
Café Fashionista Featured in SIX7*8th Magazine

Kitty cats you know how much I adore my magazines. While I spend my days browsing blogs on the Internet, the moment night falls there is nothing I adore more than curling up with a colorful glossy, and flipping through the pages until slumber completely overtakes me. Hence the reason why I was so thrilled when Angie Rangel and Carol S. Rothchild, the Publisher and Editorial Director of SIX7*8th Magazine asked me to be a part of their Cool Careers series under the title Fashion Blogger for the Winter 2010 issue.

Despite the fact that I am long out of junior high (SIX7*8th’s target audience), I have been a huge fan of the magazine since its debut back in 2006, and even had the opportunity to be a contributor, and interview The Jonas Brothers for them a few years back; therefore I jumped at the chance to be a part of such a fun project! After what seems like years – but, in all actuality, was only a couple of months – the issue has finally hit stands! I am scanning the interview on here (click the images to enlarge them!); but do go out and buy a copy if you’re able, as the magazine is full of fabulousness that is sure to make you a forever fan – regardless of age!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to SIX7*8th for the magazine scans, and Tiffany Sorocco (my sister) for the picture of me in the sunnies.

Don't forget to enter The Little White Dress Giveaway for your chance to win the Aryn K Ivory Ruffle Dress from TheWhiteDressShop.com.


Chicago Chic said...

Erika that is so exciting!!!! You are amazing. :)


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS DOLL! You are fabulous!



Amber said...

Congratulations Erika! Great Article!! I hope we get to a read a book written by you soon =)

Anonymous said...

wow thats so exciting! congrats!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

congratulations darling! amazing! xo

Francy said...

Congrats! I've never heard of this magazine before. It looks like a fun one!


Diane said...

ERIKA THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on your feature!!! :)

Midnight Cowgirl said...

So cool! Congratulations!

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

I'm sooo proud of you! Now you're a real blogging celebrity!!! :)))) xxx

Daydream Believer said...

OMG, Erika! This was the most fabulous thing ever! I'm so proud of/happy for you!! You go, girl!

Rick said...

Erika, I am sooo happy and proud of you!! This is great news and sounds like a great opportunity! :)

Elly said...

Congratulations, Erika! That's so amazing...what a cool opportunity. Very happy for you! :)

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

CONGRATS! This is amazing! & you definitley deserve it gorgeous :)



Maddy said...

This is beyond awesome, Erika! I so enjoyed reading your Q&A answers. I think you stand out among the blogger pack because not only do have an impeccable blog etiquette, you're so thoughtful and genuine in your responses! I especially enjoy reading your comments on my blog. You're definitely a "friend in my head" ;o) And if we didn't live cross country, you'd surely be a Real Life friend too! I'm so glad you're living out your dream. And I'm so happy for the opportunity to get to know you a bit. You're definitely a beautiful person - inside and out - and you deserve nothing but great things! Congrats, my friend!! BTW, young Erika is just too cute for words!

Sara said...

Erica!! I am so happy for you! This is very exciting, I am so proud!! What an awesome accomplishment, you are such a great inspiration to me and to girls everywhere. :D :D

PS- I am a magazine freak too, I will check for this one at the store this weekend!



Congratulations Erika! I hope you really do turn this into a book. You are a fabulous writer. xo


daisychain said...

Oh WOW, congratulations hun x

J. said...

This is so cool! I think you are an amazing writer and love that you're published! Very happy for you!

Alice said...

Wow! Congratulations, you really deserve it! I will definitely buy your book when it is out :)

Alicia Lund said...

AHH!!! So exciting!! That's awesome, you go girlfriend. :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

CONGRATS! How very exciting :):)

Tiffany Kadani said...

That is amazing! You are amazing and I am loving every bit of it. You should be my next interview! Seriously, you are so talented and amazing.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Congratulations Erika! Love, love, love the picture of fashionable little E. and all your tips are very relevant (4 hours/day? I agree). I don't know if they sell the magazine in the UK but I'll look out for it.

tess said...

congrats! what a great little interview. you truly deserve to be spotlighted, you run a wonderfully written, designed, and informative blog, plus you're soo devoted! wow, 4 hours daily! :)

Rock Couture said...

