feels to have butterflies in my stomach lol. it's been a while since ive met a boy whose made me feel like i'm 15 again

xx lue

bananas. said...

Fall in love with a different boy every day? I know a lot of people that do that but not i. I'm too dang picky and i'm pretty sure the bf would not approve. Haha!

goodwillgirl said...

How true about travelling. We ate the last of our chocolate chip cookies today. Getting ready to lure myself into studying with a glass of wine. (Thanks for the comment on my daughter's pictures.)

Julia said...

A woman I babysit for has her house draped in jewelry. I absolutely covet her collection. I find myself distracted from watching her children because I am gazing at bowls filled with bangles, lamps decorated with brooches, and necklaces hanging off ever imaginable hook! I dream of decorating my room in a similar fashion!


www.janetteria.com said...

I'm crazy for the brooches. Those are the best accessories ever. :-)

jasmine said...

My dream house has scarves on tables, jewelry in bowls, dresses on walls and shoes on the shelves :)

J. said...

I like all these ideas! Especially the bike ride...

Cindy Whitehead said...

all great ideas - the boy a day was genius! (-:

Samantha said...

My favourite day of the week! I must say, I have tried some of your ideas with great pleasure. Some ideas I'm saving for Valentines' day <3

Tiffany Kadani said...

I think I will! Lovely list and great writing!

Bonnibella said...

I have to say I already hang all my jewelry like art, why spend all my time and money and not see it everyday beautifully displayed ;)

I agree falling in love with a different boy everyday will bring the butterflies, spark and fairies to my life everyday!

I love that you quoted Lao Tzu because traveling should be like a flower petal blown in different directions.

Jessica said...

I love bringing baked goods to cute boys - and coworkers! It's amazing how far a little gesture can go.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Le sigh...I need all of the above~ fabulous idea~ the scent of baking makes the whole house so warm&sexy!

S.Elisabeth said...

Ah all of these are such perfect ideas! I love the countryside bike ride, though sadly is far too cold to think of venturing outside to bike!

Nicole Marie said...

yes please to all of those!!
although i kinda love the boy i have now :)

little luxury list said...

Aaww I love the idea of turning my jewelery into works of art, esp. the mad hatter tea party. Sigh, sipping on gems - love it.

The husband wouldn't approve of a new boy every day, but the butterflies and excitement of new love are too awesome!

LAUREN said...

I can't wait for this rain spell to end! My townie bike is waiting for me to take a ride around my quiet little town - I love pedaling through the backroads lined with sweet little houses and lots and lots of trees! And oh my, that headband is gorgeous! If it wasn't sold out, I'd snatch it up right away :)

ZANAH said...

I love this very much!! :) Mon Mode Blog

Meg said...

I want to go on a road trip now!

tess said...

oo daily crushes, good idea hehe

Anonymous said...

Ooo, why don't we? I think I just will, sounds divvinnne!

Andhari said...

I'm hooked with your first point. Haha. I need a vacation somewhere with only girls, meet cute new biys there. Haha. :D

Lady said...

I would love to do all, and I possibly will. One problem - I have a boyfriend but he gives me butterflies 24/7 anyway hehe, and another problem - I don't have as much jewelry as I would like to.

Frannie said...

I am in love with your take on home decor darling! If only my dorm room had the space. You know what, I'm going to get the body form anyway in a smaller version and use my jewelry and accessories as decor. I have so many I might as well make full use of them!

Frannie said...

I am in love with your take on home decor darling! If only my dorm room had the space. You know what, I'm going to get the body form anyway in a smaller version and use my jewelry and accessories as decor. I have so many I might as well make full use of them!

Grumpy old man said...

Hahaha, lovely ideas...

Glad to hear about your writing venture, best wishes with that, I know you will do well!

Thanks for the kind thoughts you dropped on my post, really appreciate that.

Have a wonderful day!

Arushi Khosla said...

This is such a gorgeous post.

FashionJazz said...

Luv your posts like these!! xxx

FashionJazz said...

Luv your posts like these!! xxx

childrens jewellery said...

Great post! Really enjoyed the read

Audrey Allure said...

i would love to dedicate a day to bake cookies & cupcakes. yum!

COCAMIA said...

I love love the first and fourth! The two together, heaven! I cannot express to you how much I enjoy "Why Don't You" list!!! Thank you again!

Chicago Chic said...

Oooo I think I want to "…take a stylish bike ride through the quiet countryside, …devote an entire day to baking cookies and cupcakes..." and go for a road trip! They all sound amazing!!!! :)

Couture Carrie said...

Fantastic post, darling! So many wonderful ideas! Loving haute aprons so much right now!


Marta said...

So cool... I would like to do all of those! Except maybe falling in love with a different boy every single say. I get the same butterflies with just one boy...

Posh Peach said...

I am all for No. 4! I have been wanting a baking day to make yummy treats.

Cara Kuhl said...

love this post ~ it's great perpective on not taking life too seriously, and ensuring you make time for some spontaneity and beauty!

daisychain said...

oh such wonderful ideas x

Catie said...

I adore your Why Don't You posts :) I really love those Oliver Peoples sunglasses. If only I could afford them! That's totally something I'll splurge on once I graduate from school and (hopefully) get a real job.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

omg, I LOVE countryside bike rides!!!!!!!!!!! Great tip.

Katie said...

An entire day of baking! I like this idea a lot! x

Sarah Whitney said...

Yes yes! An entire day of cupcakes sounds a-ok to me!

Punctuation Mark said...

Done the cookies and cupcakes thing and now it looks like its turning into a business... the other ideas are pretty tempting...;)

Aline said...

yes, yes, yes!!!!

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