♥…perch a pretty tiara atop your head and scoot off to the corner store? Do not allow yourself to become flustered should someone question what you are the ruler of; simply give them a coquettish wink and proclaim…“my destiny!” It is, after all, the truth!
♥…save retail therapy for tomorrow and instead go berry picking? Discreetly stuff your mouth full of as many as you’d like, allowing the juices to stream down your face and stain your fingertips!
♥…dig out your old Baby-Sitters Club books, burrow under piles of blankets, and read them cover to cover via the illumination provided by a flashlight?
♥…play detective and solve your own fashion-inspired mystery? Investigate the bevy of Balmain booties at a blissful Beverly Hills boutique; examine the Erin Wasson X RVCA Give Me Rapture Sweater you’ve had your eye on for ages; sift through the selection of sass & bide stunners at the exclusive shop down the street. You’re not obligated to buy; but doing so would be the ultimate victory, Miss Super Sleuth!
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Tumblr for the picture.
Don't forget to enter the Real Fashionistas Wear Aprons Giveaway for your chance to win a fabulous retro/vintage apron from Christa Taylor.
I am all for picking berries in a tiara. Sounds like so much fun! xo
love this post. i wish i had more "balls" to do the tiara thing. ;)
I have always wanted to wear a tiara but you know how it is with my boys... I will be doomed for life. Hahaha!
Happy Wednesday Erika! xoxo
Did you know that The Babysitter Club books, which are currently out of print, will begin to be republished later this year? It seems they'll have a whole new youth market for them again!
I really like the tiara idea - thanks
LOVE this. My grandparents had raspberry fields on their farm, and picking is one of my favorite things to do in the summer... And I will absolutely use this to inspire me to find a handsome stranger :)
xxoo Josie
omg i used to be obsessed with the baby-sitters club books!!!
Baby Sitter Club books!!! I used to love those. That is such a great idea. Why don't I do that?! Thanks for these fun suggestions. :)
i might have to wear a tiara tomorrow... :)
i'm getting out my tiara right now!
This post put a great big smile on my sore throat face :) thank you!!!
My stumble did a HUGE rumble when I read the words 'berry picking' ... ohhh, how I would love to do that soon! Always adore your Wednesday lists <3
i'm going to try and lock eyes with a stranger. i'll tell you how that goes. :)
PS i'm visiting portland this weekend and am taking your list of coffee shops to visit with me. :)
As much as I love my sisters, I can't wait for some alone time to hunt down a new pair of sandals!
I loooved the babysitter's club! I totally want to bring out my old books now :)
Always solving a fashion-inspired mystery...always.
Thanks for the well-wishes last week. Much appreciated!
The Babysitter's Club...wah! Good times XD
haha I always lock eyes with handsome strangers- it's a nice way to flirt while remaining a good girlfriend :) haha. And berry picking- so cute! I love doing that.
hi darling. thanks for stopping by. always enjoy your posts.
i loved the babysitters club books so much when i was little. those and sweet valley high.. haha!
i hope youre having an wonderful week darling
xx ediot
im absolutely in love with this post...so adorably delicious
Divine post, darling!
I want to go berry picking!
I would absolutely love to go Berry Picking!!
Duuuuuude, I wonder if my Mom still has my BSC collection??
omg babysitter's club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we have such similar taste in the dorky stuff we loved/love as a kid ;) hehehe
I wanted to be Stacey so much. I think I read every BCB book.
also when I was little, I wanted to be a detective (lol!).
...i gave you an award on my bloggie :) <3
these lists are always so great! how do you come up with these?!
Hot men, berry picking, and baby sitters club? You are speaking right to me! I love these posts so much!
ohmygoodness all of these are amazing darling! you hit the nail on the head! And man I would love to lock eyes with a french cutie here and have it turn convo over deux cafes on the rue de la blah blah blah...sigh
I love eating berries while actually picking, I mean you can't blame me, it's hard to resist!
I loved Baby-Sitters Club growing up (of course they were way past my era) but they were involved in the many hand-me-downs my sisters provided!
This made my life:
"♥…perch a pretty tiara atop your head and scoot off to the corner store? Do not allow yourself to become flustered should someone question what you are the ruler of; simply give them a coquettish wink and proclaim…“my destiny!” It is, after all, the truth!"
the baby-sitters club..what fond memories...yummy boots too!
oooh, a tiara. I must get a tiara! :-)
some Balmain for me please;)
1) Does not everyone wear a tiara all day, every day?
2) I was ADDICTED to the babysitter club books. Ann M. Martin was a major reason to why I became a writer.
3)I've got a new one for your Why don't you: Why don't you create a waffle bar for supper--with every topping imagineable? PB, syrup, fruit, strawberries, blueberry syrup, caramel, ice cream, chocolate, butterscotch, M&Ms, skittles, fried chicken...whatever!