Congratulations Erika! You are my Hero & Inspiration :) xoxoxo

Leah said...

Congrats Erika... this is just too awesome. If only this magazine is available here in the Phil, I will definitely buy it.

I love your dedication... I am your biggest fan! xoxo

Josie said...

SO exciting -- and completely deserved. I love, love, love your blog. Bravo!
xxoo Josie

www.janetteria.com said...

WoooooW! Congratulation, Honey! Totally deserved, babe! ;-)

Elizabeth Marie said...

Congrats honey, that is AMAZING!!!!!! You're so fabulous.

Rachel Scarlet said...

woah! This is so awesome Erika!! Congratz! I am so proud of you!!!! :)

Couture Carrie said...

OMG how freakin awesome is this, E? You are the BEST! And this feature is just gorgeous, like you and your blog!


Jessi said...

How fun, congrats!! Miss your blog and your loveliness... I'm still playing catch up in Blogland ;)...
xoxo J

Nikolett said...

Aww yay, congrats Erika! -AND- you got to interview the Jonas Brothers?! Well, I say talking about you, your blog and what you're into is a lot more important hehe. Such a great feature, hopefully you'll get to inspire lots more ladies with this :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting!


class act said...

That is soo exciting. Congrats, it sounds like a cute magazine and wonderful opportunity. Best of luck!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! That's awesome!!! Congratulations. :)

Don't forget about my giveaway!!!

Arushi Khosla said...

Um, you interviewed the JB? *FANGIRLLL*

I love my Guns n Roses and Muse but I've always loved the JB :D It's kind of odd, actually.


You're awesome and now they've acknowledged it too.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

SO awesome...and much deserved!

Joanne said...

Congrats to you ... What a wonderful tribute to your blog and a great way to inspire young women to follow their own passions and dreams! It's a great message for that audience. Raising my coffee cup in a toast to you :)

little luxury list said...

Congrats famous lady! Just remember those who know and loved you in the beginning!

o said...

omgosh, this is exciting, erika! congrats on the feature! i enjoyed reading the interview:)


Giovanna said...

How cool! Congrats!!!

Elaine said...

Ahhh!! That's awesome!! Congrats!!!

Enter to win a women's Orient watch!

Jen said...

Such HUGE congrats, dear Erika! Very pleased for you. xx

Denisa L said...

congratulations sweetie!I'm so happy for you!

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Wow, that's really cool. Congratulations Erika. Ah and I almost forgot, I passed the One Lovely Blog Award onto you! Come check it out :)

-The Trendy Fashionista

Andhari said...

GOOD FOR YOU :) wow I'm happy for you, you're such a rockstar.

Sherin said...

Oh my gosh!!! That is so cool. Congratulations!! It's so good to see a fellow blogger in the pages of a magazine. It's definitely very cool.

Devea said...

Congrats! So amazing and cool!! :)

Giovanna&Roberta said...

Wow congrats giiirl!
And what about your comment on our blog?? It was so lovely!You're too sweet and yeeeaaahhh spring is coming! (And Daphne is so happy that you like it!)

Giovanna&Roberta said...

Wow congrats giiirl!
And what about your comment on our blog?? It was so lovely!You're too sweet and yeeeaaahhh spring is coming! (And Daphne is so happy that you like it!)

ellie said...

This is a great surprise. How sweet. Love the cover and the article abotu you too. Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

wow, how cool! congrats!

Scientific Housewife said...

Congrats, that is awesome!

Emily said...

that is awesome, Erika. You deserve such an exciting honor.

Roxanne said...

Congratulations! What a lovely article! xo

Maria said...

That is SO COOL Erika! Congratulations! You my dear are an inspiration :)

xoxo Maria at www.BachmansSparrow.com

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS TO YOU! How exciting!

Melissa Blake said...

ERIKA!! You are a rockstar and my IDOL!! I've been trying to pitch to the mag for a couple years now (I've written for Discovery Girls before!), but have had no luck...any secrets?

Shop N' Chomp said...

Erika! Oh my gosh, you look adorbs in the article. =) Congrats, babe!!

stylecomb said...

Congrats! great article!

Claire Kiefer said...

So exciting!! I love tweeny and teeny stuff. Lately I've been reading young adult lit for our teacher/student book club and it's just so wonderfully nostalgic! Teenagers are the most fascinating creatures on the planet. :)

p.s. I wish I had more time to read my magazines . . .

Anonymous said...

A lovely article and I love your layout of your blog! Keep doing what your doing:-)

Leia said...

Congratulations Erika!!!

Clare said...

WHAAAA?! Well, as if I would expect anything different from this amazing blog! How wonderful, how delightful! I am SO SO SO happy for you!

Christen said...

Congratulations on the feature! So great!

Unknown said...

That's so wonderful--congrats!!! That mag looks so cute even if it's for teenagers.

xoxo Mary Jo

Nubiasnonsense said...

Yay!! That is totally awesome so happy for you! Its pretty neat you liked them for so long also

Julia said...

Congratulations! You are a lovely blogger and definitely deserve it!


Jamie said...

Oh Lovely Girl how fabulous you are! You deserve this!


MizzJ said...

Holy crap congratulations!!! This is super cool and I cannot believe you interviewed the Jonas Bros!! Talk about having a cool life lady :)

Elle said...

Yayyy you're famous! That's seriously awesome Erika! I'm telling you one day you are going to be HUGE (hugely famous that is) and I am going to be able to say... see this fabulous cocktail ring on my finger, well it was a pretty much a present from that superstar... :) xo

Angelique said...

Yay for you, how exciting!!!

Robyn said...

Erika, that is a great interview! I'm many years out of middle school, and I adored it. How exciting! I can't wait to hear more on that book you have in the hopper... I would read it, absolutely!


Unknown said...

hello how are u doing oh congratulations you deserve it

Anonymous said...

congratulations that's great news ,

Sharon S said...

Hi there-wow congratulations thats really great for you!!

Samantha said...

Wow! Congrats!!

I hope more offers come rolling in.

That magazine needs a re design tho :/ they're using no no fonts!!! They should hire me! haha.

dasha said...

how exciting, i wish i'd have a copy!

The Blonde Duck said...

CONGRATS!!! You deserve the attention!

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

eeep how exciting! i adore your blog, congrats!!!

Christina Lee said...

VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!

English Rose ♥ said...

Yaay Erika!! Congratulations darling its so well deserved - how exciting!

Merci beaucoup for your lovely comment on my blog and for actually reading the post!

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

Yulia Rahmawati said...

congrats girl
I wish someday my picture can show up on the magazine as well

Iva Messy said...

WOW!!! Erika! That is so super exciting!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend!!

Audrey Allure said...

Congrats on the feature!! So well deserved :)

Jessie77 said...

very cool! Congrats

My Delusional Mind

Cindy Whitehead said...

Erika - that is so cool! Great article on you. You deserve it - you are always writing amazing pieces for your blog and are so creative with all your thoughts and ideas. So Awesome!!

Xisca said...

God, can somebody be more lucky? Girl, you're georgeous!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

This is so cool, Erika! Congrats! :)

glee said...

wow, such lovely interview girl. congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

hi erika, congratulations for u,,
u're such a nice and great bloggers.. i deserve to get that..
and i love u just like the others..


Tights Lover said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations. You deserve it!!

Mara said...

aw how exciting! congrats Erika! xox

Closet Cravings said...

Hey Love,
How awesome are you? Uh, very awesome. I hope you got an extra copy so you can frame it and put it on your wall. So happy for you. You're like a celebrity, only cooler. Congrats! =)

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Erika!! This is sooo sweet, dear!! There's nothing like getting featured in a printed media actually! Congrats and you totally deserve it!! :) I'm catching up on your blog posts after quite a while since I've been busy enjoying the spring break (as you will see on my facebook and blog!)but hey, I am reading every word! :) Much love!

nicole said...

Congrats on the interview/feature! I definitely think you should turn your blog into a book because I'd be first in line to buy it! You are awesome at what you do Erika, so keep it up! xo

Unknown said...

HOW EXCITING!!!! ;) CONGRATS ERIKA, YOU ROCK AT WHAT YOU DO!;) def an inspiration. xoxo

Fashion Court said...


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