I am definitely going to lock eyes with a stranger. It'll be fun.
And I love berry picking!!
berry picking is my total fave! I want to learn how to make cobble with my fresh berries. That would be divine!
the tiara idea is adorable and berry picking is such a fun adventure!
Gorgeous pic!:)
as I am on the East Coast, why don't I take a ride down to DC and smell the cherry blossoms, and grab some crabcakes in Maryland along the way.
I think I will (thanks, Erika! :)
I love this post!
I totally broke out an old Babysitters' Club last year--hilarious!!! :)
Oh my! Baby sitters club I use to collect them and had over 100 books, I just recently gave them all to my 10 year old cousin, passing on the tradition.
i think i'll do all of these! great post as always!
Berry picking sounds awesome... it's gorgeous here today!!
OMG berry picking! I used to LOVE doing that when I was a little kid. I distinctly remember eating SO many unwashed berries one time I got sick hahah. Oh dear.
ooooh locking eyes with a handsome stranger sounds SO perfect right now!
sorry I haven't been commenting or visiting lately - I've been sooooo busy! But I've just had a read of all the posts I've missed and they're absolutely amazing, as ALWAYS :)
i love digging out my old sweet valley high books. so much fun.
You always have the most fun ideas :-) I would love to rock a tiara sometime...
#1...yes please! Ohh la la :)
Hope you're enjoying your week!
Ooh. Such fabulous suggestions. Totally reminds me of childhood in some ways. Well the berry picking part.
Berry picking used to be my favourite! :)
I could go for a good Nancy Drew novel!
thank you for the suggestions. they were just what i needed to brighten my day. they reminded me of the coco chanel quote "a woman should be two things: class + fabulous". thank you a million times for the push i needed. besos gabriela xx
You would not believe how crazed I was over the babysitter's club. (or maybe you would :) )
I think I've read pretty much ALL of the books ever written in the series or any associated series. Just adored Ann M. Martin :)
I would totally rock the tiara in berry patch look too :)
okay, so I was just trying on a dress for Friday night and I totally want to wear a tiara with it! :D
I really can't decide which feature of yours is my favorite, but I really love these. I think you would be great at writing short stories :)
Erika! I loved the Baby-Sitters Club books!! I think I read them all!! I wish I still had them!!! hmmmm maybe I can see if I can dig up any!! {did you see the movie? ;) } Hope you had a lovely day!!! Good night lady!! May tomorrow be totally awesome for you!!
Love the comment about the tiara, and we are rulers of our destiny. If I had a tiara, I'd be out the door in a second.
I've left you an award at my blog! :)
Loooved my BSC books. I totally wish I still had some.
id definitely do that berry picking thing (would save alot of my budget..) but sadly, no berry farms here in indo :(
the weather is just too shot to grow berries !
hugs and kisses ..
glisters and blisters
Hmm number 1...I'm very curious about your love life, Erika. Hahaha
What a fun post! That photo is fierce too! I'm really liking the 4th suggestion, it just brings back fun memories of imagination and the days when life was more simple! :)
Love ya, have a good Thursday Erika! Thanks for all your sweet comments this week too, ALWAYS makes me smile! ♥
Lovely post! Such a fabulous blog
lock eyes with a handsome stranger? haha! I'm ocassionally guilty of this ;)
hahaha baby sitters club.. love it!
baby sitters club hahaha love it!
AHHH Babysitter's Club-- THAT brought back memories!
Such great ideas, Erika! I'm counting the days until I can go berry picking!
Lol! Oh my! You brought back great memories of the Babysitter's Club! Remember they had a show back then too?! Good times!
Berry picking is like nothing else. So, so wonderful. xo
How about reading Babysitter's Club (and Sweet Valley High?) in a tiara? That would also be fun!
Your guest post is up now: http://sognisorrisi.blogspot.com/2010/04/getaways-guest-blog-series-erika-of.html
Have a great day!
Haha, I remember reading the Baby Sitters Club. Oh those were the days.
As always, I adore your Why Don't You posts. I haven't thought about the BabySitter's club in ages! I loved reading those books when I was younger.
my inspiration! as always! just when i was getting bored by my own mundane boy issues - you come to my rescue with another fabulous post!
locking eyes with a handsome stranger is what i'll be doing...
Omigosh, I was addicted to the Baby-Sitters Club books. To the point where I tried starting my own... didn't succeed at all, but it was a fun idea! :)
xoxo J
Hahaha, I actually wore a tiara to the grocery store once. But it was my birthday. :P
lol "take out your old baby sitter's club books"!!! haha i haven't thought of those in YEARS! Thanks for the flashback ;)
I love number one!! I wish that would work in real life!!
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